Bought the film Suffragette on iTunes stick to the Very end see actual reall footage of the funeral and the turnout
Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist Delita Hooks violence towards me and violence towards a woman is not OK even by a woman was a wet dream for what would be the largest gangbang of retaliation in New York City history against a whistleblower me I'm the only woman in New York that does blogging about political corruption using my real name and I spoke up and I blew the whistle read this I wrote below.
misogynistnyc: Suffragette Film So current Bill Bratton Ray Kelly Gang Bang of retaliation #NYPD violence coercion
"Nothing stays hidden forever" David Lynch. Comforts me re violence lies Dr Andrew Fagelman's Delita Hooks violence lies #NYPD IA lies
Ray Kelly's Appellate Lawyer in front of 3 Judges Aug 21, 2015 admits understandable I feel my constitutional rights City and defendants lied in court they know what they did, and by the way, they withheld a letter threatening me -- and by the way, I never got to meet with my lawyer, my civil rights, violated when in fact they were!
Please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB, Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you.
Please Google "Dr Fagelman assault" you should see this you to my patient rights my body my Human Rights my Civil rights violations NYPD detectives and bosses joined in goal to violently coerce me erase all crimes.
Vid 6 second highlights Vine
Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
mother's Day, May 2023 it's Sunday the first Mother's Day without my mom being on the planet and I get a flag that they're making this an adult rating .... I've asked them to review it Your post titled "Ray Kelly Bratton NYPD Internal Affairs I'm a victim Gang bang of retaliation " has been put behind a warning for readers
i've updated it to add moreevidence, because it took me half a decade, but I got a copy of a letter WITHHELD for me to cover up more crimes and 4courts where I sued the NYPD internal Affairs, and the city of ny
when the NYPD received a letter from a violent criminal, who punched a hole my retina now she's threatening me a letter. They were obligated to alert the DA and me...if there were any honest cops, they should've reported to Internal Affairs what was going on and maybe they did because Internal Affairs retaliate as I know from Joe sanchez and NYPD hero I've made YouTube documentary about

The woman cop in this article New York Post broke laws in my case because she was party to the goal to obstruct justice. There's audio at the 1st Precinct she's standing there right by a large poster that says report police corruption to Internal Affairs that poster calos for NYPD to report corrupt cops.
internal Affairs is fully aware you can see that I sued the chief of Internal Affairs but it went on from the Bloomberg administration Blasio and NOW Eric Adams, who rehired openly corrupt police commissioner Chief Banks chief of taking gifts. He was indicted oh no he was unindicted party in a bribery case his best friend went to jail, but he didn't. too bad, because Eric Garner's death was put into motion by phone call to his office and his office was involved just like Esposito the fix was in in my case I remember first calling Esposito because the transit cop I showed the video to said somethings wrong report this to someone I had already reported to Internal Affairs so I went to the Chief then when he left, I contacted Chief Banks and I was told by his assistant, NYCLU D Lieutenant Gannon, that is against NYPD policy to allow Victims to upgrade crimes when you're suing these were crimes at the NYPD downgraded because it's one 800 fix it and I'm a whistleblower so there's retaliation in fact the first comment that instigated me posting the video of the attack was on the corruption inside 911 tech and the payroll system CityTime which is ongoing the NYPD also we're not let me report sexual assault I've audio so he's women cops when they're going to obstruct justice and I'm recording and i posted audios to youtubd

I don't know this creeps name he's an abuser of power along with the men that you can see small little thumbnails of they are on the NYPD Intelligence Division squad bodyguards a Corrupt Division like Internal Affairs like sex crime like the 1st Precinct Ed Winski that doesn't understand me the US Constitution and civil rights they actually tried to remove me from a me to protest but hundreds of women stopped them. The NYPD unintelligent division detective refused to show his bad. She lied to me. He doesn't have to violating protocol, and the older one was standing there, trying to intimidate me to the women trying to protect me, move me, and we're giving him looks and finally he was told to leave me alone. It's called his baby Putin tacitus with Bloomberg on going.

Joe, Tacopina has never denied that he made a contract to see the tables turned which I forwarded to the NYPD. I want to know if you contacted Det. and Dwyer who he spoke to the 1st Precinct at the doctors office as they conspired to make me drop charges because if that went on, I believe that's very serious crime, including threatening someone online and the letter that he drafted she submitted if that's the case these are serious crimes, and then Manhattan DA was alerted and wanted to know his motive, and when I told him it was about the NYPD, rape trial, they suddenly warm for interested

this is a video we have a blackeye. I made it after I was attacked I had not posted the video of the attack until AJohn a friend of Delita Hooks begins what would become a decade of gaslighting lying trying to cover up Crimes I had no idea at the time and I didn't learn for over six years I believe that Delita hooks Broke Laws + Perjury, so it was part of the strategy to break more loss to make sure that she could get away with all these crimes and then I don't know how many crimes he committed after becoming an American citizen, but she and her boss, Dr. Andrew for Comment committed perjury
i'm Jewish I've grown up with people with all kinds of accents and I just American. I know she tried to make up a lie. She made up Manny first that I threw the first punch. That's what Etan said but later she would say that I told her she had no rights in her country that simply not true she was the one that yelled at me that I have no rights and I said of course I have Rights. I have the first amendment right to speak up.
she committed so much PERJURY, but whatever truth, she told, I'm grateful and the same for her boss they committed a lot perjury, but someone work with them on a Coach PERJURY that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later, and whoever was involved in that I'd like to see them PROSECUTED as well, along with anybody, and everyone that conspire to lie cheat to win how many crimes?
I will send an anonymous email. I have no idea if it's true that the doctor assaulted a woman and NYPD turned her way so she reported the NYPD to the department of justice for discrimination against someone mentally ill.
when I tell you, it's years of obstruction of justice years of trying to shut me down shut me up there's been people flagging any platform that would go along with it unless I hired a lawyer, and I did not hire a lawyer for Wikipedia, and I did not hire a lawyer for Vimeo.
I did hire a lawyer for Twitter and got to tell the truth, but it was immediately put in the "bury the truth " section, but I believe the Joe Tacopina was involved with the doctor and his employee, and trying to shut me up
The NYPD and the Manhattan DA were aiding and abetting Jeffrey, Epstein, and Maxwell on the same with the criminals. In my case they also enabled even more crimes in
ABC News, CBS, NBC, every major networks all the media refused to report that Jeffrey Epstein was getting help from the Manhattan DA and who knew the NYPD no one want to investigate that but then New York Daily News made one effort and then it died dead on arrival just like my case, when I reported it to Dept Of investigation, I reported it to the FBI including NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos, who at the time I didn't know is it going to be in the New York civil liberties union database for threatening a victim like I was riding with. I've reported to Internal Affairs.
Margaret was well aware of my case but she was in with corruption pushing through greed and stupidity like the Rudin condos instead of a trauma level one hospital and I was wearing a sign like a big necklace when I got assaulted so maybe the doctor and Delita hooks Broke Laws + Perjury scription because I remember I had reported one of a retired NYPD commanders on Bill Rudin payroll for trying to fix a ticket in front of me
now we have a pandemic, so how proud are they for pushing through condos instead of a trauma level one hospital or Saint Vincents hospital and Cy Vance DA refused to prosecute the St Vincent hospital?
I reported NYPD police officer, Eugene Scharz for using his car like a weapon on behalf of the MERCER hotel. Jeffrey Epstein was getting teflon status along with ghislaine Maxwell like all criminals, my case, the criminals from the doctors office, the criminals that jumped in to obstruct justice in my case her to help them to cheat. Lion win, and the criminals from the NYPD Internal Affairs in the city that were choosing to lie and cheat, and when and Crimes PROTECT racing Crimes, do I need to see in my opinion or is this obviously an opinion blog?
this corrupt, dirty cop Schatz that used his car like a weapon and abused his power like he was on the payroll for a hotel like doing their favors might get him invited to some party. I don't know what, but he had a open role as did how many cups in obstructing justice in my case they were breaking laws at their desk the Det. squad was with falsifying police reports, but while they were doing the paperwork, how many people were party to that goal to make all crimes disappear to retaliate against me and also to help out the doctor and his employee turns out was applying for American citizenship. I'm committing crimes might just throw a wrench that?
My Dad served in World War II and he died, knowing I was treated like a Jew in the early stages Nazi Germany. He taught me to love America like we were immigrants to be grateful and thankful!
. startling to me that she commits how many crimes she and her pals flag me to silence me, because that might interfere with her getting her citizenship. These are very serious, crimes intimidating, threatening, trying to flag a victim, telling the truth when she's been threatened by the NYPD I was told not to contact Detective john Vergona except to drop charges or he was going to false arrest me!!!!!!!! I never got to meet my lawyer there was a time I had to have emergency surgery on my retina from the violent attack. I didn't even know to use the word sexual assault, but she did do forcible touching and that was covered up, just like Jeffrey Epstein's many crimes that the DA was covering up, including sexual assault.
The FBI was alerted by victims of Dr. Larry Nassar, and at least one victim of Jeffrey Epstein's, and they ignored that it is impossible to report crime of people are connected?