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Google YouTube Misogyny Harassment No Ads allowed Video Bloomberg NYC Rape Epidemic so I remove all ads from YouTube

Google YouTube Misogyny Harassment No Ads allowed Video Bloomberg NYC Rape Epidemic so I remove all ads from YouTube https://www.youtub...

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩ ⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩ youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!

Wikipedia Page Suzannah B. Troy 6 yrs after Misogynist Cyber Vandalism, Censorship via Deletion on a page about Censorship, Bloomberg 3rd term, NYPD Rape Cops Joe Tacopina etc. Wikipedia Agrees to return PDF before Cyber Vandalism and Deletion


Saturday, May 6, 2017

NYC Under Threat of Terror Attack but Top NYPD Took Kick Backs From Greedy Contractors 911 aka ECTP

NYC Under Threat of Terror Attack but Top NYPD Took Kick Backs From Greedy Contractors 911 aka ECTP

The city is infrastructures are so dilapidated  that rain or anything else can just shut down the city anyway and many of us remember the first terrorist attack firsthand we didn't need to see it over and over on the television set ---  The city is a mess and I would guess number one terrorist target would be trump towers, Penn station, possibly a series of attacks including the subway, maybe even Grand Central, and possibly the freedom tower.

The NYPD have behave like criminals they been corrupt as hell burned community relations except for rich people look at fixing in favors and a few people who've been lucky enough like I used to be not to know what's really going on which is their breaking laws left and right and taking kickbacks whether it's thousands of dollars worth of gifts or just lavish meals other perks are not supposed to take.

The city gone to hell in a hand basket in so many ways  and it's inevitable there will be a terrorist attack and I hope John Miller would quit and leave like he was supposed to the end of last year we don't need anymore of Bill Bratton's crony  friends on the payroll  with Mayor de Blasio literally trying to buying votes and loyalty  by putting everyone  that he likes on the payroll he's buying votes the cities going to go bankrupt at this point between cronyism, corruption  New York pensions.

If I was mayor  I'd be trying to get money back on many tech contracts under Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg they were open season to steal and the biggest corruption is 911 the top cops taking lavish gifts  contractor stole taxpayer money over bills delivered late and delivered crap!   Those $60.5 million was returned and that is pennies on the dollar or even less with zero arrest because we have a corrupt cowardly dirty DA   So if there's a terrorist attack and the 911 system collapses I hope they prosecute Cy Vance  and top cops and officials who protected corruption like to heads up Dept Of investigation Rose Gill Hearn and Mark Peters  everyone involved and retaliating against me another whistleblowers.

The retaliation against me  regarding 911 is in my lawsuits I could use CTP and look at the front page of my opposition to dismiss in federal court and in my lawsuit New York State Supreme Court and I'll be talking about it in depth in my appeal in the first division.

NYPD on high-alert after ISIS magazine calls for terror attacks

NYDN  reported on the tip of the iceberg a Google New York Daily News and NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd

 Also for over achievers  you will learn about  Verizon and Hewlett-Packard paying back the city $60.5 million without any arrests and guess who some of the lobbyists are I believe George  Arzt was the lobbyist for Hewlett-Packard to leave contractor we should've paid us back mega mega millions in damages because they open the floodgates delivering late in delivering crap it's kind of like Rudy Giuliani and his deputy mayor's  turn lobbyist for SAIC with a push like trucking plans with Mike Bloomberg's help as they overbilled mega millions and they pay back 600 million which was not enough as far as I'm concerned since he overfilling and crap started on your birthday but everyone's Teflon and I was threatened with false arrest if I didn't drop charges for running punched my head G I wonder why?

FDNY Ditch Tech part of ECTP 911 Mess FYI 911 Crowley A Fraud Cy Vance Crook Top NYPD Graft

Ray Kelly rewarded cops that were fixing crimes like I was a victim of he promoted Chief Dowd who was not qualify and was taking lavish gifts as were many other cops and Ray Kelly to slipped away he promoted them like Chief Banks is another example, chief Marino fixed crime I can't tell you what gifts he took from people but I can tell you the gifts he took ripping off taxpayer money giving himself NYPD private security for his million dollar house while I went on a honeymoon with yet another wife he got courtesy of the New York City Police Department a subordinate let's see how long that marriage lasts?  Marino was caught taking human growth hormone that this was A guy who did fixing crimes Chief Esposito special friend Chief Esposito lied  for him trying to cover  why he use the human growth hormone and why he wasn't punished like the others.  Remember Marino was "fixing crime" he kidnapped Adrian Schoolcraft and put him in a psych ward and he was protected and protected and protect it just like the criminal cops in my case are protected now by Zach recorder and our current mayor and reminder

Chief Marino kidnapped Adrian Schoolcraft and put him in a psych ward he was protected and protected and protected just like the criminal cops in my case are protected now by Zachary Redacto Carter and our current mayor and reminder Ray Kelly was "taking lavish gifts" Ray Kelly took a lavish gifts he excepted plane rides for him and his wife and Michael Bloomberg's private jet so who knows what else he took along with other top cops but we're supposed to think their heroes when they're crooks that's what they taught me Bill Bratton taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD  and James O'Neill, Boyce and Reznick  underscored that if they don't like you this misogynist evil corrupt man will break laws to protect men and women who break laws why because they don't like you .

 Ask Ray Kelly who is paying for his private security and why they would bother paying...?

They aren't heroes - they've broken laws or  protected men and women that broken laws because just like my case they don't like me so it's OK to physically attacked me lie in  police reports threatening me.

If there are honest cops there work is undone.