In my opinion Joe Tacopina not so handsome in real life.....but I am sure he is a super hottie in his own mind....mean while --- how many rapes cops have been exposed in the news since the shameful NYPD rape cop Moreno trial where Joe Tacopina put the rape victim on trial and his partner Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel compared the bruised rape victim's genitals to a venus fly trap -- a hate crime in court.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Google YouTube Threatened Removal 3 Videos mayor Mike Bloomberg NYPD Det. Kevin Lynch
2 last week and they were not removed after 24 hour
3 flagged today all for Det. Kevin Lynch of mayor Bloomberg the baby Putin ruler of NYC and Mike will reward Kevin for his behavior with what a stay at 5 star hotel in Bermuda?
Oh here is another one of baby Putin Mike Bloomberg "secretive" NYPD from his security division violating NYPD protocol -- well more than one...
Read more:
Vito Lopez Won't Give Up Control He has Big Investments $$$$$
No brainer he is an addict and addicted to power as much as he is sexually preying on women and exploiting them but he also has investments he wants to protect, back room deals that profit him and those that jump through his hoops including those who have been his sexual barbie dolls.
Goes on all the time..... a billionaire (not Mike Bloomberg) (oh hear he is a faux billionaire) tried to do the same thing with me years ago. I gather he would have helped me with art career hardee har. I said no thank you.
NYC these power freaks expect it and get high off of degrading someone sexually as much as their dirty back room deals.
These men pay off women that have raped and or preyed on either with their own money or tax payer money. Sex abuse goes on male on male and also female to male etc. Disgusting....
Is the thrill sex addiction or "sex abuse of power" addiction?
They just get so high off of abusing power.
Cuomo Ethics Committee on Sheldon a Fraud like Dave Paterson Walking on Perjury and Witness Tampering
Occupy Wall Street Protestors Take Shelter Outside Trinity Church
Outside trinity church they have protestors sleeping on ground
Next to gate on broadway
Saw it late tonight
You might want to take a coupel of pics
Probably thier tommorow night
Some/ a lot of them I think maybe homeless
On the concrete in font of gate message was writen in chalk against
Big banks
Sheldon Silver Tax Payer $ Broker Sex Abuse Resign!!!
Silver's message was pimp -- go ahead sexually abuse women, hush it up and use tax payer money to settle. Disgusting. Don't forget Cuomo initially defended this and Silver!!!!!
If Mike Bloomberg ran his private empire this way he would be homeless living in a luxury homeless shelter.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Gloria Allred Calling Sheldon Silver A Liar? Resign Shelly Resign!
Our little emperor Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Quinn oh so quiet.
I made this YouTube on Sunday and said Sheldon Silver resign...
NYPD Heroin Rape Cop Moreno Jail Begins When?
Ken Moreno should get Robert Chambers Justice in Jail but for now Feminists papered his neighborhood exposing him for what he is and he deserves more punishment....much more.
Bloomberg on Vito Lopez, Haggerty Trial Testilying, Deputy Mayors to his NYPD Intelligence Detectives Amnesia?
Bloomberg Doing His Best Sargent Schultz "I know Nothing"On Lopez .@MikeBloomberg, asked whether @vitojlopez should resign, says "it's up to the albany legislature to investigate" .@MikeBloomberg, asked whether @VitoJLopez assembly payment was appropriate, said "I just don't know what laws are"
Remember Mike and Team Bloomberg lied oops suffered amnesia during the Haggerty trial - Bloomberg a sitting mayor commited perjury and he broke campaign laws which carries Jail time!!! Misogynist Mike Bloomberg -- women sexually preyed on and he is okay along with abuse of tax payer money of which out did Lopez on hard to believe!!!
Than we have Mike's NYPD intelligence division not so intelligent Detectives and Lynch abusive all except for Lt O'Sullivan who actual knows NYPD protocol but not sure he is up on first amendment and public sidewalks. Good news at least they aren't accused of attempted murder and suffering extra severe Amnesia on NYPD protocol like the NYPD Det from Mike Bloomberg's private security arrested for attempted murder and a few other charges!!! Amnesia is rampant Team Bloomberg and his security team of NYPD?
Sheldon Silver Resign NY Post Misogynist Editors & Women's Groups Silent!!!
No one but the post is saying anything but all The NY Post editors known for being sexist and misogynist is Sheldon Silver come clean but I said 4 days Sheldon Silver from my blog Silver RESIGN!!!
Misogynist mayor Mike in bed with Lopez silent on Lopez sex abuse and tax payer money but Mike would be poverty level and in a luxury homeless shelter as he calls them if he allowed contracts in his private empire to run over budget billions of dollars and bad a fortune mega millions for consulting for 4th grade math we were robbed. Bloomberg rewarded a culture of corruption and a revolving door of failure with Christine Quinn and City Council green lighting mega bucks in tax payer abuse and theft and cronyism so Vito Lopez like but grander scale.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Vito Lopez Andy Cuomo Mike Bloomberg Dave Paterson Judy Judy Kaye Buy Bye!
Andy Cuomo, Christine Quinn funneled tax payer money big big bucks to Vito Lopez.
Christine Quinn's political wedding Vito Lopez and Dave Paterson both men misogynists that abused and exploited women.... Paterson guilty of perjury and witness tampering aka silencing a victim of spousal abuse.
Lopez pays top lawyer Gerald Leftcourt with campaign money and Dave Paterson is alleged to have paid for hotels for adulterous affairs using campaign money.
Everyone who supported and supports Paterson including Cuomo, Judge Judy Kaye, Christine Quinn, NYU, WOR, Icon group and top Black leaders are guilty in my opinion of green lighting spousal abuse and violence towards women because there message is protect connected people more important than punishing those who protect abusers of women and attempt to silence them!
How many of them directed money to non-profits and the money went to relatives, men and women they had sex with, friends, their kids and ditto for jobs Albany to City Hall and now all of the sudden they care Vito Lopez is abusing women and non-profits along with how many others and for how long?
Vito Lopez has plenty of proteges and I suspect someone who looks like a crook like him on community board -- someone specific that makes me puke and even looks like Lopez. Guess who?
They are all so arrogant and they think they are above the law and for so many years they have been correct.
Vito, you sex exploitive creep.
Sounds like they are calling for investigations of Lopez non-profits for him using money for his own slush fund. Been questions for years but nobody did anything about it.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Sheldon Silver Sexual Fixer for Vito Lopez & Alleged Rapist Michael Boxley?
"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver quietly settled at least one sexual harassment accusation against a powerful Brooklyn assemblyman before censuring him on Friday for sexually harassing two other female employees, people with knowledge of the agreement said."
Reminder Shirley Huntley to be arrested Monday and she doesn't seem to have a care in the world.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
NYPD Traffic Cop Accused of Raping Teen!!!!!! NYC Rape Central!!!
Here I am protesting outside Joe Hell Bound Tacopina and Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel's offices -- NYPD rape cop Moreno's lawyers' offices.
1800 Rape AWAY and Joe Tacopina crowed about getting Moreno off!!!!!!! Moreno is going to jail!
Meanwhile NYPD Moreno heroin rape cop is out free walking the street.... One Term Cy (bye buy Cy Vance) said hey, we'll just roll the heroin in to a year!!!!!!! The Soccer Madame they kept a political prisoner but because Cy Vance let the rape cop walk look what we have here.
Do the jurors that went to dinner with Tacopina and Seigel and hugged it out with NYPD heroin rape cop ever feel a tinge when there is another NYPD rape cop and another and another?
Maybe that inspired NYPD PO Mina to steal guns out of the lockers where Moreno hid heroin....oh yeah Moreno said a) he shared the locker with another cop b) he forget to check it in to the evidence room c) he is a silver tongued devil sex predator and he was going to either plant it on someone or barter it for oral sex?
Than there was NYPD cop Michael Pena who anally and vaginally raped a school teacher and the dumb jurors believe a lying cop over the rape victim as usual with Cy Vance's friend Lloyd Constantine leading a back of dumb jurors that believe if a man holds a gun to your face and threatens to shoot you and rapes you front and back you should be able to remember the color of the car across the street!
Constantine donated 5 grand to Cy Vance troubled campaign funding so I await a time when I can ask Cy Vance are you going to return the money?
Oh and than there is Arthur Doldan another cop accuses of rape!
The only way I can deal with my anger is with humor.
Here I dress as Joe Tacopina and I brag about the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Tacopina Super Lawyer Parody 2
Parody 3 is coming!!!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Cy Vance Boy Toy (Dirty DA) Watch This Video Banned From YouTube!!!!!
Hey Cy Vance when I protest you next I will also include your press office discriminating against bloggers!
Cy Vance Can't Alienate Enough New Yorkers His Press Office Chimes in?
Hi Suzannah,
The defendant was granted bail by the Appellate Division, pending the appeal of his case.
You should direct your inquiry on the status of the appeal to that Office.
In the future, please do not email this address, we field questions from the news media only, and other public information you’re seeking is always available to the public via the clerk’s office at the appropriate courthouse.
Thank you.
Gee media outlets have been known to get their info from me dear sweet Cy Vance's press office but thanks for the offensive response!
No name very professional huh? Cy Vance is so classy and so is this email hardee har!
Cy Vance SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Your punishment is one term and than bye bye cy and whom ever sent me this piece of crap email you will lose your job along with Cy Vance. You could have just referred me to the appellate court.
Hey one term Cy Vance, you will lose if you are stupid enough to try and run again.....and I hear a woman or a minority male is coming in to office for the first time and I hope they hire people that respect the democratic process which in the 21 century includes bloggers since the media steals our work so often oh and occasionally acknowledges us.
Hey Cy Vance and your now low class press office......Norman Siegel won a legal case against our corrupt mayor and city council speaker abusing blogger
Blogger Rafael Martínez Alequin Bloomberg is the most arrogant mayor I have known. Four years ago, the NYPD, which issue passes to journalists, denied my press credentials on the grounds that I am only a blogger, and for a long time Bloomberg refused to take my questions. I was also barred for a while from the press gallery. But two years ago, I won a legal victory for bloggers and they had to let me back in. Thanks to a federal lawsuit I filed, New York City now recognises bloggers as journalists and they can get press credentials. This is one of the biggest things that I have ever won. (It was Norman Siegel that won't Raphael!)
FYI: Cy Vance's Press office had no problem answering my questions pre-this email and I have the emails and phone records to prove it pre-me being an open critics of Vance's.
I had a photograph published in The NY Times A section and the photo is on the world wide web with my name. Does that take me a step closer, my videos posted on NYDN, my work stolen by all major newspapers like Andy Cuomo sending me emails signed Dave Paterson. I have to laugh at who in the press I have tutored on CityTime and ECTP!
Now because I am outraged by Cy Vance rolling heroin found in the NYPD rape cop Moreno's locker in to a year as well as standing outside 1 Hogan Place protesting Cy Vance for his handling of NYPD rape cops, lack of prosecution and much more gets me an undemocratic uncool chillly response.
Joe Jazz Hayden says Cy Vance courted him when he was running for office and now is having him tried for a pocket knife on a stop and frisk which along with everything else is bogus. I believe William Knutsler's Daughter is representing Hayden and word on the street is far more angry actions will be taken against Cy Vance including by politicians if Cy Vance doesn't toss the case. Cy can't seem to stop pissing over New Yorkers and I am understating it and now his press office as well.
Could it be the chilly response is Cy Vance is as popular as Mike Bloomberg except Cy is called "One Term Cy" and Mike bought three terms. By the way did Cy Vance work out his campaign debt?
As soon as I get the strength I will return to protesting Cy Vance demanding he resign.
I want to catch him on video and ask him if he going to return Lloyd Constantine's 5 grand donation considering NYPD Rape Cop Mina juror actions led by Constantine regarding the anal and vaginal rape and dear Lloyd, Cy's pal lead a small group who refused to believe the victim was telling the truth...gee was it because Constantine said she could not remember the color of the car when she was being vaginally and anally raped with a gun help up to her face as well?
Well Cy Vance said he didn't remember see Constantine sitting in the jurors box -- the guy he played tennis with and donated 5 grand to Vance's shady campaign? Let's ask Mark Guma about Vance' campaign if he has free time since is working on Christine Quinn's. Do Mark Guma, Christine Quinn and Maura Keaney have unofficial immunity from Cy hardee har?
Akin Resign and When is NYPD Heroin Rape Cop Moreno Going to Jail?
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg Private Army NYPD Intelligence Det. Lynch Refuses to Ide...
My activist friends not fans of the NYPD but little old me wrote I love the NYPD today on my blog note the colossal NYPD officers standing by him never open their mouths. None are eager to identify themselves for some reason? Why? part 1 show NYPD Det. Lynch who refused to identify himself and was abusive as well as physically intimidating.
I have a hard timing with spelling as all my loyal blog followers know and I asked Lt. O'Sullivan for his card but he said he didn't have one.
I do not have the jurisdiction to stop and frisk him hardee har but if he had one on him and refused to give me his card -- well gee that would be disapointing. He refused to give me his first name but I kept asking as there maybe a few other O'Sullivan NYPD. My point is he was honest compared to Det. Lynch and understood protocol but his less than frank before did not inspire trust.
I will post part 1 soon
NYPD intelligence
division Det Lynch (part 1 -- after he was abusive I finally turned on the camera) refused to identify himself name badge number was verbally abusive and physically intimidating leaning in -- Internal Affairs complaint no 7928 video part 1 coming.
Internal Affairs and even NYPD Lt. O'Sullivan knows when you ask a plain clothes officer for their name, rank and what division they are to tell you about NYPD Lynch refused to tell me.
NYPD officer is Lynch's supervisor Lt O'Sullivan.
The press conference "New York City Brownfield Cleanup Program" Mayor's Office of Environmental Protection - they had a big fancy sports car parked on the sidewalk so it seemed like a contradiction in terms along with every Bloomberg -- a big phony hypocrite.
I made a call and spoke with an FBI agent this morning about the 911 Tech System and Bloomberg approving 1 billion 14 million over-ride along with Mark Page and City Council so we have spent 2 billion 14 million and the system is flawed more than the mayor's new tech bike program.
ECTP 911 Tech System bigger corruption than CityTime so I am proud I spoke up for The People of NYC and that includes the NYPD that are good and honest like NYPD officers that died heroically Sept 11 but today NYPD Det. Lynch from the Intelligence division was rude and way out of line. The only thing worse would have been if he hit me or falsely arrested me.
Mayor Bloomberg Yelled Down CityTime ECTP at Press Conference NYPD Intelligence Division
I will post part 1 soon
NYPD intelligence
division Det Lynch (part 1 -- after he was abusive I finally turned on the camera) refused to identify himself name badge number was verbally abusive and physically intimidating leaning in -- Internal Affairs complaint no 7928 video part 1 coming.
Internal Affairs and even NYPD Lt. O'Sullivan knows when you ask a plain clothes officer for their name, rank and what division they are to tell you about NYPD Lynch refused to tell me.
NYPD officer is Lynch's supervisor Lt O'Sullivan.
The press conference "New York City Brownfield Cleanup Program" Mayor's Office of Environmental Protection - they had a big fancy sports car parked on the sidewalk so it seemed like a contradiction in terms along with every Bloomberg -- a big phony hypocrite.
I made a call and spoke with an FBI agent this morning about the 911 Tech System and Bloomberg approving 1 billion 14 million over-ride along with Mark Page and City Council so we have spent 2 billion 14 million and the system is flawed more than the mayor's new tech bike program.
ECTP 911 Tech System bigger corruption than CityTime so I am proud I spoke up for The People of NYC and that includes the NYPD that are good and honest like NYPD officers that died heroically Sept 11 but today NYPD Det. Lynch from the Intelligence division was rude and way out of line. The only thing worse would have been if he hit me or falsely arrested me.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Matthew Couloute Jr Sued His Critical Ex Gal Pals Now Wife Backs Them Up
Wow a bully with a law degree what a shock sued his his ex gal pals for telling the truth?
Now the woman that was married to him and defended him confirms it is true? She is divorcing him and I wonder if she regrets not listening to the warnings posted by ex gal pals that sound like they were right on.
What a shocker!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pussy Riots NY Times Censorship for Christine Quinn our Putin Silencing Artist Suzannah B. Troy
Carolyn Ryan out of town lesbian pink mafia -- thanks for killing these stories as well
Pink Mafia!
Emily Giske and I love you!!!!!
Christine Quinn talking points -- Quinn's on going betrayal St. Vincent's and her community
City Hall meeting notes....Quinn continues to alienate her community with her dishonesty and lack of accountability.
Carolyn Ryan kiss kiss thanks for not reporting about community deaths because St. Vincent's closed and for protecting my kick backs oopsie campaign donations from Rudin and friends as well as the deaths of small biz.
kissie kissie thanks for killing these stories and my role in so much more corruption city hall big mafia xoxoxo
You rock NY Times and Howard Rubenstein and Emily Giske say high-five!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
The NY Times Stops & Frisks Critics of Christine Quinn!
Do not call me a feminist icon....
faux Christine Quinn as performed by Suzannah B. Troy Artist
ps I forgot to mention how Quinn uses NYPD oopse
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Carolyn Ryan Kate Taylor The NY Times Spin and Lies for Christine Quinn Rudin St. Vincent's Hospital
Small business are dying around St Vincent's Hospitals grave, Christine Quonn's mega failure no trauma level 1 hospital no rape crisis cements no AIDS care small biz's dying along with people in ambulances who can't make it to Beth Israel...
Quinn does not want to pass sick days for small biz which effects minorities and Carolyn Ryan and Kate spin her in to a minority small biz hero?
Carolyn Ryan is a disgraceful to journalism using Kate Taylor as Quinn's "spin girl" and continuing to do one side reporting, make sure to prevent critics like me from commenting on The NY Times website and black out the news on St Vincent and the Christine Quinn Chuck Meara scandals regarding betrayal of her own district, flushing the democratic process away again locking out her own district from testifying and refusing to investigate ambulance response times starting with half hour response for 75 year old man one if many Quinn victims prevented from a city council that couldn't be bothered to attend -- and Quinn and her huge staff were no where to be seen but I stood with the huge crowd dressed as Quinn underscoring her betrayal and abandonment as the basic human right to a hospital was flushed away along with the democratic process.
Shame on publisher of The NY Times, the crafty corrupt fixers that brought in out of town lesbian Carolyn Ryan to kill mega stories like the St. Vincent's scandals, the death since St. Vincent's closed, the way Quinn has enraged her own district and The NY Times is killing stories on this this, CityTime Scandal which Quinn is implicated as well as green lighting billions in over-runs starting with ECTP 911 tech system where we The People were clearly robbed The NY Times is too busy doing informercials and spin for Christine Quinn!!!!
Isn't The NY Times just a little interested in why Christine Quinn isn't pressuring Cy Vance to prosecute St. Vincent's crooks or why Quinn lied to me, Norman Siegel and community members in a meeting at City Hall stating she did not know which way she would vote..... she voted with the Rudin family who have donated the max to her run for mayoral campaign not news.
Here I am dressed as Christine Quinn standing with her community to demand a hospital a place Christine Quinn has refused to stand.
If that isn't a story worth reporting in NYC than what is?
If we have a terror attack this year and no St. Vincent's Christine Quinn could face a public hanging.
The New York Times refuses to report the news and is killing stories for Christine Quinn and silencing voices in opposition just like they did for Mike Bloomberg and he barely won.
Another news story The NY Times won't report just like my Mayor Bloomberg King of New York Poster that I released the same day Mike released his ad campaign and that poster will be historical -- it is already in The NY Historical society archive....
Louis Flores is working on a book using kick starter to come out with a book the same day Christine Quinn is which The Wall Street Journal reported in an article about how Christine Quinn uses the NYPD to harass and interfere with protestors!
It seems most New Yorkers do not even know who Quinn is but if Flores can't get the funding via kickstarter than Louis Flores will find another way but his expose will be shared with the public even if he finds a Dickensian way to do so.
Christine Quinn Talking Points the Meeting at City Hall 45 minutes and nothing....
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Joe Tacopina Sexy Super Stud Lawyer on NYPD Rape Cop 9th Precinct and Prince of Monaco!
The super fly lawyer Joe Tacopina is taking time out to stop bragging about getting the NYPD heroin rape cop off although Ken Moreno is going to go to jail one day -- Cy Vance may no longer be DA by then but Joe Tacopina PREDATOR -- he decapitates in court -- yes folks his own words is going to thrash Prince of Monaco in court?
Joe Tacopina Parody Super Lawyer NYPD Rape Cop van Der Sloot Baby Lisa
Ricky's is having a sale on Halloween costumes. I bought this at Ricky's in the East Village down in the basement 112 1st Avenue at 7th Street.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Christine Quinn Has NYPD Quinn Violate Senior Citizen Woman Special Needs
Christine Quinn continues to have NYPD come down on frail seniors because she is such a tyrant as bad as Mike Blomberg, truly his mini-me!
I am a supporter of the good NYPD....this is heart breaking that a plain clothes NYPD officer who no badge, name and precinct is politely harassing a senior handicap citizen on behalf of Christine Quinn.
Yesterday mayor Bloomberg protestors by Gracie Mansion in wheel chairs arrested and the NYPD commandeer Access-Arides
Google YouTube E-Burka Political Sexual Censorship Denault vs. SAIC Medi...
Mayor Bloomberg, City Hall and Google YouTube Sexual and Political Censorship alive in well in NYC, USA and prejudice misogyny against women!
Google YouTube E-Burka Political Sexual Censorship Denault vs. SAIC Medi...
Mayor Bloomberg, City Hall and Google YouTube Sexual and Political Censorship alive in well in NYC, USA and prejudice misogyny against women!
Google YouTube E-Burka Political Sexual Censorship Denault vs. SAIC Medi...
Mayor Bloomberg, City Hall and Google YouTube Sexual and Political Censorship alive in well in NYC, USA and prejudice misogyny against women!
Suzannah Troy Adult Warning Gerard Denault Sued SAIC
My video response....
also proves my points that women can't be heard -- it is about been seen -- the male gaze...disgusting sexual discrimination and again the misogynist censorship is applied via Google YouTube automatically without me being given a chance to respond before being removed!!!!!
Mayor Bloomberg Google YouTube Sexual Carthyism Misogyny NYC
Mayor Bloomberg Misogynist Stops Trojan Vibrator Give-Away
Google YouTube Censorship & Sexual Discrimination Why I wish I was Breast Feeding in My YouTube on Gerard Denault Suing SAIC and Winning + Westlane Po
Please wake me up from this Orwellian sexual nightmare? Please. I have also been threatened by Ad Sense yet again because an ex-partner in blogging that has a Google YouTube partnership so he knows better that plugs in my Ad Sense account and uses the word "orgasm" this time Paris Hilton on blog that I never even knew existed so it clear people are interferring with me.
The only thing that has not been done to me is an arrest by Mike Bloomberg and his mini-me Christine Mae West for her broadway show SEX
Oh look at the subject content of what I am talking about including Westlane Police and fire lawsuit siting possible insider trading.....
Google YouTube gives me no way to fight this false allegation so I am asking Google Legal via email to take a look and see there is nothing adult compared to countless YouTubes I could show in court of uber famous music videos by Lady Gaga and Pink that have not been given adult ratings about my YouTube on mega-corruption SAIC and City Hall blacked out news has?
Note the last letter writing campaign to google one letter compared me to Joan Rivers -- well if she had breasts like mine she would do what I do.
Most people are too stupid to know I am talking about the male gaze a power grab -- how Huf Hefner figured out that even the poor guy could pay a few bucks and feel like he is king gazing at a naked woman's body -- power grabs and that is what is going on in the mega corruption in NYC politics from tech contracts, lobbyists, real estate grabs and for me sexual politics and how abusively and poorly women are treated.
Wake me up from this nightmare including the largest corrupt and fraud theft NYC gov history way beyond was Preet Bharara is prosecuting and why won't he go back in Time CityTime. Why no arrests NYC gov officials which he indicated would happen but hasn't. Why no criminal investigation and indictments ECTP 911? We just hired NASA for 14 million dollars and it is 2 billion 14million so Cy Vance and US Attorney won't prosecute and this is bigger corruption than CityTIme and my video more sexy and sexual than Pink having sex with herself on YouTube. tell them Pink and Lady Gaga YouTubes more sexual and graffic so why aren't their YOuTubes banned as adult?
You can also ask that Google Adsense stop threatening me for Zennie 62's use of the word orgasm and his abuse taking my ad sense account and plugging it in his miami blog to get my ad sense account suspended clearly makes me a victim of politics including sex politics.
I made up the term Geo-sexua politics and it means we ain't equal Why can men be topless on YOuTUbe and I can't not that I want to. Why can't I breast feed the most family natural act you can do and talk about politics that affect the Nation's children?
Reminder my YouTube channel taken down before the mayoral election. I got an apology 28 hours later and my YouTubes returned. The wiki page on this was removed based on an urgent demand for removal because I am not famous enough? Are you kidding me? Again look at the wiki pages that are up. Laughable
If I was raped and murdered you would rush to report the news. Thank you.
Thank you,
On Aug 9, 2012, at 2:18 AM, YouTube Service wrote:
Regarding your account:Suzannahartist
The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content that may not be suitable for all viewers:
Suzannah B. Troy Only One to Report Denault vs SAIC, Denault Won & More Blacked Out News!
As a result, we have age-restricted this content.