Chris Keuling is a liar. I don’t know if he’s mentally ill but I do know he’s a liar and I’m never assaulted anyone in my life I don’t know this is a fake photo of him he uses words like tape which would make me think he’s much older than that photo I don’t know if he’s involved with police corruption because he’s lying about everything that happened to me involving the violence and if my attacker didn’t want to be filmed all she had to do was close the door so Chris is a liar he may be mentally ill I don’t know I don’t know if he is anti-Semitic but I do know he lied about me and he makes me wonder if he is a violent person if he’s harmed anyone and lied about that?
Chris Keuling is a liar And I wonder if that’s the case is actually open if it is I’d like to know if he was involved in the campaign online to harass me to lie about me blame me when I’m the victim the audio proves that the video proves it that I was a victim I did not attack anyone in my attacker could close the door so why is he coming in here telling these kind of lies is he involved in other crimes harassing and blaming other victims lying about other? and I wonder if the case is actually open if it is I’d like to know if he was involved in a campaign online to harass me to lie about me blame me when I’m the victim the audio proves that the video proves it that I was a victim I did not attack anyone in my attacker could close the door so why is he coming in here telling these kind of lies is he involved in other crimes harassing and blaming other victims lying about other victims
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
corrupt nyc, ny: Dr Fagelman Assault Fyi Chris Keuling Liar tries to justify violence if you have any info I can publish on Chris Keuling contact me I would like to organize lawsuits against vicious liars of victims of violence!…
obviously he's not the smartest guy or moral or decent -- maybe he blames rape victims as well ....but I was speaking to my mother's case manager my mother's case manager for hospice care and I told her about this evil creepy guy Chris Keuling blaming me for Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent lying receptionist office manager who repeatedly violated my patient rights from behind the clothes off counter to menacing me to threaten me with bodily harm and he said it's my fault she hit me because I pulled out my camera to film her but medical professionals agree it's not my fault there's no reason to hit me and everyone's astounded that the doctor hasn't fired her they can't believe she still sitting there but I tell them about people harassing me online for years some that I've threatened me and then sickos like Chris Keuling who seem so mentally disturbed believes his own dishonest ramblings and also he's not honest enough or maybe intelligent enough to understand why Dr. Andrew Fagelman is to blame as well - there is certainly enough yelp and Google reviews to expose Dr Fagelman andI posted my attackers first cross complaint and police reports where the NYPD detective in their supervisors lied well as audio but psycho Chris just gets off on harassing victims or at least me and I'm a victim I don't know if he's harass other victims of violence I don't know if he's a violent sicko who harasses his own victims I don't know if he's ever hit somebody and blame them - maybe if he is 60s will be questions that he has asked under oath...?
Chris Keuling, SEO, seems like a sicko confused about violence and lies, understanding simple things like right and wrong, the law and not violently trying to beat down a medical patient for any reason as well as breaking the law he doesn't seem to understand then rather than be a violent human being be a violent liar and attacking trying to beat a medical patient to a pulp that you could choose to not violate patients rights lie about them threaten them with bodily harm but see he heard her a shout on the video I will slap the crap out your ass he's just fine with all that filing my patient rights threatened me with bodily harm and he says that simply if I didn't videotape her crazy violent bullshit I wouldn't be hurt today which is simply not true the options were far greater than to blame the patient the options were she could've apologized, she could've close the door or even stopped yourself from violating a patient rights from behind the long closed off counter -- maybe Chris has some really dark ugly stuff he doesn't want filmed and if someone found it maybe he tried beat them to the pope and say it's their fault has he ever done something like that to a woman where he's forced himself on her maybe he's someone who would rape a prostitute and say well she's a prostitute so it's OK to rape her I don't know but I do think he's a very sick disturb person - just seem to understand I was assaulted but he seems to have blocked out the fact that my attacker repeatedly violated my patient rights lied threaten you with Bali harm and engage the NYPD and threatening me and lying and in fact they did maybe one day it'll happen to Chris Keuling? It seems like he is a SEO of stupidity, violence and ignorance.
Chris Keuling SEO says he wants proof but I gather he would rather blame the victim than actually have the proof which is posted with the YouTube in the about section and on as well as audios posted on YouTube but Chris sees what he wants to see with his condescending arrogant tone would rather blame the victim.
The video is powerful and yet the violent lying attack receptionist is still sitting there and that could only be courtesy of the NYPD fixing and favors.
Dr Andrew Fagelman is not eager to answer questions under oath for some reason along with all the NYPD involved.
I have police reports for the NYPD lied there post it on Scribd your link to the video you can search NYPD Det John Vergona and Delita Hooks lied photos police report
Search Delita Hooks false cross complaint. I have police reports that prove the detective squad lied and you can see one of them right there it's on the world wide web link to the video you can search and find it and you find her false cross-complaint where she lied so it just tells me that Chris in my Opinion oh yeah this is an opinion blog is one sick twisted creep and I hope that if he becomes a victim of violence he's treated the way he treated me. Laughable that Chris Keuling SEO doubts police corruption in New York City with the New York Police Department there so many NYPD and jail right now and for every NYPD that's in jail there's hundreds more that belong in jail or even more than hundreds which is why I came up with the concept of the NYPD app tracker report crimes the NYPD won't let you including their own reminds me of audio of the NYPD turning me away posted on YouTube as well as wells internal affairs is refusing evidence also and posted on YouTube.
Karma what goes around comes around and there is a higher court the highest G-d sees all.
Chris Keuling a sicko, not intelligent enough or decent enough to know there was no reason to hit me and that the violent liar Delita Hooks who reprated be violated my patient rights and my body not was not justified and if the violent liar did not want to be films then close the door but what is with this guy Chris who somehow makes us while beat that it's valid to punch a hole in my retina?
Chris Keulimg is not developed enough as a human being understand she had options like apologizing or closing the door are not violating my patient rights repeatedly, lying about me, beratimg me and then trying to physically beat me to a pulp Let's ask NYU Langone or Beth Israel is they agree with Dr Andrew Fagelman and a sicko creep Chris Keuling or anyone who gets off blaming the victim in this case a medical patient. Everyone with an ounce of decency that sees that video and understands right from wrong says sorry that happened to you.
Chris Keuling it's not intelligent enough, amoral or mentally stable enough to understand my attacker had options like apologizing, closing the door rather than do a running punch to my eye making a hole in my retina but first threatening me with bodily harm to slap the crap out of my ass and apparently Chris is just fine with that that's all my fault what is sick evil guy he is?
He says I want to got punched by didn't film her what about the fact that she could've close the door and what is sicko!!!!
Delita Hooks violated my patient rights and committed a series of crimes including lying to the NYPD during an open investigation.
By the way harassing the victim during an open investigation and threatening her is also a crime.
Ask me how many times I was threatened besides this video where you see me being threatened with bodily harm ask me how many times I was threatened during an open investigation...
There are plenty of people I want to question under oath and I hope to one day in front of the new commission and to police corruption but maybe one day I'll get to ask Chris under oath about his post Blaming me because any normal sane person could see it's not my fault she could've apologized she could've close the door she should never come out from behind the reception desk to Mannesmann stock me she violated my patient rights over and over in my body but why is the sicko blaming me does he blame rape victims too?
When Dr Andrew Fagelman was asked by a private investigator if he talked to the NYPD he said no comment. Why? He was confident it was a done deal and he would never be questioned under oath and idiots like Chris Keuling would protect him? I don't know but let's ask Dr Andrew Fagelman under oath and let's bring in top brass at NYU Langone and Beth Israel and ask them about the video, patient rights and but first let's bring top NYPD brass and top Internal Affairs brass and ask them about the police reports where detectives lied in their DD5s and question them about the DD5s, the audio of NYPD turning me away when I tried to report Delita Hooks false cross complaint and the audio of Internal affairs refusing evidence
I would like this all done in front of a new Commission in to NYPD Internal Affairs corruption and I want laws changed if medical staff or any medical employees assault a patient they get x amount of years instantly.
I am suing Dr Andrew Fagelman but he is in no rush to faces deposition for some reason.
Chris Keulimg can't figure it out or he is just an evil little corrupt dirt bag or mentally ill? Whatever he is I hope he's not physically harming people and blaming them....???
Dr Andrew Fagelman New Bad Review Staff Rude, Office Dirty, Patient Called A Liar! Dr Andrew Fagelman Office Violence Delita Hooks Lied to the NYPD open investigation, NYPD Detectives First Precinct lied in police reports....etc.
Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault vChris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault vChris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault Chris Keuling, Violence, Blame Victim, medical office, Dr Andrew Fagelman, NYPD, NYPD corruption,patient rights, assault
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