Monday, August 28, 2017
Cy Vance Hasn't Proscuted Sex Predator Inside DA, Lousy Job w/ NYPD Rapist but his crappy office finally gets a rapist off the street horrific rape beating
Man who raped 60-year-old woman gets 20 years to life in prison
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Man pushes woman onto tracks of East Village subway station
Man pushes woman onto tracks of East Village subway station - NY Daily News, August 21, 2017
Court officer indicted for forcing sex act in Brooklyn courthouse
Court officer indicted for forcing sex act in Brooklyn courthouse, August 20, 2017
NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos Protect Delita Hooks Signed letter Threat Retaliate 2nd false cross complaint
Updated September 20, 2022 DET ANDREW DWYER PARTY Withholding DELITA HOOKS which the 1st Precinct DETECTIVE squad and commander Ed Winski, later Internal Affairs would tell me via Sgt Mary O'Donnell she withheld the letter to make sure I did not have the correct spelling of DWYER's name she miss lead me to believe his name was Det Andy Drier.... they along with corporation Council and other players will party in our party to legal fraud civil rights violations downgrading all crimes including sexual assault second-degree assault, menacing a false cross complaint etc. , conspiring to make me drop charges = 0 crimes.
misogynistnyc: NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos WITHHELD Delita Hooks letter Threat violating my #civilrights party legal fraud to erasing sexual assault PROMOTED TO NYPD FBI TASK FORCE ? POST ALMOST 18k views exposes FBI TOO? The FBI does not properly screen NYPD that they take into their special task forces?
It took me half a decade of never giving up to get that letter and I believe Joe Tacopina drafted it and also it is similar to the contract to turn the tables that I believe he also did he committed a federal crime if that's correct threatening me October 7, 2012 online via Google YouTube fake account Bob DOBALINA identifying himself as a lawyer also using CUNT in the threat to turn the tables if I took any action. I did report this to the FBI via online form.
It seems that NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer for his part really erasing all crimes and committing crimes and Civil rights violations NYPD was promoted to the NYPD FBI task force The same task force that raided Epstein and Maxwell's property and perhaps made more crimes disappear like Dwyer in my case. The NYPD were protected and are protected by our federal government as they openly break laws the FBI act like their family? The FBI should be sued for more than what they did rather what they didn't do for their enabling their ignoring in the sex assault case of Olympic gymnast but let's face it they've ignored hell of a lot more In New York City and how ironic their offices are so close to One Police Plaza....
Updated Sept 1 2020 The NYPD detectives involved in breaking LAWS VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS along with their bosses GOAL ERASE ALL CRIMES INCLUDING THEIR OWN withheld Delita Hooks letter -- the letter a crime threatening me with a second false cross complaint TO THE ATTENTION OF of Det. Andrew Dwyer from me and my short term lawyer Ron Kuby (
I did not have time to meet my lawyer as I had to have emergency surgery had to get medical care from the attack including eye surgery and also see my father who was not well and false arrest date was Saturday Oct 20, 2012). NYPD IA as well as Corporation counsel party to with holding letter to DEFENDANTS COULD CHEAT to win lying in 4 courts in front of 11 judges that I was not coerced and they withheld DELITA HOOKS letter YET ANOTHER THREAT TO ME!!!!!
Scroll down to see why and it's signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos who's in the database release by New York civil liberties along with his partner in crime Andrew Dwyer. Allegedly Burgos threatened someone w/ arrest like was done to me but corrupy Detective John Vergona over the phone!
Updated Oct 2019 But please scroll down to the police reports where you can see Delita Hooks letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me with yet another (2nd) false cross complaint --
I did not have time to meet my lawyer as I had to have emergency surgery had to get medical care from the attack including eye surgery and also see my father who was not well and false arrest date was Saturday Oct 20, 2012). NYPD IA as well as Corporation counsel party to with holding letter to DEFENDANTS COULD CHEAT to win lying in 4 courts in front of 11 judges that I was not coerced and they withheld DELITA HOOKS letter YET ANOTHER THREAT TO ME!!!!!
Scroll down to see why and it's signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos who's in the database release by New York civil liberties along with his partner in crime Andrew Dwyer. Allegedly Burgos threatened someone w/ arrest like was done to me but corrupy Detective John Vergona over the phone!
Updated Oct 2019 But please scroll down to the police reports where you can see Delita Hooks letter to Detective Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me with yet another (2nd) false cross complaint --
Just added photos up top today Tuesday, May 18, 2021 severe PTSD it's devastating to know that the cops and the doctor and his employee ours Teflon is Jeffrey Epstein NYPD openly broke laws for them and then both Epstein and the doctors office have powerful enabler's Epstein suddenly after how long finally losses get out of jail free Teflon status but all the criminals in my case remain Teflon.
It took me half a decade I've never giving up to get a copy of her letter and I believe Joe Tacopina drafted that letter and that he was the one who did the confrontive country threat to turn the tables on me you should also note how did she get my name since I wasn't her doctors patient and she lied under oath she only remembered me once because she didn't wanna acknowledge that she knew I had a medical condition. When I first walked in I asked for Dr. Vine, did not give my name but ask for the bathroom urgently because I have a ton of fibroid tumors... Who wants to admit that they broke so many laws and targeted a medical patient holding several bags my arm was numb from two injections because the cyst was removed when I became a human punching bag and travelers group and Dr. Andrew Fagelman decided to make a mockery of it in travelers offices in Manhattan mockery of the violence mockery of the NYPD breaking laws to make a go away mockery of me caring about the environment...
This is the false cross complaint I got it because I never gave up
This photo came with the letter it took over five years to get a copy of the letter because the city cheated to win the NYPD detective never gave me a copy or my short term lawyer Ron Kuby he never got a copy but these corrupt unethical players and make sure that everyone was going to be Teflon kept citing Ron Kuby's letter never sharing the letter in response another crime which the city had internal affairs had the NYPD defendants WITH HELD!!!!!
how NYPD --they lied in police reports ---- watch the video below -- you see terrible violence in that video, the violent threat - intent to do harm, Delita Hooks slapping the phone out of my hand -- criminal mischief knocking the phone out of my hand three times threats to harm me a running punch to my head and more...everything's been omitted from the detectives police reports -- they refused to meet me -- they fabricated a mutual assault! These criminal cops get to collect pay, their pensions, vacations while I continue to over 7 yr journey demanding Justice! Dr Andrew Fagelman bragged get hot an NYU astern biz degree (yet he doesn't understand Hippocratic oath but he gets a business degree and NYU somehow) Dr Andrew Fagelman was laughing and mocking, openly committing perjury like he's a pedophile priest confident he's protected and he has been all these years because I allege he made a phone call like he was calling a was arranged to erase all crimes -- first step have Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint but it did not stop there and over 7 years the obstruction of Justice in place despite Delita Hooks letter to and why PD detective Andrew Dwyer openly threatening me with a second false cross-complaint the city of New York and the NYPD pretend it doesn't exist but it's in their very own police reports that's how I got a copy it took me years and that letter is a crime. Corporate counsel the city lawyers never shared that letter but use Ron Kuby's to pretend that there were no crimes that I willingly drop charges when I did not!
Update June 2020
#DumbCuntLivesMatter? This is someone associated with the police and I question whether the NYPD and Retired Nypd were openly harassing me for years online kind of like retired NYPD Deponie inspector del Pozo was caught harassing an activist in Vermont where he was chief of police? I had asked Internal Affairs to investigate and they refused and automatically defended harassing me discrimination as usual with Internal Affairs it's DOA dead on arrival. To date Delita Hooks has not been arrested or fired along with all involved - everyone involved in the goal to quietly threaten me falsify police reports and coerce me = erase all crimes! If you see terrible typos it's not funny running punched my head a hole in my retina cervical damage and violent threats and gaslighting ongoing gaslighting lies -- I allege Joe Tacopina Oct 7, 2012 joined in breaking laws threatening me online with his partner both using fake accounts and when I felt ethical complaints - when I filed ethical complaints they did not deny the allegations Tacopina and Seigel (the nypd cop defenders) did not deny they broke laws threatening me a victim during an open investigation! So shocking to see NYPD continue to act on those threats but many of the crimes have no statue limitation so I'm waiting for police commissioner and a prosecutor that have Integrity... Delita Hooks has now admitted giving me the finger 3Xs, knocking my phone out of my hand three times which I believe is criminal mischief, there are witnesses that saw her following me coming out from behind the reception desk pursuing me and we were never alone. The NYPD committed crimes in those crimes have no statute of limitations. She said she was instructed to file a false cross complaint I wanna know who was involved and how Highup and how many years including inside Internal Affairs I want to see the faces and names of everyone involved they know mine but I don't know there's!
I was provoked 1st to try and get help and when I could not get help I was provoked to document to videotape to show my MD Dr Vine! Delita Hooks still employed by Dr Andrew Fagelman- Delita aka Delite and Dee, my attacker simply could've close the door or apologized but she wanted to follow through on her violent threat to slap the shit out of my ass and her violence has been protected for years on going by more and more people that need to be held accountable enabler's just like the Teflon enabler's and Jeffrey Epstein's case are not accountable either!
If you look at the letters Kuby's (his shorthand I am being coerced he uses attacker twice in 1 sentence vs Delita Hooks - her letter ANOTHER THREAT --and the police report from corrupt Det Vergona -- we don't have Delita Hooks name but look at Det Dwyer's - Delita Hooks has mine and the Manhattan DA and NYPD were NOT interested and how she got my name. I sued in New York State Supreme Court were City lawyer submitted the NYPD investigated that makes the NYPD in city of New York even more guilty that admission because the detectives refused to meet with me and falsified police reports downgrade it all crime to zero crime and it was coordinated!
I sued pro se in New York State Supreme Court were City Lawyer Cathrine Papandrew admitted the NYPD investigated!
Catherine Papandrew corporate counsel lawyer on behalf of Zachary Carter and the corrupt cops that broke lost my case she stated an oral argument the NYPD investigated my case but that's not true and that admission makes the city of New York and NYPD even guilty or because the NYPD openly broke laws GOAL violently coerce me their goal to erase all crimes!
That makes the NYPD in city of New York even more guilty that admission because the detectives refused to meet with me aka #discrimination but met w/ my attacker Delita Hooks after it was arranged for her to file a false cross complaint in the NYPD falsified police reports downgraded all crime to zero crime and it was coordinated forDelita Hooks to walk into a precinct and commit another crime a file a false cross complaint and her letter which you can see below threatens me with a second false cross complaint which would be second-degree since the NYPD falsified police reports and falsified a mutual third-degree assault with a goal to make all crimes disappear. Top cops and city lawyers know this anybody investigating knows -- just look at her letter threatening me it's shocking overly aggressive and anyone writing that is confident they are because it's a crime to threaten someone with retaliation if they don't drop charges or if they come back and file them. The City lawyers and NYPD use Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes when his shorthand for him being coerced. I never met Ron Kuby I did not pay him and that letter is not exactly what I agreed to but if you compare the two letters you can see even more wrongdoing or just look at the police reports in the video by the way I also told the detective I was sexually assaulted and that's not in the police report along with the fact she hit me with objects which she can see in the YouTube not in the police report which makes it second degree assault.
The keys left offensive ones on my arm.
Updated Dec 12/ 2019 NYPD Det. Dwyer participated in falsifying police reports the goal to erase or Crimes in for his role including in violating my civil rights he got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force the same test for separated Jeffrey Epstein's Island. Did they make anything disappear the way to wire and his palace at the 1st Precinct along with their protectors higher-ups did in my case. NYPD are now exposed telling Jeffrey epstein to ignore a judge in court appointed - like my case total silence top cops think if they ignore everything it will go away but this is never going away. In fact many of the crimes have no statute of limitations and I know I'd like arrests in my case.
Update June 2020
#DumbCuntLivesMatter? This is someone associated with the police and I question whether the NYPD and Retired Nypd were openly harassing me for years online kind of like retired NYPD Deponie inspector del Pozo was caught harassing an activist in Vermont where he was chief of police? I had asked Internal Affairs to investigate and they refused and automatically defended harassing me discrimination as usual with Internal Affairs it's DOA dead on arrival. To date Delita Hooks has not been arrested or fired along with all involved - everyone involved in the goal to quietly threaten me falsify police reports and coerce me = erase all crimes! If you see terrible typos it's not funny running punched my head a hole in my retina cervical damage and violent threats and gaslighting ongoing gaslighting lies -- I allege Joe Tacopina Oct 7, 2012 joined in breaking laws threatening me online with his partner both using fake accounts and when I felt ethical complaints - when I filed ethical complaints they did not deny the allegations Tacopina and Seigel (the nypd cop defenders) did not deny they broke laws threatening me a victim during an open investigation! So shocking to see NYPD continue to act on those threats but many of the crimes have no statue limitation so I'm waiting for police commissioner and a prosecutor that have Integrity... Delita Hooks has now admitted giving me the finger 3Xs, knocking my phone out of my hand three times which I believe is criminal mischief, there are witnesses that saw her following me coming out from behind the reception desk pursuing me and we were never alone. The NYPD committed crimes in those crimes have no statute of limitations. She said she was instructed to file a false cross complaint I wanna know who was involved and how Highup and how many years including inside Internal Affairs I want to see the faces and names of everyone involved they know mine but I don't know there's!
I was provoked 1st to try and get help and when I could not get help I was provoked to document to videotape to show my MD Dr Vine! Delita Hooks still employed by Dr Andrew Fagelman- Delita aka Delite and Dee, my attacker simply could've close the door or apologized but she wanted to follow through on her violent threat to slap the shit out of my ass and her violence has been protected for years on going by more and more people that need to be held accountable enabler's just like the Teflon enabler's and Jeffrey Epstein's case are not accountable either!
If you look at the letters Kuby's (his shorthand I am being coerced he uses attacker twice in 1 sentence vs Delita Hooks - her letter ANOTHER THREAT --and the police report from corrupt Det Vergona -- we don't have Delita Hooks name but look at Det Dwyer's - Delita Hooks has mine and the Manhattan DA and NYPD were NOT interested and how she got my name. I sued in New York State Supreme Court were City lawyer submitted the NYPD investigated that makes the NYPD in city of New York even more guilty that admission because the detectives refused to meet with me and falsified police reports downgrade it all crime to zero crime and it was coordinated!
I sued pro se in New York State Supreme Court were City Lawyer Cathrine Papandrew admitted the NYPD investigated!
Catherine Papandrew corporate counsel lawyer on behalf of Zachary Carter and the corrupt cops that broke lost my case she stated an oral argument the NYPD investigated my case but that's not true and that admission makes the city of New York and NYPD even guilty or because the NYPD openly broke laws GOAL violently coerce me their goal to erase all crimes!
That makes the NYPD in city of New York even more guilty that admission because the detectives refused to meet with me aka #discrimination but met w/ my attacker Delita Hooks after it was arranged for her to file a false cross complaint in the NYPD falsified police reports downgraded all crime to zero crime and it was coordinated forDelita Hooks to walk into a precinct and commit another crime a file a false cross complaint and her letter which you can see below threatens me with a second false cross complaint which would be second-degree since the NYPD falsified police reports and falsified a mutual third-degree assault with a goal to make all crimes disappear. Top cops and city lawyers know this anybody investigating knows -- just look at her letter threatening me it's shocking overly aggressive and anyone writing that is confident they are because it's a crime to threaten someone with retaliation if they don't drop charges or if they come back and file them. The City lawyers and NYPD use Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes when his shorthand for him being coerced. I never met Ron Kuby I did not pay him and that letter is not exactly what I agreed to but if you compare the two letters you can see even more wrongdoing or just look at the police reports in the video by the way I also told the detective I was sexually assaulted and that's not in the police report along with the fact she hit me with objects which she can see in the YouTube not in the police report which makes it second degree assault.
The keys left offensive ones on my arm.
Updated Dec 12/ 2019 NYPD Det. Dwyer participated in falsifying police reports the goal to erase or Crimes in for his role including in violating my civil rights he got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force the same test for separated Jeffrey Epstein's Island. Did they make anything disappear the way to wire and his palace at the 1st Precinct along with their protectors higher-ups did in my case. NYPD are now exposed telling Jeffrey epstein to ignore a judge in court appointed - like my case total silence top cops think if they ignore everything it will go away but this is never going away. In fact many of the crimes have no statute of limitations and I know I'd like arrests in my case.
I got a copy of Delita Hooks false cross complaint because I never gave up....
I kept calling and calling the 1st Precinct I finally got one honest cop....
I was the victim and a medical patient -- and the crimes they committed -- fabricating police report -- that's a fireable offense. The woman who attacked me Delita Hooks, she broke laws many of the crimes along with the cops have no statue limitation! If the medical doctor had knowledge of what was going on and I believe he did...he committed crimes but like a pedophile priest been protected and it sickens me - The same mentality the same wrong thinking to protect these people is in place instead of doing the right thing and applying the law and making arrests and many of the crimes they can still make arrests!
I'm sure calls were made for Jeffrey Epstein as well to facilitate trying to lower his sex offender status and that's why there's no investigation into the DA NYPD handling of Jeffrey Epstein but how ironic one of the detectives that broke laws in my case got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force Det Andrew Dwyer! Dwyer broke laws in my case and he gets promoted to a task force that raidedJeffrey Epstein's island....the fix was in and still is -- NO REAL INVESTIGATIONS! O real accountability!
Everyone tries to comfort me that there is a higher justice that there is karma look what happened to Jeffrey Epstein but I'd like arrests in my case now I'd like accountability in my case now! One day there will be a police commissioner and a mayor and a New York City comptroller so ashamed and corporate counsel so ashamed by the wrongdoing I will get apologies but I want more than apology at this Point and I definitely want arrests in my case!
Detective Andrew Dwyer broke laws in my case -- I never saw his face until the city of New York and NYPD refused service for his retired partner in crime Det John Vergona who like Dwyer hid like klux klux clan members as they broke laws -- how did I see their faces for the first time? Their Facebook friends I search Facebook and I found them and their partners were the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs NYPD PO Gene Schatz!
Apparently was open knowledge among the facebook friend's including Det. Tommy Moran another cops at the 1st Precinct they were going to break laws at their desk. Det. Andrew Dwyer got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force for breaking laws that his desk the same task force that rated Jeffrey Epstein's Island and you notice there's no arrests at the NYPD in Manhattan DA never arrested Jeffrey Epstein and his partners in crime and complicity including NYPD cops he told him to ignore judge like my case the fix was in enabler's criminals they get paychecks pensions vacations while their victims continue to suffer and demand justice!
Manhattan DA and NYPD overstep lines in my case and Jeffrey Epstein's in my case NYPD blatantly broke laws and the strategy is well just ignore all this and it'll go away. NYPD police commissioner Shea is the 4th PC I allege complicit using the ignore Strategy in my case in the Epstein case as well as well as Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit.
The NYPD detective said broke laws and lied and police reports with the goal to coerce me violently join in threats, erase all crimes - they had from me I did not know what they look like until I found them years later on Facebook when the city of New York refuse service for one of them and their Facebook friends with the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs who recently just got arrested for drunk driving
Apparently it was open knowledge Facebook friends including Detective Tommy Moran and other cops at the First precinct they were going to break was at their desk. Detective Andrew Dwyer got promoted to the NYPDFBI task force for breaking laws at his desk the same task force that raided Jeffrey Epstein's Island and you noticed there's no arrests at the nypd in Manhattan DA never arrested Jeffrey Epstein and his partners in crime and complicity including nypd cops who told him to ignore Judge like my case the fix was in enabler's criminals they get paychecks Pensions vacations while their victims continue to suffer and demand justice
When I filed my lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court Lt Angelo Burgos's response was to ask to join my LinkedIn network.
I attempted to report his harassment and abuse to Internal Affairs into a federal agency but of course the fix is in just like the Jeffrey Epstein case her Jeffrey Epstein and his helpers were able to do what they were doing right here in Manhattan for over two decades? The federal investigators the US attorney the FBI Attorney General no one's investigating the NYPD's role which appears to me Criminal telling Jeffrey Epstein seem to ignore judge and in my case the doctor has lots of NYPD patients and seems to be very connected like the pedophile priests have been protected all these years
The above videos and writing is updated as of October 17, 2019! So many people have visited this posting and yet I don't have Justice so yes do I think Nazi Germany could happen again yes I was treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany buy these corrupt criminals with guns and badges that chose to be prejudiced against me and participate in the goal to a race all crimes for wealthy Doctor Who pushes by Viagra an advertised as he cares STDs! My first conflict with the NYPD at the 1st Precinct was over the Mercer hotel they appear to be doing fixing in favors the Facebook friend PO Schatz of the Detectives but openly broke loss in my case and the irony is Jeffrey Epstein may have been an owner in that hotel house sick and ironic is that?
------------below original post -- look at the PDFs below and you'll see my tackers letter threatening me that letter proves that she and the supervisor and the detectives were where they did a boat switch downgrade to a fabricated mutual third degree and that the crime was truly second-degree assault and then I could come back and file second-degree assault charges and I'm being threatened yet again openly and protected. Note at the time this was happening around the time the commander of the precinct DI Ed Winski was doing favors for a playmate that later when I want to kill herself in her small child and allegedly James O'neill and perhaps others were involved in getting her gone facilitating a gun license for her according to the New York Daily News as all of these top cops protective Crimes and continue to October 1, 2019 was seven years---------
Like Eric Garner he and I filed pro se lawsuits under Ray Kelly. The NYPD IA hatred of me crimes has spanned 3 PC 2 chiefs of IA and 2 Chief of Detectives but Boyce monstrous his role promoting Dwyer to a fake task force -- the task force has a non working telephone number. You have to have a lot of hatred in your heart to wear a badge from support the constitution and break laws threatened victims of crime and lie about it. Zachary Carter is using Ron Kuby's letter and you can hear Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell uses Ron Kuby audio I posted to YouTube stating case clothes she doesn't want any evidence she doesn't want to hear anything she just is going to use Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes no wrongdoing and that has been 3PC 2 IA Chief and the City of NY's strategy. The city is me money for damages years of lying and covering up these crimes. I can't imagine what Det John Vergona and PO Magori if she was there that day - you can hear PO Magori if that is the correct spelling lie to me in the secretly recorded audio where she and Sgt Chen who refuses to come downstairs lie to me telling me I can't report a crime a false cross complaint because I am not from the DA or a detective. The NYPD and IA prevented me from reporting crimes!
NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos Protect Delita Hooks Signed letter Threat Retaliate 2nd false cross... by Suzannah Troy on Scribd After all these years I finally get a copy of Delita HOOKS letter threatening and Detective Andrew Dwyer DD5 proof he protected her signed letter threatening me warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault or she will file a 2nd false cross complaint also protected by Det Andrew Dwyer and Sgt Chen. DI Ed Winski knew about all the threats to me including Det John VERGONA threatening me and he protected all the crimes and got promoted along with Det Dwyer. Det Vergona was allowed to retired to a big house in Staten Island instead of doing jail time. I had no idea the letter existed or Detective Andrew Dwyer.
Click on link above about Det John Vergona a pathological liar like my attacker? Vergona refused to meet me. He asked me later that day which eye? I said if you don't know than meet me see the defense wounds on my arm, my eye but he refuses and it was agreed with DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Dwyer and Vergona and Dwyer's to downgrade Delita HOOKS crimes and fabricate a mutual assault and protect Delita Hooks signed letter OPENLY THREATENING ME AGAIN TO NOT COME BACK OR SHE WILL FILE A 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT CHARGE MY GUESS ONLY JOE TACOPINA STUPID ENOUGH TO DRAFT THE LETTER!
The NYPD and Internal Affairs prevented me from reporting crimes and I have audio and their police reports to prove it.
Detective Andrew Dwyer and his partner and Det John Vergona and his partner, Lt Burgos who never contacted me lied about me but years later when I sued in NY State Court his response so arrogant and cocky was to finally contact me and asked to join my linkedin network Friday the 13th Nov 2015 at 5:30 am say day as the Paris Terrorist Attacks
and you can hear audio of NYPD Sgt Chen also hiding like Klu Klux klan it was Nov 20, 2012 he was captured on audio refusing to come down and meet me -- violating protocol really worked for him because I still don't have his badge number. A subordinate had told me about Lt Burgos and gave his email and I had asked for Sgt Chen's badge number and Det Vergona -- at that time I had no idea Det Andrew Dwyer existed but Lt Burgos like Lt Michael J Agnese of the "integrity bureau" never contacted me either and the sadists along with Internal Affairs and Zachary Carter using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend the NYPD did not commit crimes and they did from the doctor's office 2nd degree assault, menacing, threatening the victim, a false cross complaint, a signed letter to Det Andrew Dwyer warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and Delita HOOKS was confident Lt Burgos and Det Dwyer and Det Vergona and all involved including DI Ed Winski would protected the threats.
Talk about mental illness and psych evals Delita HOOKS has some serous ANGER MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS BUT WHAT ABOUT HER BOSS WHO DIDN'T FIRE HER AND DET JOHN VERGONA'S VERY VIOLENT TEMPER AND THREAT TO FALSE ARREST ME IF I DID NOT DROP CHARGES (it is very frightening to be verbally violently threatened by an NYPD Det Vergona who is lying to me over the phone on behalf of Delita HOOKS and her employer who did not fire her!
NYPD including IA have to be about emotionally 3 AND HAVE THE EMOTIONAL MAKE UP OF CRIMINALS and they have guns and badges? GOOGLE NYPD GUN TRAFFICKING, NYPD STEALS FROM DRUG DEALER, CANNIBAL COP, NYPD RAPIST, ETC EVERYONE PASSED THEIR NYPD PSYCH EVALS YET THEY LIE, BREAK LAWS AND RAY KELLY, BRATTON AND O'NEILL WON'T CHANGE THE NYPD PSYCH EVALS EVEN WHEN NYPD ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE JUST LIKE O'NEILL 3RD PC PROTECTING NYPD IA CRIMES IN MY CASE and how many others? So many horrific NYPD crimes rapes, murder you name it and they all past their psych evals. Zachary Carter said in my case and in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case they NYPD acted with in their scope. You can see video of NYPD jumping on Thabo and like Eric Garner he wasn't running away but the NYPD piled on breaking Thabo's leg. I would like an apology as does I am sure NBA star Thabo and so many other victims!
The NYPD and Internal Affairs decided they don't like me (that is part of what they call a Round Robin -- where they play just and jury violate their oath, the law, the constitution ) so they will break the law downgraded Delita HOOKS crimes and their's NYPD Det Vergona, Det Dwyer, Lt Burgos etc to a fabricated mutual assault and than no crime 0 Crimes and DI Ed Winski made a practice of crimes vanishing so he could have lower crime stats except when he was false arresting protestors in public places?
The Attack Oct 1, 2012 Delita HOOKs returns to her desk after Dr Vine is told Dr Fagelman refuses to fire Delita HOOKS. Dr Vine told me my attacker went right back to her desk acting as if nothing had happened.
Delita HOOKS yells I will slap the crap out of you but DET JOHN VERGONA OMITT I WILL SLAP THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! Det Vergona omitted I was assaulted with objects as well as the sexual assault with Delita HOOKS barefoot after she threw her shoes ALL OMITTED BY CORRUPT NYPD DET VERGONA WITH DET DWYER AND BOSSES IN THE LOOP. Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected? DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest. The Manhattan DA made it clear they were going to protect NYPD IA crimes!
Everyone even NYPD experts say this is crazy. How crazy are these cops? 0 Integrity, 0 remorse, they broke laws, they laughed Sgt Chen laughed over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctors! Lt Burgos commited crimes in my case and never acknowledge me or contacted me like Det Andy Dwyer and Vergona refused to meet except to false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath oct 20, 2012 4pm but Delita HOOKs was not told to turn herself in. Det Fagelman made a call and Det andy Dwyer visited them and assured them I was would be threatened and that is a crime -- they were assured I would be verbally violently threatened and I had a hole in my retina and cervical damage. Det Vergona and Delita Hooks knew I had a collapsed bladder it's like being pregnant with twins and they have 0 empathy and are both violent liars. Det Vergona VERBALLY VIOLENTLY YELLED AT ME OCT 16, 2012 YOU ARE GOING TO DROP CHARGES OR I AM GOING TO ARREST ME. HE HAD TOLD ME ALSO HE DID NOT CARE IF I HAD 2 BLACK EYES. I HAD A HOLE IN MY RETINA -- HE AND DELITA HOOKS AND SGT MARY O'DONNNELL AND ALL INVOLVED HAVE THE EMPATHY OF A SERIAL KILLER. AUDIO OF SGT MARY O'DONNELL SHE REALLY DOES NOT CARE I AM WAITING TO FIND OUT IF I NEED A 2ND SURGERY FOR MY LEFT EYE A HOLE IN RETINA BY DR FAGELMAN'S DELITA HOOKS ---
Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer hide their faces but I found them on FACEBOOK after 1PP law dept refused service for Det Vergona. They are facebook friends with PO Schatz the first cop I reported to Internal Affairs for abuse of power, illegal use of squad car being threatening and lying to me for the Mercer Hotel and his partner Det Tommy Moran all facebook friends and all party to the fact they were going to do a bait and switch downgrade their crime and crimes to no crimes and Internal Affairs protected them.
IA sgt Mary O'Donnell showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter and said case closed. I heard her say Delita HOOKS Det was Drier so I wrote down Drier and accidentally handed her my notes. I called that day and asked her to return my notes. She lied to me and stated she would but she kept them because she is a dirty corrupt cop protecting dirty cops in my case and they use Ron Kuby's letter to cover up a pile up of serious crimes including threatening me. Did the NYPD never investigate the misogynist hate crime Bob Dobalina a fake account created my guess by Joe Tacopina. I asked him is this witness tampering him and fake account Charles Ward possibly Chad Seigel and they deleted their fake accounts. Joe if I am correct as Bob Dobalina called me a fight picking cunt threatened to bury and destroy me see the tables turned on me if I took any action. Det John Vergona never asked me about it perhaps because Joe contacted his partner in crime Det Andrew Dwyer and it was agreed they would act on the misogynist hate crime with Lt Burgos in on it and DI Ed Winski as well as Internal Affairs because IA has refused to investigate any of this and is protecting all crimes and threats using Ron Kuby's letter dropping a fake mutual assault -- see he uses the words my attacker twice -- we did not have Delita HOOKS names but she violated my patient rights to get my name and she violated my body and patient rights and not fired because corrupt detectives and supervisors with whom ever Dr Andrew Fagelman called up for fixing and favors protected all threats to me and acted on the threats all because they don't like me, my blog, my activism they were all willing to break laws and 0 arrests and as the years go by Oct 1, 2017 6 years even more people inside the NYPD, IA, Corp Counsel and every agency that is suppose to police the police party to crimes in my case and how many others and no arrests of NYPD IA criminals or Delita Hooks and her boss who called in a favor and there are so many victims like me or worse they have been murdered we clearly need a new Permanent Commission in to NYPD IA DA corruption, NYPD IA DA App Tracker data base time capsule and a special prosecutor as well as a memorial wall outside DA, 1PP, Precinct for all the Victims of NYPD IA DA crimes dead and in our cases alive no Justice years of lying covering up crimes.
The Fake NYC Gov Agency The Commission to Combat Police Corruption that compared themselves to McDonalds to me -- I asked if a McDonalds Employee sees a crime don't they have to report the crime but not CCPC....they keep forwarded my case to IA to die. CCRB forwarded over and over to Chief of Dept including when NYPD James O'Neill was chief of Dept.
I am waiting or find out if I need a 2nd surgery for my eyes and out of the blue IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell who I met once prior to this call and in person with her partner there she read me and showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter!!!!!!!! She said case closed. O'Donnell was in on keep this closed and protecting a pile of of crimes from the MD's to the First Precicnt and use Ron Kuby's letter because sadist cops and Zachary Carter get off on using Kuby's letter to pretend NO CRIMES!
Even her reading the letter to me case closed was her protecting yet another THREAT to me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and top NYPD brass protecting all these crimes with Corp Counsel all these years.
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@KennedyFinance @Comey @92Y@JamesStewartNYT Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell never arrested by enablers DA NYPD, judge JE missed court appt?I reported JE GM yrs ago my art stolen!'12 NYPD broke laws,violated my civil rights=0crimes @ MD 1 Det promoted NYPD FBI Task force! +…
I'm sure calls were made for Jeffrey Epstein as well to facilitate trying to lower his sex offender status and that's why there's no investigation into the DA NYPD handling of Jeffrey Epstein but how ironic one of the detectives that broke laws in my case got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force Det Andrew Dwyer! Dwyer broke laws in my case and he gets promoted to a task force that raidedJeffrey Epstein's island....the fix was in and still is -- NO REAL INVESTIGATIONS! O real accountability!
Everyone tries to comfort me that there is a higher justice that there is karma look what happened to Jeffrey Epstein but I'd like arrests in my case now I'd like accountability in my case now! One day there will be a police commissioner and a mayor and a New York City comptroller so ashamed and corporate counsel so ashamed by the wrongdoing I will get apologies but I want more than apology at this Point and I definitely want arrests in my case!
Detective Andrew Dwyer broke laws in my case -- I never saw his face until the city of New York and NYPD refused service for his retired partner in crime Det John Vergona who like Dwyer hid like klux klux clan members as they broke laws -- how did I see their faces for the first time? Their Facebook friends I search Facebook and I found them and their partners were the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs NYPD PO Gene Schatz!
Apparently was open knowledge among the facebook friend's including Det. Tommy Moran another cops at the 1st Precinct they were going to break laws at their desk. Det. Andrew Dwyer got promoted to the NYPD FBI task force for breaking laws that his desk the same task force that rated Jeffrey Epstein's Island and you notice there's no arrests at the NYPD in Manhattan DA never arrested Jeffrey Epstein and his partners in crime and complicity including NYPD cops he told him to ignore judge like my case the fix was in enabler's criminals they get paychecks pensions vacations while their victims continue to suffer and demand justice!
Manhattan DA and NYPD overstep lines in my case and Jeffrey Epstein's in my case NYPD blatantly broke laws and the strategy is well just ignore all this and it'll go away. NYPD police commissioner Shea is the 4th PC I allege complicit using the ignore Strategy in my case in the Epstein case as well as well as Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit.
The NYPD detective said broke laws and lied and police reports with the goal to coerce me violently join in threats, erase all crimes - they had from me I did not know what they look like until I found them years later on Facebook when the city of New York refuse service for one of them and their Facebook friends with the first cop I ever reported to Internal Affairs who recently just got arrested for drunk driving
Apparently it was open knowledge Facebook friends including Detective Tommy Moran and other cops at the First precinct they were going to break was at their desk. Detective Andrew Dwyer got promoted to the NYPDFBI task force for breaking laws at his desk the same task force that raided Jeffrey Epstein's Island and you noticed there's no arrests at the nypd in Manhattan DA never arrested Jeffrey Epstein and his partners in crime and complicity including nypd cops who told him to ignore Judge like my case the fix was in enabler's criminals they get paychecks Pensions vacations while their victims continue to suffer and demand justice
When I filed my lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court Lt Angelo Burgos's response was to ask to join my LinkedIn network.
I attempted to report his harassment and abuse to Internal Affairs into a federal agency but of course the fix is in just like the Jeffrey Epstein case her Jeffrey Epstein and his helpers were able to do what they were doing right here in Manhattan for over two decades? The federal investigators the US attorney the FBI Attorney General no one's investigating the NYPD's role which appears to me Criminal telling Jeffrey Epstein seem to ignore judge and in my case the doctor has lots of NYPD patients and seems to be very connected like the pedophile priests have been protected all these years
The above videos and writing is updated as of October 17, 2019! So many people have visited this posting and yet I don't have Justice so yes do I think Nazi Germany could happen again yes I was treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany buy these corrupt criminals with guns and badges that chose to be prejudiced against me and participate in the goal to a race all crimes for wealthy Doctor Who pushes by Viagra an advertised as he cares STDs! My first conflict with the NYPD at the 1st Precinct was over the Mercer hotel they appear to be doing fixing in favors the Facebook friend PO Schatz of the Detectives but openly broke loss in my case and the irony is Jeffrey Epstein may have been an owner in that hotel house sick and ironic is that?
------------below original post -- look at the PDFs below and you'll see my tackers letter threatening me that letter proves that she and the supervisor and the detectives were where they did a boat switch downgrade to a fabricated mutual third degree and that the crime was truly second-degree assault and then I could come back and file second-degree assault charges and I'm being threatened yet again openly and protected. Note at the time this was happening around the time the commander of the precinct DI Ed Winski was doing favors for a playmate that later when I want to kill herself in her small child and allegedly James O'neill and perhaps others were involved in getting her gone facilitating a gun license for her according to the New York Daily News as all of these top cops protective Crimes and continue to October 1, 2019 was seven years---------
Like Eric Garner he and I filed pro se lawsuits under Ray Kelly. The NYPD IA hatred of me crimes has spanned 3 PC 2 chiefs of IA and 2 Chief of Detectives but Boyce monstrous his role promoting Dwyer to a fake task force -- the task force has a non working telephone number. You have to have a lot of hatred in your heart to wear a badge from support the constitution and break laws threatened victims of crime and lie about it. Zachary Carter is using Ron Kuby's letter and you can hear Internal Affairs Sgt Mary O'Donnell uses Ron Kuby audio I posted to YouTube stating case clothes she doesn't want any evidence she doesn't want to hear anything she just is going to use Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes no wrongdoing and that has been 3PC 2 IA Chief and the City of NY's strategy. The city is me money for damages years of lying and covering up these crimes. I can't imagine what Det John Vergona and PO Magori if she was there that day - you can hear PO Magori if that is the correct spelling lie to me in the secretly recorded audio where she and Sgt Chen who refuses to come downstairs lie to me telling me I can't report a crime a false cross complaint because I am not from the DA or a detective. The NYPD and IA prevented me from reporting crimes!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill PC O'Neill, Chief Boyce hatred of me protect all crimes promote NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer for breaking the law… |
NYPD Detective Andrew Dwyer, Lt Burgos Protect Delita Hooks Signed letter Threat Retaliate 2nd false cross... by Suzannah Troy on Scribd After all these years I finally get a copy of Delita HOOKS letter threatening and Detective Andrew Dwyer DD5 proof he protected her signed letter threatening me warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault or she will file a 2nd false cross complaint also protected by Det Andrew Dwyer and Sgt Chen. DI Ed Winski knew about all the threats to me including Det John VERGONA threatening me and he protected all the crimes and got promoted along with Det Dwyer. Det Vergona was allowed to retired to a big house in Staten Island instead of doing jail time. I had no idea the letter existed or Detective Andrew Dwyer.
Click on link above about Det John Vergona a pathological liar like my attacker? Vergona refused to meet me. He asked me later that day which eye? I said if you don't know than meet me see the defense wounds on my arm, my eye but he refuses and it was agreed with DI Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Chen, Det Dwyer and Vergona and Dwyer's to downgrade Delita HOOKS crimes and fabricate a mutual assault and protect Delita Hooks signed letter OPENLY THREATENING ME AGAIN TO NOT COME BACK OR SHE WILL FILE A 2ND DEGREE ASSAULT CHARGE MY GUESS ONLY JOE TACOPINA STUPID ENOUGH TO DRAFT THE LETTER!
NYPD Coerced me Fixing Assault Internal Affairs Ignored Evidence Allowed Det Vergona and Lt. Burgos to Reti... by Suzannah Troy on Scribd
The NYPD and Internal Affairs prevented me from reporting crimes and I have audio and their police reports to prove it.
Detective Andrew Dwyer and his partner and Det John Vergona and his partner, Lt Burgos who never contacted me lied about me but years later when I sued in NY State Court his response so arrogant and cocky was to finally contact me and asked to join my linkedin network Friday the 13th Nov 2015 at 5:30 am say day as the Paris Terrorist Attacks
and you can hear audio of NYPD Sgt Chen also hiding like Klu Klux klan it was Nov 20, 2012 he was captured on audio refusing to come down and meet me -- violating protocol really worked for him because I still don't have his badge number. A subordinate had told me about Lt Burgos and gave his email and I had asked for Sgt Chen's badge number and Det Vergona -- at that time I had no idea Det Andrew Dwyer existed but Lt Burgos like Lt Michael J Agnese of the "integrity bureau" never contacted me either and the sadists along with Internal Affairs and Zachary Carter using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend the NYPD did not commit crimes and they did from the doctor's office 2nd degree assault, menacing, threatening the victim, a false cross complaint, a signed letter to Det Andrew Dwyer warning me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and Delita HOOKS was confident Lt Burgos and Det Dwyer and Det Vergona and all involved including DI Ed Winski would protected the threats.
Talk about mental illness and psych evals Delita HOOKS has some serous ANGER MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS BUT WHAT ABOUT HER BOSS WHO DIDN'T FIRE HER AND DET JOHN VERGONA'S VERY VIOLENT TEMPER AND THREAT TO FALSE ARREST ME IF I DID NOT DROP CHARGES (it is very frightening to be verbally violently threatened by an NYPD Det Vergona who is lying to me over the phone on behalf of Delita HOOKS and her employer who did not fire her!
NYPD including IA have to be about emotionally 3 AND HAVE THE EMOTIONAL MAKE UP OF CRIMINALS and they have guns and badges? GOOGLE NYPD GUN TRAFFICKING, NYPD STEALS FROM DRUG DEALER, CANNIBAL COP, NYPD RAPIST, ETC EVERYONE PASSED THEIR NYPD PSYCH EVALS YET THEY LIE, BREAK LAWS AND RAY KELLY, BRATTON AND O'NEILL WON'T CHANGE THE NYPD PSYCH EVALS EVEN WHEN NYPD ARE COMMITTING SUICIDE JUST LIKE O'NEILL 3RD PC PROTECTING NYPD IA CRIMES IN MY CASE and how many others? So many horrific NYPD crimes rapes, murder you name it and they all past their psych evals. Zachary Carter said in my case and in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha's case they NYPD acted with in their scope. You can see video of NYPD jumping on Thabo and like Eric Garner he wasn't running away but the NYPD piled on breaking Thabo's leg. I would like an apology as does I am sure NBA star Thabo and so many other victims!
The NYPD and Internal Affairs decided they don't like me (that is part of what they call a Round Robin -- where they play just and jury violate their oath, the law, the constitution ) so they will break the law downgraded Delita HOOKS crimes and their's NYPD Det Vergona, Det Dwyer, Lt Burgos etc to a fabricated mutual assault and than no crime 0 Crimes and DI Ed Winski made a practice of crimes vanishing so he could have lower crime stats except when he was false arresting protestors in public places?
The Attack Oct 1, 2012 Delita HOOKs returns to her desk after Dr Vine is told Dr Fagelman refuses to fire Delita HOOKS. Dr Vine told me my attacker went right back to her desk acting as if nothing had happened.
Delita HOOKS yells I will slap the crap out of you but DET JOHN VERGONA OMITT I WILL SLAP THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! Det Vergona omitted I was assaulted with objects as well as the sexual assault with Delita HOOKS barefoot after she threw her shoes ALL OMITTED BY CORRUPT NYPD DET VERGONA WITH DET DWYER AND BOSSES IN THE LOOP. Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected? DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest. The Manhattan DA made it clear they were going to protect NYPD IA crimes!
Everyone even NYPD experts say this is crazy. How crazy are these cops? 0 Integrity, 0 remorse, they broke laws, they laughed Sgt Chen laughed over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctors! Lt Burgos commited crimes in my case and never acknowledge me or contacted me like Det Andy Dwyer and Vergona refused to meet except to false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath oct 20, 2012 4pm but Delita HOOKs was not told to turn herself in. Det Fagelman made a call and Det andy Dwyer visited them and assured them I was would be threatened and that is a crime -- they were assured I would be verbally violently threatened and I had a hole in my retina and cervical damage. Det Vergona and Delita Hooks knew I had a collapsed bladder it's like being pregnant with twins and they have 0 empathy and are both violent liars. Det Vergona VERBALLY VIOLENTLY YELLED AT ME OCT 16, 2012 YOU ARE GOING TO DROP CHARGES OR I AM GOING TO ARREST ME. HE HAD TOLD ME ALSO HE DID NOT CARE IF I HAD 2 BLACK EYES. I HAD A HOLE IN MY RETINA -- HE AND DELITA HOOKS AND SGT MARY O'DONNNELL AND ALL INVOLVED HAVE THE EMPATHY OF A SERIAL KILLER. AUDIO OF SGT MARY O'DONNELL SHE REALLY DOES NOT CARE I AM WAITING TO FIND OUT IF I NEED A 2ND SURGERY FOR MY LEFT EYE A HOLE IN RETINA BY DR FAGELMAN'S DELITA HOOKS ---
Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer hide their faces but I found them on FACEBOOK after 1PP law dept refused service for Det Vergona. They are facebook friends with PO Schatz the first cop I reported to Internal Affairs for abuse of power, illegal use of squad car being threatening and lying to me for the Mercer Hotel and his partner Det Tommy Moran all facebook friends and all party to the fact they were going to do a bait and switch downgrade their crime and crimes to no crimes and Internal Affairs protected them.
IA sgt Mary O'Donnell showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter and said case closed. I heard her say Delita HOOKS Det was Drier so I wrote down Drier and accidentally handed her my notes. I called that day and asked her to return my notes. She lied to me and stated she would but she kept them because she is a dirty corrupt cop protecting dirty cops in my case and they use Ron Kuby's letter to cover up a pile up of serious crimes including threatening me. Did the NYPD never investigate the misogynist hate crime Bob Dobalina a fake account created my guess by Joe Tacopina. I asked him is this witness tampering him and fake account Charles Ward possibly Chad Seigel and they deleted their fake accounts. Joe if I am correct as Bob Dobalina called me a fight picking cunt threatened to bury and destroy me see the tables turned on me if I took any action. Det John Vergona never asked me about it perhaps because Joe contacted his partner in crime Det Andrew Dwyer and it was agreed they would act on the misogynist hate crime with Lt Burgos in on it and DI Ed Winski as well as Internal Affairs because IA has refused to investigate any of this and is protecting all crimes and threats using Ron Kuby's letter dropping a fake mutual assault -- see he uses the words my attacker twice -- we did not have Delita HOOKS names but she violated my patient rights to get my name and she violated my body and patient rights and not fired because corrupt detectives and supervisors with whom ever Dr Andrew Fagelman called up for fixing and favors protected all threats to me and acted on the threats all because they don't like me, my blog, my activism they were all willing to break laws and 0 arrests and as the years go by Oct 1, 2017 6 years even more people inside the NYPD, IA, Corp Counsel and every agency that is suppose to police the police party to crimes in my case and how many others and no arrests of NYPD IA criminals or Delita Hooks and her boss who called in a favor and there are so many victims like me or worse they have been murdered we clearly need a new Permanent Commission in to NYPD IA DA corruption, NYPD IA DA App Tracker data base time capsule and a special prosecutor as well as a memorial wall outside DA, 1PP, Precinct for all the Victims of NYPD IA DA crimes dead and in our cases alive no Justice years of lying covering up crimes.
The Fake NYC Gov Agency The Commission to Combat Police Corruption that compared themselves to McDonalds to me -- I asked if a McDonalds Employee sees a crime don't they have to report the crime but not CCPC....they keep forwarded my case to IA to die. CCRB forwarded over and over to Chief of Dept including when NYPD James O'Neill was chief of Dept.
I am waiting or find out if I need a 2nd surgery for my eyes and out of the blue IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell who I met once prior to this call and in person with her partner there she read me and showed me Delita Hooks SIGNED letter!!!!!!!! She said case closed. O'Donnell was in on keep this closed and protecting a pile of of crimes from the MD's to the First Precicnt and use Ron Kuby's letter because sadist cops and Zachary Carter get off on using Kuby's letter to pretend NO CRIMES!
Even her reading the letter to me case closed was her protecting yet another THREAT to me to not come back and file 2nd degree assault charges and top NYPD brass protecting all these crimes with Corp Counsel all these years.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Autistic teen sexually assaulted inside Brooklyn park
Autistic teen sexually assaulted inside Brooklyn park - NY Daily News driver rapes E. Village woman after she falls asleep in car
Uber driver rapes E. Village woman after she falls asleep in car, August 10, 2017
Cyrus Vance jr NYPD Rapes, Sexual Assault Blowing Off Victims DA Uses PR to Hide His Wrong Doing

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@ManhattanDA Cy Vance is corrupt like Charles Hynes he phony public relations does not undo covering up crimes St Vincent's Hospital 911, NYPD crimes
Please contact the Justice Dept AG, NYS AG report Cy Vance and NYPD
NY politicians are among the most corrupt and use tax payer money to sell a myth they bank on after leaving off but they actions tell a different story a horror story for victims in Cy Vance's case as well as 911 tech corruption protecting crimes and cashing in.
Women painted as crazy but these men and their women misogynist club member crazy and should be held accountable under oath televised with special prosectors.
George Arzt, Cy Vance, Scott Stringer, 911 Hewlett Packard, Ray Kelly and more....?

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@ManhattanDA My vision damaged Cy Vance, Joan Illuzzi protected misogynist hate crime NYPD acted on lied DD5s Cy fixed harassed…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@ManhattanDA Special prosector our cases… after damage to eye week ago vision impaired contact lenses, Cy Vance violated harassed

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@ManhattanDA Special prosecutor for our cases examine Cy Vance ADAs roles in our many cases
Cy Vance Did Not Prosecute 911 Tech Crooks Pay to Play DA Funneling $ to Ray Kelly Via K2 Intelligence
If Cy Vance Pay2play DA prosecuted 911 Tech Corruption no deal K2 Intelligence Ray Kelly?
Suzannah Troy Shames NYC Gov into Exploring Texting 911 but Bill de Blasio and Mark Peters covering up 2 billion $ plus 911 Boondoggle
Sent from my iPhone

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@ManhattanDA NYDN, I warned Cy Vance NYPD lower crime stats blow off victims of NYPD, sexual assault rape vicsI have audio proof…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ManhattanDA Cy Vance is corrupt like Charles Hynes he phony public relations does not undo covering up crimes St Vincent's Hospital 911, NYPD crimes
Please contact the Justice Dept AG, NYS AG report Cy Vance and NYPD
Women painted as crazy but these men and their women misogynist club member crazy and should be held accountable under oath televised with special prosectors.
George Arzt, Cy Vance, Scott Stringer, 911 Hewlett Packard, Ray Kelly and more....?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ManhattanDA My vision damaged Cy Vance, Joan Illuzzi protected misogynist hate crime NYPD acted on lied DD5s Cy fixed harassed…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ManhattanDA Special prosector our cases… after damage to eye week ago vision impaired contact lenses, Cy Vance violated harassed
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ManhattanDA Special prosecutor for our cases examine Cy Vance ADAs roles in our many cases
Cy Vance Did Not Prosecute 911 Tech Crooks Pay to Play DA Funneling $ to Ray Kelly Via K2 Intelligence
If Cy Vance Pay2play DA prosecuted 911 Tech Corruption no deal K2 Intelligence Ray Kelly?
Suzannah Troy Shames NYC Gov into Exploring Texting 911 but Bill de Blasio and Mark Peters covering up 2 billion $ plus 911 Boondoggle
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@ManhattanDA NYDN, I warned Cy Vance NYPD lower crime stats blow off victims of NYPD, sexual assault rape vicsI have audio proof…
Cy Vance Dirty DA Resign From Rapes To Bloomberg Immunity Resign!
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Brooklyn Three Adults Arrested Kidnapped Girls Forced In to Prostitution
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Cy Vance Misogynist DA and NYPD Blow Off Victims Rape, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault, Victims of NYPD Read Email 2012 Before I was attacked!
2012 sent this Cy Vance Fixes Rapes by NYPD, Domestic Violence Cy and NYPD Blow Off Victims Keep Crime Stats Low
Cy Vance and NYPD run the city like the Catholic Church when it comes to raping women sexually assault including an Intern inside DA's office someone very senior google DNA Cy Vance Intern. I was assaulted including sexually assault by Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delight or Delite aka Delita Hooks.
Cy Vance did not work you some stuff when it came to Mark, who he paid back for helping him run out of money with more than interest recently refusing to recuse himself from Mark Guma investigation so Guma got pay back with interest!
Cy Vance did not have his friend, squash partner and campaign donor Lloyd Constantine recuse himself from the NYPD rape cop Pena trial and his friend Constantine make sure that the rape cop did not receive a 1st° rape sentencing which is what you read in the post below sent me in 2012 before I became a victim of Cy Vance who made the crimes against the NYPD completely disappear and NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs committed crimes in my case.
Cy Vance is guilty of retaliation and fixing in favors in my case as well as NYPD Internal Affairs top brass so I'm sure you're not gonna do anything but these emails or record that I alerted you any attorney general and I may go to the Attorney General Washington DC if I can get the strength and energy. I'll just print the emails out that I sent and mail them to Attorney general's office in DC this am in the mix so I said I could barely move my dad a World War II veteran decorated died knowing what was done to me my mom is in hospice dying I'm suing the NYPD for years and Zachary Carter Dr Redacto caught dr. documents on the nursing home
In my case in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha and others I better just copy this email and send it to DC this am with the Cy Vance Mark Guma email
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Sent from my iPhone
Cy Vance did not work you some stuff when it came to Mark, who he paid back for helping him run out of money with more than interest recently refusing to recuse himself from Mark Guma investigation so Guma got pay back with interest!
Cy Vance did not have his friend, squash partner and campaign donor Lloyd Constantine recuse himself from the NYPD rape cop Pena trial and his friend Constantine make sure that the rape cop did not receive a 1st° rape sentencing which is what you read in the post below sent me in 2012 before I became a victim of Cy Vance who made the crimes against the NYPD completely disappear and NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs committed crimes in my case.
Cy Vance is guilty of retaliation and fixing in favors in my case as well as NYPD Internal Affairs top brass so I'm sure you're not gonna do anything but these emails or record that I alerted you any attorney general and I may go to the Attorney General Washington DC if I can get the strength and energy. I'll just print the emails out that I sent and mail them to Attorney general's office in DC this am in the mix so I said I could barely move my dad a World War II veteran decorated died knowing what was done to me my mom is in hospice dying I'm suing the NYPD for years and Zachary Carter Dr Redacto caught dr. documents on the nursing home
In my case in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha and others I better just copy this email and send it to DC this am with the Cy Vance Mark Guma email
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Sent from my iPhone
If Cy Vance Misogynist Dirty DA Pay2play DA prosecuted 911 Tech Corruption no deal K2 Intell...
In this youtube I reference about a woman who wrote in 2012 about Cy Vance being very corrupt (see link below) , misogynist dirty DA that was fixing NYPD rape cases and blowing off women victims of rape and domestic abuse disappear and with corrupt NYPD lowering crimes stats by blowing off victims of crimes which I can verify. Cy Vance protected NYPD and IA that broke laws in my case because he hates me like the corrupt cops at the First Precinct that broke laws so it is okay to commit crimes when th victim is a critic of Cy Vance and the rich folks he does fixing and favors for and gives Teflon Status.
If Cy Vance has prosecuted 911 Tech crooks and this was bigger than CityTime and gone after top cops like Ray Kelly's guy NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd would Ray Kelly have gotten top jobs at Cushman Wakefield who suddenly dumped him and K2 Intelligence hires Ray Kelly and gets a half a million dollar contract as reported by the NYDN after giving the pay to play DA a campaign donation.
Is Cy Vance funneling money to Ray Kelly who would not have even gotten a job with Cushman or K2 Inteliigence if Cy Vance prosecuted (ECTP) 911 tech crooks. If Cy Vance prosecuted 911 Tech Corruption no deal with K2 Intelligence Ray Kelly? This takes you to 2012 allegations before I was assaulted + NYPD crime with a woman calling out Cy Vance's corruption, misogyny etc.
K2 Intelligence is reference
Bill de Blasio, Zachary Carter, Cy Vance, James O'Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly like Jona Rechnitz CCPC Corrupt Pay to Play NYC
If Cy Vance Pay2play DA prosecuted 911 Tech Corruption no deal K2 Intelligence Ray Kelly?
I exclusively reported PC Bratton and Chief Chuck Dowd hosted a board meeting for FirstNet! Suddenly Bratton could not longer cover-up the Chief Dowd --- Ray Kelly scandal involving 911 ECTP and my question is how about FirstNet?
In case you aren't interested in misogynist and Rape Cases Cy Vance fixed read an email sent to me before I became a victim....
2012 sent this Cy Vance Fixes Rapes by NYPD, Domestic Violence Cy and NYPD Blow Off Victims Keep Crime Stats Low
Cy Vance and NYPD run the city like the Catholic Church when it comes to raping women sexually assault including an Intern inside DA's office someone very senior google DNA Cy Vance Intern. I was assaulted including sexually assault by Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delight or Delite aka Delita Hooks.
Cy Vance did not work you some stuff when it came to Mark, who he paid back for helping him run out of money with more than interest recently refusing to recuse himself from Mark Guma investigation so Guma got pay back with interest!
Cy Vance did not have his friend, squash partner and campaign donor Lloyd Constantine recuse himself from the NYPD rape cop Pena trial and his friend Constantine make sure that the rape cop did not receive a 1st° rape sentencing which is what you read in the post below sent me in 2012 before I became a victim of Cy Vance who made the crimes against the NYPD completely disappear and NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs committed crimes in my case.
Cy Vance is guilty of retaliation and fixing in favors in my case as well as NYPD Internal Affairs top brass so I'm sure you're not gonna do anything but these emails or record that I alerted you any attorney general and I may go to the Attorney General Washington DC if I can get the strength and energy. I'll just print the emails out that I sent and mail them to Attorney general's office in DC this am in the mix so I said I could barely move my dad a World War II veteran decorated died knowing what was done to me my mom is in hospice dying I'm suing the NYPD for years and Zachary Carter Dr Redacto caught dr. documents on the nursing home
In my case in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha and others I better just copy this email and send it to DC this am with the Cy Vance Mark Guma email
This was sent to me in 2012 before I was savagely assaulted Ray Kelly and Cy Vance protected the corrupt NYPD detectives that joined in committing crimes in my case.
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Sent from my iPhone
Cy Vance did not work you some stuff when it came to Mark, who he paid back for helping him run out of money with more than interest recently refusing to recuse himself from Mark Guma investigation so Guma got pay back with interest!
Cy Vance did not have his friend, squash partner and campaign donor Lloyd Constantine recuse himself from the NYPD rape cop Pena trial and his friend Constantine make sure that the rape cop did not receive a 1st° rape sentencing which is what you read in the post below sent me in 2012 before I became a victim of Cy Vance who made the crimes against the NYPD completely disappear and NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs committed crimes in my case.
Cy Vance is guilty of retaliation and fixing in favors in my case as well as NYPD Internal Affairs top brass so I'm sure you're not gonna do anything but these emails or record that I alerted you any attorney general and I may go to the Attorney General Washington DC if I can get the strength and energy. I'll just print the emails out that I sent and mail them to Attorney general's office in DC this am in the mix so I said I could barely move my dad a World War II veteran decorated died knowing what was done to me my mom is in hospice dying I'm suing the NYPD for years and Zachary Carter Dr Redacto caught dr. documents on the nursing home
In my case in NBA star Thabo Sefolosha and others I better just copy this email and send it to DC this am with the Cy Vance Mark Guma email
This was sent to me in 2012 before I was savagely assaulted Ray Kelly and Cy Vance protected the corrupt NYPD detectives that joined in committing crimes in my case.
This was sent to Joanna Molly of NYDN and I, Suzannah Troy got permission to post. I am posting on my blogs but without the woman's name.
Joanna! I just read your outrageous article on Cy Vance, who is the fakest and most crooked DA in NY history!
I personally begged his staff to help me with Domestic Violence where I was bloodied numerous times and I had photos, witnesses, etc. His staff ignored everyone of my calls and letters begging for help. They also ignored 100% of complaints by every friend of mine in ANY cases where they were victims of crime. (The NYPD's only job is to lower the "crime rate" by blowing off victims.)
Are you saying a 100% corruption rate by the NYPD and DA are not scandalous?
A creep who raped several of our friends was arrested for other serious felony crimes and Vance let him go each time, even though there was video evidence etc. Ask your readers if anyone else has similar experiences with Vance protecting criminals and prepare to drown in emails!
Everyone knows the purpose of media is to protect the Government from angry taxpayers, but I can't believe a WOMAN would support the most anti-woman DA in America.
For instance, Vance is SILENT on the endless Rape of women by the NYPD. Do you really believe he couldn't hold a press conference demanding Ray and Mike explain the record NYPD corruption and endless stories of women being harassed, mistreated, or blown off by cops?
You SAW Vance blow every trial against crooked cops. He deliberately did that because he has illegal conflicts of interest with the NYPD! The photo along with your article is scandalous! Imagine if Ray Kelly did press conferences with the Mafia and hung out with them!
The DA is a checks-and-balance on the NYPD (who are so corrupt even the NYPost did a cover story a few years ago about the unprecedented NYPD corruption) but of course no they aren't.
Vance has to LOSE any cases against dirty cops (Moreno had HEROIN in his locker too!!) or else he hurts all his other cases that require cop testimony!
If Vance was even 1% honest, he'd PUBLICLY say all NYPD cases of dirty cops must go to INDEPENDENT prosecutors. But the crook won't do that because he fears they'll be CONVICTED, which will make Vance's job much harder.
ASK VANCE why he has yet to prosecute the Catholic Church or Dolan, who ADMITTED to organized crime: covering up child rape systemically! No statute of limitations on organized crime statutes etc!
ASK VANCE why he gave Bloomberg and team "immunity" to testify in Haggerty's case. Vance couldn't legally even do that!
THERE's A REASON everyone agrees Vance is the dirtiest of the dirty!
ASK VANCE where's his press conference where he demands HARSHER SENTENCES FOR COPS, since even right wingers agree that the punishment must be worse for cops who break laws than civilians, since we gave cops powers they abuse!
I can go on and on but my friends and I don't think you really give a damn about justice, or women's rights, and on and on. Your job is to keep your employment by shilling for our naked emperor, who gave billions to your boss.
Would you care to prove us wrong?
steaming mad,
Sent from my iPhone
911 Tech corruption,
City Hall,
Cy Vance,
domestic abuse,
K2 Intelligence,
Ray Kelly,
Sexual assault
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