Cy Vance w/ ADAs etc, One Police Plaza top cops in my case the Bloomberg de Blasio administration have been covering up crimes in this includes top Internal Affairs brass ditto Jeffrey Epstein w/ Top Sex Crimes, they were and they continue to cover up not just our cases but many cases they make it impossible to report crime including involving their own.... with NYPD committing heinous crimes -- we can see that they get picked up in Long Island embarrassing to FBI and IA if they're capable of any embarrassment...? I guess they never heard any allegations of against an internal affairs Lieutenant Who is also a sex crimes lieutenant who was raping underage girls it happened to live in his Long Island house and sexually assaulting them in his NYPD car...?
What about the NYPD cop Michael Dowd that the IA and FBI knew was working for murderous drug dealer and again only when he was arrested in Long Island did they do anything.
|  |  | |  |  | @KirbySommers Weinstein hired Black Cube, Jeffrey Epstein (Ghislaine Maxwell in loop?) hired Howard Rubenstein, my case Dr Andrew Fagelman volunteers I allege Joe TACOPINA broke laws violent threats Gaslighting + others Yelp lied I doctored video.NY NYPD DA etc w/ media players silence victims | | 7/11/21, 8:05 AM |
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| A link to the letter (see photographs) there's a letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint to the attention of Detective Andrew Dwyer and it signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos he's (Burgos) in the database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest so why would detective Dwyer get promoted to the NYPD FBI task force? He took part in a misogynist he crime his division the detective squad was well aware of a cunt threat to turn the tables on me and they acted on it and that qualifies them to become part of the FBI task force?
ask top nypd ia Prosectors ASK FBI ask enablers like chief Pulaski and chief Boyce etc
Dr. Andrew Fagelman Trusted the NYPD the
way Jeffrey Epstein trusted them?
Don't forget John Miller's role Prospect Park rape case and when he's finally forced to apologize FBI the New York FBI on Twitter praising him enablers, clueless or willfully obtuse...?
After Ray Kelly comes Bratton then James O'Neill -- Some of the same cops that excepted free rides on a federally funded Cessna to use as their Uber in the sky for free -- including Iallege chief Boyce Who protected sex crimes bad lieutenant Lamboy as well as all the criminals in my case and allow them to be promoted or keep their jobs along with top internal affairs chiefs all these administrations ongoing
Look up sex crimes Lieutenant McAteer look up sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboy.... McAteer was also a lieutenant an internal fares covering up how many crimes with his boss is knowledge Ditto for Lieutenant Lamboy?
The Manhattan DA One Police Plaza have sex crime units I believe the FBI does to the US attorney does but more often than not there looking away?
In my case I alleged James Toomey participated in cheat to win that he knew his client Dr Andrew Fagelman was going to go in Lie that the attack did not happen on his property that his junior lawyer was going to stock up Styrofoam cups to mark the violence to mark my patient rights in my body Violated and most of all that his representative was going to ask if I was going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD.
It's one thing as a lawyer to say OK I'm gonna do the best job I can to defend my client but it's another thing I believe it's a crime when you are party to your client cheating to win committing perjury you know you're conspiring because you look at the victim and they don't have any value....
In the film spotlight just like in real life I can hear them oh the church has done so much good though thrye any excuse to make their clients Crimes go away but if you cross an ethical line I believe it's also a crime.... is it?
Photo of me hours before I'm savagely assaulted a hole punched in my retina including sexual assault-- That sign my attacker she doesn't remember the name of Women in blue in medical clothing in the YouTube she lied that the receptionists weren't there before and after the assault she lied a lot but she said she remembered that sign so did she have a connection she and her boss dr Andrew Fagelman any connections to bill Rudin Howard rubenstein and the Retired NYPD commander on Rudin payroll I caught trying to make a ticket going away he also wanted me arrested for protesting that we need a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village not luxury condos.
Remind her Jeffrey Epstein hired Howard Rubenstein to lie and trash his victims Rubenstein also powerful connections to NYPD TA he may have been one of the players that made phone calls for fixing and favors for Jeffrey Epstein...???
I found this in court filings I'm sure people will use it someone already asked me where I found it will she credit me I find most people take my work I need to bury it or steal it and don't credit me.
When I'm passing out this flyer protesting top NYPD brass who walks by to go to the police athletic league luncheon but Dave Paterson Who doesn't seem blind when it comes to me it's like I'm a magnet and he walks right over to me to defend his wrongdoing in the Dave Johnson case his best friend 6 foot nine the only honest people in Albany resigned...
It was decided to keep him in power of course it's always about money and deals so he donates how many thousands to the police commissioner Misogynist Corrupt police commissioner that erases sex crimes
The state of New York the city of New York, misogynist New York has a lot of Teflon men and women club members
.... on the cover of the first book that I wrote on corruption on the crimes vet is a map of New York City says "misogynist central" inspired by Jeffrey Epstein who called his massage room massage central...
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Lawsuit re: NYPD culture rape, sodomy, sexual harassment!Travelers James Toomey appointed Rajika to join Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks mock me the violence #patient rights VIOLATED.1 concern re-appeal my lawsuit against NYPD? DrF bragged trusts NYPD investigate… |
6/16/21, 10:20 AM |
Check out my Suzannah B. Troy blog at the top I tell you about 911 tech corruption called ECTP psac1 PSAC2 Hewlett Packard who knew the third defense contractor how they got the contract very shady interesting but they are grossly over billing they open the floodgates on stealing prosecuting them would be bad for the New York pensions they had to be protected at all costs so they were no rest and they were allowed to return 10.5 million taxpayer dollars less than pennies on the dollar zero Arrests
versus my case I agree to false arrest two times no one investigated how the woman who punched a hole in my retina repeatedly Violated my Patient Rights in my body got my name and the doctor and she lied under oath they lied and lied they cheated to win and they were protected at all costs and when they told the truth it was so damning like she was never told to turn her self in just me and I was only to be false arrest it on Saturday which corporation Counsel has admitted but try to justify it in federal appellate that they were going to arrest her too but my attackers confirm she was never going to be arrested only me!
Dr Andrew Fagelman never interviewed Delita Hooks for the job never checked her reference -- why would she lie about her nicknames Dee and Delite ???? When I called the doctors office from the precinct and asked the name
of the woman who punched me I was told her name is Delite.
Why would the doctor not interview her for the job and when he's asked if he had sex with her he said no and made a face like he's repulsed?
Did he lie about that too was it like a bill Clinton semantic game? What is it about her and sex that repulses him enough to make a face of disgust?
He wasn't disgusted by the violence they never apologize they walked in and commit more crimes committing perjury even about my doctor lying that she moved out 4 to 6 months later when she moved out two weeks later and three people from her office confirm that.

By the way we have a pandemic in the hospital is even need it more than ever there is no trauma level one hospital in the West Village thanks to greed and stupidity. it took me over five years to copy the letter (because I never gave up ) that the NYPD Det Squad, IA the CITY OF NEW YORK CORP COUNSEL withheld cheating to win the goal to lie protect the cops protect the doctors office; detectives withheld this letter but never ever gave up, 5 YEARS LATER I got this letter and if you scroll down the misogynist link you'll see it!!!!!!! I will get justice even if I'm not a life to enjoy it I will get justice however long it takes and the longer it takes the worse it reflects on the city of New York the state of New York in our federal government as well as how many agencies that pass the corruption back or worse were enabler's have even more crimes!!!!!
Before Brad Hoylman became a politician he was a lawyer for ultra rich and those people that were crushing our community like taking Saint Vincents hospital and making to Rudin condos inspired my phrase "oligarchs of New York" and who is on their payroll retired NYPD and who caters to them the NYPD in Manhattan DA they make donations they could commit any kind of crime like I alleged Dave Patterson the accidental governor witness tampering in a spousal abuse case that qualifies him to be invited to NYPD Dermot Shea's police athletic league lunch and who worked for the PAL Howard Rubenstein meaning he the Manhattan DA and NYPD top brass had a very cozy relationship...
I alerted city counsel Margaret Chin and brad Hoylman but they were catering to Howard Rubenstein his wishes to push through Rudin luxury condos no trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center and who did Jeffrey Epstein higher but Howard Rubenstein to erase rapes
There she is with NYPD police officer Eugene Schatz -- The first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs (IA Corrupt) favors for the Mercer Hotel special preferential policing and it may be for a hotel that Epstein had money in and he and Ghislaine Maxwell were definitely good friends with that owner at the time Andre very good friends....!
Nine years after reported this abusive dirty cop he was finally arrested how many times that he flashed his back and got away with breaking laws?
I discovered it was shocking I made a video he is Facebook Friends with the detectives that openly broke laws in my case and they've all been protected they conspire to violate my civil rights so the FBI and the Fed should step in did they have they? They conspired with the doctors office to make this go away. How did I discover that they were Facebook friends NYPD's legal counsel at One Police Plaza refused to except service in my lawsuit in New York State Court... so I looked on Facebook for the first time and I had to make a YouTube I was so shocked.
I found out from a source that the first precinct they collectively knew that there was going to be crimes committed to inside their precinct that they were going to teach me a ball buster a lesson and they were openly going to break laws and violate my civil rights to do it and they've been protected for how many years.
To do that it was arranged for Delita Hooks to FALSE false cross complaint! Window Tacopina cause I'm guessing only he could be stupid and aggressive enough and he worked for the Brooklyn DA who said how many Black men to jail ---
had a protective letter he wrote threatening me with a second False cross complaint repeating his threats to me minus can't to turn the tables on me using a fake account on YouTube again I believe this is a federal offense to go online and threaten a victim of a crime that included by the way sexual assault all erased!!!!

LOOK AT THE DATE!!!!! The New York Times refused to pick up on this in fact they were doing their own public relations for our dirty Corrupt and Misogynist DA! How ironic I have a YouTube confronting him like I did Sheldon silver! I confronted Sheldon silver in front of the courthouse but it gets better I confront Manhattan DA Cy Vance in front of NYU law school and why was he there he was having a Lovin with two more corrupt players Rose Gill Hearn in charge of protecting Mike Bloomberg's reputation her fake title head of Dept Of investigation but she made sure they were no arrests no criminal prosecution of anyone representing companies tied to the New York pension involving open stealing 911 tech aka ECTP and I contacted her over and over, the other love-in key player inside NUU law school Cy Vance was with the US attorney Preet Bharara who claims he did not know about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell -- I guess he doesn't read the New York post...
Bharara and Accidental governor Dave Paterson get soft landings at NYU who I call a estate magnet using higher Ed as a tax shelter and the president ran down cutting a long line to testify that Mike Bloomberg must have a third term ask him if he had any knowledge of Howard Rubenstein Jeffrey Epstein Howard Rubenstein Bill Rubin and if they were connected to NYU along with how many NYPD retired NYPDDA any special relations any other soft landings...?
Preet Bharara claims he didn't know about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? He had no idea Jeffrey Epstein hired Howard Rubenstein?
That ignorance qualifies him to be a professor at NYU?
Dave s Paterson I allege to Connected to lucrative deal thanks to his fathers connections his fathers achievements his Teflon so perjury and I alledge witness tampering spousal abuse for 6ft 9 inch best friend Dave Johnson that qualifies him for a job at NYU