Friday, May 27, 2011
NYPD Rape Cop Juror Richard Schimenti Unwittingly Exposed He Blames Rape Victim Because She Was Drunk!
Richard Schimenti juror no. 12 unwittingly reveals prejudice towards drunk rape victim! "She was drunk. I don't believe she would have gotten herself into this situation if she wasn't". Schimenti clearly shows he blames her for a horny middle aged cop getting in her bed cuddling. A cop proven to be a liar by the EMS worker. The word is Rape Cops guilty and plenty people saying jury stupid. OJ justice will be served when the jury refuses to serve justice. Step one they are fired and lose their pensions. They is a higher court.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Mayor Cutting Rape Counsel Unit! Message like PBA Hiring Joe Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel RAPE AWAY! Tacopina Seigel Sexual Dunces and Misogynist Liars oops Lawyers!!!
NYC & Budget Cuts: Special Victims Unit
Monday, May 23, 2011
Naomi Wolf Comes Across as Barbie A lister on Rape NYPD Rape Cops And IMF Chief
Dominque Strauss-Kahn’s Wife’s Family Mega-Bucks Keeping HIm Out of Jail
Joe Brooks Alleged Rapist Composer Kills himself - no NY Jurors needed which is a relief
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
High Sex Drive Vs. Sex Addict Big Difference, Tiger Woods, Arnold, Bill Clinton Addicts
A sex addict is willing to destroy family, job, etc. for the next fix. Someone with a high sex drive doesn’t have to act on the impulse but the addict will even if it means hurting loved ones.
Tiger Woods sex addict and no surprise his golf game is awful right now. Arnold and Bill Clinton addicts who inflicted a lot of pain because of their sex addiction and Bill Clinton trying to pass off the young woman he exploited as a stalker is extra sick but not surprising.
A woman writer for a local newspaper confused high sex drive with sex addiction which is telling isn’t it?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sandra Bullock Maria Shriver Arnold the Sperminator Jesse Jame is it Love or Hatred?
Shriver said who are you going to believe -- me, after all she said she lives with Arnold or women courageously coming forward calling him a sex predator. In some many words Shriver called these women liars and probably thought they were trying to destroy and exploit her husband but they told the truth and in reality Arnold was exploiting every woman he could get his hands on and penis in contact with but most of all Maria Shriver who he wanted for her family names like he wanted to own a Cadillac...Arnold’s idea of the American Dream which he lied and cheated his way to achieving including using steroids and how many Presidents applauded him..ho hum?
Of course no one wanted to believe Arnold’s friendship with Nazi Kurt Waldhiem either....
Jesse James compulsively made declarations of love as he set the stage with what appeared the opposite of love undermining Sandra Bullock’s great win -- an Oscar which as sweet and nice as Sandra is -- she did not deserve but the Oscars is not about the most talented but the most popular.
Sandra Bullock is a sweet heart but she married a man that took the Hell’s Angel’s formula and stripped it down enough to make it acceptable main stream and made a fortune. The Hell’s Angels attended their wedding which was a clue that Jesse was not mr. Wholesome although is marriage resume also might have given Sandra a clue.
So what is it all about?
There are not a lot of nice good guys out there. There just aren’t. The Hell’s Angels at least come with warning signs so there should be no surprises but in a sense so did Arnold with throngs of women coming forward - some even holding signs that sex predators but the rich upper class of American women who are often bank rolled by rich men of course pooh poohed them.
From Hillary Clinton to Maria Shriver in every way possible these serial sex predators where protected and by the women they were married to. It is not like Maria Shriver did not have a clue. Maria Shriver didn’t realize that one of the many women Arnold was sleeping was having sex in her bed, seemingly as obsessed with her as she was Arnold and had a baby a few days apart. Sick stuff that makes Jesse James almost look like a nice guy except stunt he pulled even going to The Oscars with the woman he betrayed and made look like a big fool is a tough act to beat but Arnold did beat Jesse James out.
Bill Clinton gets a special category all his own for lying to a global audience and for describing the young woman he sexually exploited as a stalker which all vain, narcissistic men as lonely or even lonelier than they are horny seem to long for -- some one to stalk them because they need to feel important.
What is so wrong with these men? An awful lot. These guys are a dime a dozen. If they can’t get an erection they want to push their mr. softee up against their victims and the narcissists actually feel sorry for themselves!
The women know what they got when they hooked up with these guys but they are always surprised.
I went out with a bad boy -- an older man, single -- I thought a bachelor for life and a womanizer so there could be no surprises and guess what there were. He decided he was going to get married and he was going to use me to make the woman he was marring jealous so even my attempt to avoid an surprises by going out with an unadulterated bad boy failed. Who would have thought a bad boy beyond middle age would go for a white wedding and use me increase his stock? Message to anyone who is using me to make someone jealous -- don’t bother. By the way I have people emailing me I never answer who think they have a relationship with me just because they read my blog. Sick stuff.
More than half of American marriages end in divorce and they also involve economics which is why even more people actually do not get divorced because of the money. People stay in horrible marriages because of the money....from poor to rich.
America, white weddings, apple pie and marriage -- nice to think about but living it can be a nightmare.
Maria Shriver lived a lie and she was willing to do so until Arnold made it utterly impossible to play Barbie and Ken -- the dolls are lie anatomically and the fantasy it sold.
Maria and Arnold made me sick anyway with their decadent high life style flying to Hawaii for vacation as California battled it’s worst fiscal crisis yet kind of like Mike Bloomberg and Bermuda here but Mike Bloomberg keeps his sex life down low or maybe he doesn’t have much of one any more...maybe being an uber control freak is his sex.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Maureen Dowd Obsessed with Bill Clinton’s Penis? Read this!
Maureen Dowd power dater trail blazer cock-a-doodle do.
Click on link above and scroll down to bottom until you get to this....
Because all she (Dowd) could talk about all night long was Bill Clinton's cock.
Is that like praying at the alter of...
So gross and Dowd admitted to kissing Monica’s posterior when she met her after trashing her.
Remember the intern that Bill Clinton sexually exploited and lead on, painted as a stalker and than lied to the global audience watching about.
Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel + Underlings need Female Anatomy Lesson + Their KKK like Hate Venus Fly Trap
Former French Justice Minister Elisabeth Guigou Misogynist Club Member Vile French Woman
Misogynist Mike Bloomberg and I call him that for his testimony in the sex discrimination case against his private empire says the right thing for once.
FYI, some slimy press organizations released the rape victims name and info in France.
So glad I am never going back to France ever again.
Maureen Dowd Power Dater Like Hillary, Maria Betrayer of Women for Boys Club and their Ambition
I remember writing The New York Times when the high priced Maureen Dowd, “a middle aged girl" who knows a lot about shopping and power dating your way to success as high priced gals must know wrote a piece reprimanding construction workers for daring to flirt with her!
May 30, 2011