Wednesday, October 26, 2011
NYPD Rape Cop Kenneth Moreno Health Care Field -- More Potential Victims to prey on!
Great if any “health” customers are young pretty and vulnerable in anyway he can sexually exploit them or rape them -- best is if he can get a job where patients are unconscious. Reminder the Manhattan DA allowed the heroin charge to be rolled in to a year sentence. This guy is a sex addict, pure addict mentality destroyed his career and his partners and any family member that understands right from wrong for his lack of impulse control and moral compass. Email AG Schneiderman ask him to investigate Cy Vance’s handling of DA
Great if any “health” customers are young pretty and vulnerable in anyway he can sexually exploit them or rape them -- best is if he can get a job where patients are unconscious. Reminder the Manhattan DA allowed the heroin charge to be rolled in to a year sentence. This guy is a sex addict, pure addict mentality destroyed his career and his partners and any family member that understands right from wrong for his lack of impulse control and moral compass. Email AG Schneiderman ask him to investigate Cy Vance’s handling of DA
Friday, October 21, 2011
Bloomberg Haggery Guilty 3rd Term Protest Sunday City Hall Anti-Mike & C... I tired posting this for hours from my Iphone on NYDN website mysteriously blocked! Laughable! NYPD Rape cop with HEROIN a year. Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and committed perjury but carry jail time. Cy Vance dirty DA gave huge list of Team Bloomberg and Mike immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Oct. 23 this Sunday 2PM we protest 3rd year anniversary of term limits Christine Quinn Mike denying us a referendum pushing through an illegal 3rd term using SLUSH money aka tax payer $ and back room deal. I bet Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello regret not calling Christine Quinn and exposing her as dirty deal and Mike and his mini-me Chris Quinn using slush and intimidation. Mike money laundering -- look in to how he funneled money slush, charity, Bloomberg News, a fake bloomberg company not bloomberg news, Fiona Reid ms. Money bags Haggerty’s adulterous buddy works for Quadrangle -- hardee har -- why did she and Steve Rattner have to move to Willets Advisory. Nice cover-up for Mike Bloomberg by news outlets/media on that dirty dealing and also CAYMAN islands Mike and Steve! They should have called Steve Rattner and also asked Mike why he stands by Steve Pay to play pensions Pay to not go to jail pay to not plead guilty.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Corrupt NY Post Reporter Bill Sanderson Reports On NYPD Racist Hate Cop
Rupert Murdoch Lachlan Murdoch Bill Sanderson NY Post racist cops NYPD rapist rape cop heroin
Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel A Series of Sock Puppet YouTube Accounts Harassing Me
The cowardly sock puppet account which the coward disables hoping I can’t block it or respond uses the “C” word.
I reported it to as many folks as possible even forwarding a copy to the FBI since hey the Feds just caught a racist cop and IA seems to be over loaded with ticket fixing....
Could this be someone in Tacopina Seigel’s office or a retired cop or someone close to the two Tacopina Seigel staff bragging about the acquittal before the NYPD rape cop presided over by Judge Gregory Carro was over.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
NYPD Wrist Slap DI Bologna NYPD Sends a Green LIght Violence Towards Women!
Yes I am being sarcastic.
Len Levitt will have a field day with this. The photos of this guy speaks volumes...gee I wonder why he sprayed those women and gee I wonder why his punishment is so harsh? The NYPD asks women to come forward who are victims of violence! Forget it is clearly the message here! There must be some mistake! By the way not that anyone cares but since we are on the topic of above the law even with immunity from the dirty DA our mayor Mike Bloomberg committed perjury which carries jail time just like breaking campaign laws! I cover ECTP CityTime NYCAPS not that anyone cares but I forgot to mention NYPD ticket fixing for City officials and PBA fixes as in favors? and for WHOM? NYDN to cowardly to report Bloomberg PERJURY! 2 cities 2 sets of laws.
Read more:
Read more:
Joseph Tacopina: Where is the van der Sloot Love Now? by Jun Li
Oh and remember Joe Tacopina’s great insight in to Anthony Weiner’s tweets as in Joe was WRONG!
Monday, October 17, 2011
IMF Chief Rapist Had Top French Cop Pimping for Him NY and France
Dominique Strauss Kahn economy wise or sexually a rapist? Well the debate is open on the rape issue but having a top French cop pimp for him here in NYC and in France seems cut and dry. The only question is where some women actually under age girls?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Black Male Violently Rapes Woman Queens
Black, five foot five, bandanna and box cutter, 180 lbs, black leather jacket and dark jeans, FYI: I wrote mayor asking every box cutter purchased requires a liscence and if this was implemented the NYPD could go through lists of names and IDs on Queens.
Black, five foot five, bandanna and box cutter, 180 lbs, black leather jacket and dark jeans, FYI: I wrote mayor asking every box cutter purchased requires a liscence and if this was implemented the NYPD could go through lists of names and IDs on Queens.
NYPD White Shirt Male KO's thin white woman green shirt
turns out is a man and still wrong
turns out is a man and still wrong
Saturday, October 15, 2011
NYU Bloomberg Bruce Ratner Guy Sexually Harasses Women Big Time
They raped our neighbor hoods so no suprise they protect a vile man who can't stop sexually harassing women better yet they pay him well and give him power.
NYU rewarded Dave Paterson for his role silencing a victim of his 6 foot 7 best friend plus NYU wants dad Basil's political contacts!
They raped our neighbor hoods so no suprise they protect a vile man who can't stop sexually harassing women better yet they pay him well and give him power.
NYU rewarded Dave Paterson for his role silencing a victim of his 6 foot 7 best friend plus NYU wants dad Basil's political contacts!
Beat Down of 2 Women w/ Pipe McDonside West Village
When the women jumped the counter he should have called NYPD but instead got a metal pipe and beat them fracturing one woman's skull.
When the women jumped the counter he should have called NYPD but instead got a metal pipe and beat them fracturing one woman's skull.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg Occupy Wall Street NYT Censorship for Mayor? % Above La...
Wow the new york times approved my comment and I already go two thumbs up.
Wow the new york times approved my comment and I already go two thumbs up.
What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers
Suzannah B. Troy Comments NY Times Mayor’s Significant Other on Board for Park -- Expect NYTimes Censorship on this comment!
What is not mentioned is mayor Bloomberg’s significant other is on the board of that park! The protestors face arrest but the mayor does not have to worry about arrest even though he perjured himself in court. The Manhattan DA, Cy Vance gave Team Bloomberg immunity but perjury is not covered by immunity. Mike Bloomberg, team Bloomberg and Christine Quinn are part of a larger percentage than 1 percent above the law. (I know the NY Time censors won’t allow this free speech which is not rude or dishonest so I will post on all my blogs to underscore The NY Times censorship is alive and well.)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Rapes Are Up in NYC and under reported Tacopina Seigel any ideas why?
that is not news and the fact the media won’t ask the most high profile rape defense attorneys Joe Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel if they have any ideas why rapes are up, under reported and why Girls and Women Do NOT want to come forward...?
Any ideas on why and why The New York Times won’t be asking Tacopina Seigel...interesting isn’t it?
Research Tacopina Seigel -- their medical expert for the NYPD rape he handed over baby Lisa to Joel Steinberg with NO PAPER work! Steinberg beat baby Lisa to death 6 years later and still the jury believe this monster over a forensic nurse who confirmed the NYPD rape victim’s cervix was bruised.
Any ideas on why and why The New York Times won’t be asking Tacopina Seigel...interesting isn’t it?
Research Tacopina Seigel -- their medical expert for the NYPD rape he handed over baby Lisa to Joel Steinberg with NO PAPER work! Steinberg beat baby Lisa to death 6 years later and still the jury believe this monster over a forensic nurse who confirmed the NYPD rape victim’s cervix was bruised.
Will Suzannah B. Troy Artist Make it past The NY Times Censors on John Liu Vs. Bloomberg Cover-ups for Bloomberg I posted the comment below -- but will I make it past The New York Times sensors?
The New York Times coverage -- or should I save “cover” for Mike Bloomberg vs. John Liu is very interesting. For instance besides silencing voices in opposition of the mayor including mine, The New York Times did everything possible to put Mike Bloomberg in office a third term. I post a YouTube link May 4, 2009 stating don’t believe what the media is saying Mike Bloomberg may not win due to Voter Anger! What did I know that The New York Times didn’t or chose to be willfully obtuse but was forced off script the night of the election? John Liu stopped CityTime in it’s tracks will Bloomberg and Thompson allowed CityTime to flourish. Liu stopped CityTime 2 aka ECTP the 911 tech system which in my opinion may be in fact a bigger rip-off of NYC tax payer money than CityTime. I dubbed NYCAPS CityTime 3. In case you don’t post this comment it goes on all my blogs. Liu is not a saint but he has made history exposing the largest White Collar Crime ever in NYC gov. history but The NYTimes non-reporting for Mike Bloomberg and pals is as shocking as Steve Rattner pleading the 5th 62 times and getting an Op Ed piece in The NY Times!
earlier post today......
Scroll down until you get to The NY Post part about the Post’s treatment of John Liu. If you do not know anything about Murdoch Joel Klein board of ed or department of education tech deals -- you need to start googling and how John Liu may have thwarted Rupert Murdoch’s mega-bucks dream to tech this tech program globally but Liu may have prevented him from doing so here in NYC.
If you buy my lunch maybe I will spoon feed you but I am tired of pasting all the links.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Adam Lisberg Should Be Fired Comparing Bloomberg Treatment to Rape Victim
Shame on Adam Lisberg!
Rape Victims -- you moron Adam Lisberg are innocent and are raped again in court by vile lawyers but Adam Mike is guilty -- before you left the NYDN -- you diluted down a Wayne Barrett piece took out the guts and said Bloomberg may have broken campaign laws.
Adam -- he broke campaign laws, he is involved in the largest white collar crimes NYC gov and largest tax payer abuse money City Hall and stands by Steve Rattner who I l figured out works with Fiona Reid! Small world.
The New York Times Blacks-Out Slut Walk there by supporting Rape & Murderer
Did I miss the article or is NYT promoting rape, murder and dirty cops blacking out massive protest - thousands - not hundreds marched and as close to 9th Precinct, the rape precinct as possible? The misogynist papers in NYC reported 100s showed up, look at my video that NYDN posted later shocking me because I am black listed for being anti-Bloomberg.
Rapes are up in NYC. Yu Yao, Imette St. Guillen, Jennifer Moore 17, Laura Garza raped and brutally murdered. Yu Yao did not go out to party. Yu Yao was walking down a street. She came here to be a lawyer to send $ back to family in China. I wear all their names on my chest and hold rape cop's vile lawyers faces blown up with $750 hr salary, comparing r genitals to Venus Fly Traps in question firm and putting NYPD rape victim on trial.
Is the New York Times also protecting Tacopina Seigel? See my other tube outside 9th Precinct pre-Slut Walk.
Rapes are up in NYC. Yu Yao, Imette St. Guillen, Jennifer Moore 17, Laura Garza raped and brutally murdered. Yu Yao did not go out to party. Yu Yao was walking down a street. She came here to be a lawyer to send $ back to family in China. I wear all their names on my chest and hold rape cop's vile lawyers faces blown up with $750 hr salary, comparing r genitals to Venus Fly Traps in question firm and putting NYPD rape victim on trial.
Is the New York Times also protecting Tacopina Seigel? See my other tube outside 9th Precinct pre-Slut Walk.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Suzannah Troy Gets Past NY Times Censors Slams Bloomberg and Quinn Slush Abuse and more
Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello could do to king Mike Bloomberg what our Founding Fathers did with King George and that is liberate us by simply asking Mike Bloomerg under oath did he break campaign laws? Take out the campaign law rule him the law and ask him plain and simple. Also ask Mike how he expected John Haggerty to spend 1.1 million dollars in 24 hours? Even Paris Hilton couldn’t spend that on a campaign in 24 hours which proves Mike wanted to win, wanted Haggerty to do his dirty deeds and keep the change which is why he never asked for an audit. Vacco and Costello didn’t take Harris down and they could have so I am confident they will give Bloomberg a hard time but they will not shake-up NYC government. Today Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello depose mayor bloomberg (ex) king of New York. Mike Bloomberg is the king of funneling money. He used people as money mules they way drug dealers use money mules and from his personal account, his charity as well as slush money. I wish Vacco and Costello would also call Christine Quinn and ask her under oath if she used slush money aka tax payer money to push through a third term after making a back room deal with mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Suzannah Troy Trying to Get Past NYTimes Censors Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Deposed today by Vacco Costello
Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello could do to king Mike Bloomberg what our Founding Fathers did with King George and that is liberate us by simply asking Mike Bloomerg under oath did he break campaign laws? Take out the campaign law rule him the law and ask him plain and simple. Also ask Mike how he expected John Haggerty to spend 1.1 million dollars in 24 hours? Even Paris Hilton couldn’t spend that on a campaign in 24 hours which proves Mike wanted to win, wanted Haggerty to do his dirty deeds and keep the change which is why he never asked for an audit. Vacco and Costello didn’t take Harris down and they could have so I am confident they will give Bloomberg a hard time but they will not shake-up NYC government. Today Dennis Vacco and Raymond Costello depose mayor bloomberg (ex) king of New York. Mike Bloomberg is the king of funneling money. He used people as money mules they way drug dealers use money mules and from his personal account, his charity as well as slush money. I wish Vacco and Costello would also call Christine Quinn and ask her under oath if she used slush money aka tax payer money to push through a third term after making a back room deal with mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Here I go for a 2nd try:
In case you censor my original comment I posted on my blogs and here is a video response “Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Deposed Today Vacco Costello” The New York Times published 9 of my letters before black listing me for being a critic of Bloomberg’s as well as the Old Grey Lady’s coverage and you can see the brilliant political art poster I made lampooning Mike Bloomberg which holds even greater meaning now including the media black-out of my powerful artist statement - the poster "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York is Democracy for Sale?"
NYPD Rape Cop Heroin - Take Action Write the Attorney General!
email Attorney General -- ask him to investigate Cy Vance’s handling of the NYPD rape cop heroin.
thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
email Attorney General -- ask him to investigate Cy Vance’s handling of the NYPD rape cop heroin.
thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
American Justice System has gone the way of Wall Street --- collapse
Slut Walk NYC Rape Protest NYDN Features Suzannah Troy’s YouTube 4.000 hits less than 24 hours
Sunday, October 2, 2011
FBI Reconsidering Definition of RAPE,0,1655594.story
It is about time!
Can we get the FBI to help us get to the bottom of the heroin in the NYPD rape cop’s locker -- just a reminder rape cop doesn’t kiss and tell.
The New York Daily News Drops Black Out Posts Suzannah B. Troy’s Video Slut Walk Showing Massive Turn out Not 100s
Wow thanks for putting up my video proving there were easily thousands not hundreds -- you can see it says on my chest RAPES and Murdered Yu Yao ( she was pulled in to an alley way in Queens by her hair and there I am holding the large posters of Joe Tacopina -- the one you can see is Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel. The NYDN was the only American newspaper to report his name and in your face hate crime. They called as their medical expert Dr. Essig who handed over baby Lisa w/NO PAPER work to Joel Steinberg who beat her to death. Ask Tacopina Seigel why rapes are up and under reported. I had the names of Laura Garza, Imette St. Guillien, Jennifer Moore 17 on my shirt! We pasted as close to the 9th Precinct as possible. See my tube of me standing in front of the 9th!
Wow stunned The NY Daily News did actually ad my video footage proving the massive turn out was not in the hundreds but much greater-----the image the video is frozen on says it all for me -- Yu Yao Rapes and Murders and the Chad Seigel poster.
Watch me in front of the 9th Precinct!
took a screen shot in case my work gets censored and on it to see my shirt and I am holding my Tacopina Seigel posters.
Media Black-Out For Bloomberg Court Monday
Folks NYPost I expected misogynist crappy coverage of Slut Walk and minimizing violence towards women but they both get an F. Neither reported the NYPD rape protested and we walked as close to 9th Precinct as the NYPD would allow. There were thousands not hundreds.
Read True News on Bloomberg. Like me - True News believes Bloomberg broke campaign laws and funneled money to Haggerty as in keep the change -- which I believe was chump change to a greedy dishonest mayor. I also think Diana Taylor is a phony taking up a position like that waste of tax payer money Wolfson but Mike pays here a lot more money and Bloomberian perks.
Folks NYPost I expected misogynist crappy coverage of Slut Walk and minimizing violence towards women but they both get an F. Neither reported the NYPD rape protested and we walked as close to 9th Precinct as the NYPD would allow. There were thousands not hundreds.
Read True News on Bloomberg. Like me - True News believes Bloomberg broke campaign laws and funneled money to Haggerty as in keep the change -- which I believe was chump change to a greedy dishonest mayor. I also think Diana Taylor is a phony taking up a position like that waste of tax payer money Wolfson but Mike pays here a lot more money and Bloomberian perks.
The NY Post Murdoch owned Misogynist Paper Omits Slut Walk Protests NYPD Rape Cops!
Leave it to the most sexist and hateful newspaper of women the new york post to leave out NY Slut Walk was protesting the NYPD Rape Cop and the march went down downtown as close to the 9th Precinct as the NYPD would allow us to go. OOPS! That is a big fact to leave out. NY Slut Walk walked in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street!
small look at massive turn out as we marched and also at Union Square before we marched....
pre the protest I walked over to the 9th Precinct and how knew we would not be allowed to stand in front of the precinct during the march! I talk about Cy Vance, Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel NYPD rape cop heroin.... Occupy Wall Street marching as well got arrested on Brooklyn Bridge -- I heard this not verified but like the Republican Convention brought in buses and arrested people including I heard a youngster aprox 13.....
Folks--I wore the name of women raped and murdered here in New York City but The NY Post Reporters were not interested but than again it was lost on the most misogynist hateful NY paper of women this was protesting the NYPD rape cops....good job Rupert Murdoch. Don’t forget the NY Post cover comparing a prostitute’s under pants to the DOW going up and down.
The NY Post never reported at the NYPD Rape Cop trial Chad Seigel compared women’s genitals to a Venus Fly Trap in question form.
If you want to know why rapes are up in NYC and under reported look at the lack of coverage or pathetic coverage of Slut Walk...kind of like the media blacking out Mike Bloombeg’s critics and helping to push through a third term for him and Christine Quinn.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Slut Walk NYC Stop Rapes -- CB3 to Shut Down Heathers? Is This Pay Back for Catching NYPD Rape Cops in the act?
I spoke at the 9th Precinct community meeting so long ago right after Imette St. Guillen and Jennifer Moore were murdered and said no woman should die this way and I expressed great concerns. I was very unhappy with Community board 3 and know I hear they are orchestrating the Shut DOWN of Heathers the bar owned by the woman who came forward with the rape cop video supposedly because it is too noisy. The woman owner so courageous why can’t they work with her to keep the place quieter or is this pay back because CB3 is dirty doing dirty work for corrupt cops? Just wondering out loud.
NY Post Supporters RAPISTS and Murderers By Blacking out Largest Rape Protest? Meanwhile the NY Post is trying to black out the most massive anti-rape protest I have EVER seen protesting the NYPD rape cops but I guess the post editors hate women so much unless we shut our mouths except for sex and know our place they want to support rapists and murders of women so no reports on the largest turn out of protestors ever.
I know bill sanderson would hang up the phone if I called in the rape protest but shame on the nypost for supporting the violence rape and murder of women by blacking out the largest rape protest I have ever seen and been part of in my life.
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