NYPD Dermot Shea top cops DA Sex Crimes IA protect NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore Judge PC shea has blocked me on Twitter again they erased how many crimes my case including Sexual Assault protected many violent threats to me during an open investigation
Sept 15, 2021
Simone Biles was IGNORED BY FBI!!!!!!
No surprises....remember when the New York Times took a break from censoring me to allow me to post a comment in response to the mother of a gymnast ignored by the FBI when she tried to report Dr Larry Nassar?
I want to vomit every time I think of FBI Sweeney with Dermot Shea standing by hid side talking about the victims of Ghislaine Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein having PTSD
|  |  | |  |  | @TheSun Met Police hired Sarah Everard's killer despite nickname 'The Rapist'. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9… NYPD also hired Rapists high profile cases, NYPD DA enablers Jeffrey Epstein GM, AG FBI look away. My case MD office erased sexual assault all crimes.Fix is in pic.twitter.com/6XulyhndL5 | | 10/11/21, 2:49 AM |
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I hand this out protesting the police commissioner outside police athletic league luncheon and who walks up to me to attend the luncheon but the accidental governor Dave Paterson who I believe is 100% guilty witnessing to imitation an Perjury an Judge Judith Kaye looked away there's nothing more wonderful than a woman does the dirty work of them Misogynists?
Former top woman in NYPD suffered ‘offensive’ episodes: judge - New York Daily News.... Dermot Shea mocked me many crimes committed in my case that are Teflon as well as the Epstein MAXWELL case. Shea's attitude was as arrogant, Teflon and inappropriate as perjurer Dr Andrew Fagelman, his many PERJURY is confident the judge wouldn't mind him lying she would protect himperjury is confident the judge wouldn't mind him lying she would protect him appellate court would look away...
These are my opinions does that make it OK to break laws violate my civil rights break more laws commit fraud by cheating to win lying in legal proceedings confident that I won't have a subpoena power and the judges will look away???
Everyone's been looking away at least everyone in the position of power they could take action in my case for how many years...?
I'm one of how many...?
Too many....we are more than failed it seems by people or groups or agencies that are complicit enabler's despise us it could be a race religion politics gender sexuality whatever it is they attempt to justify the unjustifiable?
|  |  | |  |  | Weinstein hired Black Cube, Jeffrey Epstein (Ghislaine Maxwell in loop?) hired Howard Rubenstein, my case Dr Andrew Fagelman volunteers I allege Joe TACOPINA broke laws violent threats Gaslighting + others Yelp lied I doctored video.NY NYPD DA etc w/ media players silence victims pic.twitter.com/VURRR5e7dk | | 7/11/21, 8:05 AM |
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...photo below of the front page of my federal lawsuit and guess who the judge was? JUDGE ALISON NATHAN. The New York post deleted the article I referred to on the front page of my lawsuit scroll down another words the fix is in and the article is about a judge in the NYPD giving someone some very special treatment and it was an overreach! Let's ask Ray Kelly Bill Bratton and O'neill Dermot Shea about the NYPDand how they run One Police Plaza like a deli for the rich and connect it along with the Manhattan DA ....do you notice Shay hasn't volunteered the names of the NYPD that told Jeffrey ignore a judge or his chief of internal affairs Reznick who I alleges a corrupt cop as well who's protect the crimes in my case along with his predecessor Campisi and their "steering committee".
The city of New York certainly didn't demand answers whether it was Epstein case my case or how many others they were being silent even sending in the city lawyers to lie in our case is withholding evidence the zone gangland mafia this is the city defending NYPD crimes and civil rights violations in my case falsified police reports withheld my attackers letter threatening me with the second False crossed and played and when Dermont Shea Was chief of detectives I recorded his detective Vazquez a woman lying to me that I was not sexually assaulted when the Manhattan DA has confirmed I was and I was not course when I was they withheld Delita Hooks letter threatening me and she's admitted to being instructed to follow the false cost complaint and to alert her boss about detective Dwyer calling when he calls when the doctor her boss doctor dr Andrew fagelman under both had nothing to do with the NYPD but admitted he has lots of NYPD Patients.
Another interesting aspect is how the NYPD to fixing favors for their doctors and how Epstein and Maxwell must've been sending the girls to doctors and there's Teflon is the doctor in my case who openly committed perjury smirked and mocked me until he was asked what were the grounds for his divorce then he had problems controlling his anger anger management shaking with anger getting on his phone in a deposition running out on the phone shaking with anger I want to know who he called who is the person who knows who I am and I don't know their identity?
Lucky the judge wasn't curious but she was too busy protecting a Doctor Who knew his employee was volatile is file the tile and clearly he's volatile and he didn't have guidelines for his office he didn't investigate what happened he was confident he could lie under oath in Travelers group would protect him does travelers have a special relationship with the city of New York in the NYPD as well? Did the corrupt Travelers lawyers have any contact with Corporation and Counsel in the goal to cheat to win?
Looks like the FBI was looking away protecting their NYPD brothers and the irony of the FBI praising John Miller the same week he was forced to finally apologize to Prospect Park rape victim. Only in New York can you get away with such wrongdoing and keep your job because in New York there's zero respect for integrity decency human rights open season on people that they don't like... their race their religion their activism their job their color of their skin religion unless they fall under the category of making donations... aka bribes or are "useful" like an MD?

@vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @NYPDShea @GayleKing@NYGovCuomo @NYCLU @NYCComptroller@NYCSpeakerCoJo @NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA@bradhoylman @ACLU @NewYorkStateAG@SDNYnews @NOW_NYC .@ACLU .@NYCLU Dermot Shea blocked me again top Cops IA Sex Crimes DA protect NYPD told Jeffrey Epstein ignore Judge,crimes my case #civilrights violated det Vergona admitted federal appellate threaten me w/arrest unless drop charges.LtBurgos nyclu data same crime pic.twitter.com/tz8kZmjgP6 7/9/21, 2:22 AM
Dr Andrew Fagelman my case laugh mocked me my patient rights my body Violated and NYPD's treatment of me and his special relationship with them in a deposition ... he has lots of NYPD patients he bragged in between perjuries about trusting the NYPD to investigate what he meant was he trusted them to falsify police reports and violently course me look at the police commissioners along w/ Cy Vance Team cy Sex Crimes top cops internal affairs that protect crimes in my case so far therefore and a new nypd pc coming my guess more of the same they protect Crimes in my case and they protect the cops they told Jeffrey Epstein ignore judge because like my case the NYPD crimes committed had to protect it all the way to the top and the conspired with the city Corporation Counsel to lie in court and withhold my attackers letter in response to Ron Kuby which I allege Joe Tacopina drafted threatening me with a second False Cross complaint.
The letters threatening me with the second False cross complaint was withheld for me from over a decade but I never gave up kept asking and asking for it I'm not gonna give up if I drop dead if I'm murdered I want justice from the grave I want apology someone accountability if people can still be arrested I want them arrested if I'm alive I want to know their names and faces of people behind the scenes that were enabler's party to making sure I did not have justice it's called obstruction of justice including the people that were party to the goal to make me drop charges coercion including the people party to falsifying police reports and protecting them including top cops in internal affairs how many administrations.
So far the Bloomberg administration the de Blasio my guess The Eric Adams in ministration next?
I'm tired please excuse my typos I'm so tired. I'll be able to stop when there are arrests in my case when the city and travelers group I want the board Travelers board to apologize for what happened in their office and the fact that the lawyers involved I allege were party to cheat to win... instead of lies I want admissions of the crimes I want apologies and I'm one of how many victims I want apologies I want apology walls at City Hall One Police Plaza the Manhattan DA Brooklyn DA etc. and many of the NYPD precincts
Crimes pay if you work for the city of New York you get to collect your paycheck your pension and when you retire get another job... The perpetrators in my case profit and are Teflon? Crime pays? Well done you picked Victims that lives don't matter females in a misogynist New York and I'm a whistleblower... they know how to pick their victims whether it's Jeffrey Epstein or top cops or the Manhattan DA or doctors office...I am exhausted year after year of being ignored and as I'm ignored they get promotions one of them NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer promoted to NYPDFBI task force the same task force that read it Epstein and Maxwell's properties do the math. Did they make anything else disappear besides The crimes in my case they repeated threats to me during an open investigation and protecting my civil rights violated as well as threats online to me I alledge by Joe Tacopina including cunt threat abd his partner as well as a letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint withheld from me for half a decade including in every court wear a suit the city NYPD Internal Affairs starting with a Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi on down and they were more cops involved like Po Eugene Schatz and Others at One Police Plaza who I don't even know all their names but they know mine they know what I look like I wasn't even allowed to meet the cops they gave the doctors office in my attacker special treatment as a file leave my civil rights and they have admitted through the Corporation and Counsel Lawyer Catherine Papandrew they didn't investigation well how can you do one without meeting the victim. How can you do a investigation refusing to meet me and your supervisors withholding your badge number says you're breaking laws. Internal Affairs was in the loop every step of the way still is a protect crimes in my case and the Epstein case and everything they knew about Epstein they had a know about Maxwell that's a NYPD Sex Crimes Manhattan DA Sex Crimes asked him about sex crimes Lieutenant lamboy and sex crimes IA teen Rapist Lt McAteer ...
It's a boys club with women club members...

The FBI New York US attorney Southern District New York State Attorney General the AG the NYPD Sex Crimes one police plaza The Manhattan DA their sex crimes unit AND MAINSTREAN MEDIA weren't going to share the fact that Jeffrey Epstein was in the free sex offender at his office was behind Saint Patrick's cathedral and its homes by world class museum the Frick museum central park with a children's playground and a high school nearby they weren't going to share it with the public that he's in the free sex offender app just me I tried with the New York post just like I contacted the media over and over that the Manhattan DA try to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex offender status and I still want to know who sent George Stephanopoulos and Katie Couric to Jeffrey Epstein's house somebody how to do that just like someone picked up the phone to call the Manhattan Dieta call in a favor just like my case at the doctors office I believe 100% that Dr Andrew Fagelman picked up the phone there may also be emails and all of it protected including by a judge he was going to make sure that I was not allowed to prove that he knew she was volatile and guess what he's volatile to their allegations that he roughed up a woman that he had some kind of relationship I guess when his marriage was breaking up or broken up he was mocking me and Mocking me Mocking that the NYPD finally coerced me they don't like me there misogynists their hatred of me so powerful that it was OK to violate my civil rights and break laws and falsify police reports some more crimes were committed ...Why was a doctor so confident he could commit perjury and that the judge would look away and James Toomey Travelers group would protect him...?

Dermot Shea was chief of detectives when I audio document a Sex Crimes a tacked up a course a woman misogynist love having women do their dirty work lying to me I was not sexually assaulted and it's on the record now that I have an ADA confirming I was sexually assaulted. Like NYPD Mary O'Donnell who is internal and Affairs at the time I recorded her they site Ron Kuby's letter and say case closed essentially but they withheld Delita a Hooks letter another crime threatening me and I alleged Joe Tacopina drafted that letter. When he and his partner compared to NYPD rape victim vagina to a Venus fly trap I filed an ethical complaint against them and they threaten me with a lawsuit unless I remove the complaint and I did not so years later when they allegedly committed crimes I filed another ethical complaint and their response silence. I alleged the Joe Tacopina As Bob Dobalina lawyer on YouTube a fake account - threaten me during an open investigation a cunt threat to turn the tables on me if I took any action and FYI I forwarded it to NYPD Detective Vergona who acted on it.
I alledge that Chad Seigel as Charles ward youtube Acct chimed in and there are no denial said he did this threatening me as well to drop charges and I asked them both is this a crime have you just done witness tampering intimidating a victim and they deleted their accounts.
http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html?m=1 A link to the letter (see photographs) there's a letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint to the attention of Detective Andrew Dwyer and it signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos he's (Burgos) in the database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest so why would detective Dwyer get promoted to the NYPD FBI task force? He took part in a misogynist he crime his division the detective squad was well aware of a cunt threat to turn the tables on me and they acted on it and that qualifies them to become part of the FBI task force?
ask top nypd ia Prosectors ASK FBI ask enablers like chief Pulaski and chief Boyce etc
There are YouTube of me confronting O'Neill and his former boss Bratton about a C#nt to turn the tables on me and they are not surprised at all - there are no Sherlock Holmes they're not interested in getting to the truth or Justice they are committed to covering up Crimes? Three police commissioners have protected crimes in my case a pile up of crimes from a doctors office to a the First Precinct w/ Internal Affairs protection like internal Affairs protected Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy and others! YouTube of me confronting Sheldon Silver two years before he's arrested. YouTube of me confronting the corrupt misogynist racist dirty DA Cy Vance years before he is outed for pay to play violence, sex assaults, Rape....etc.