Monday, February 28, 2011
2 Year old raped at Sea World. He took photos as parents went on ride
Oscars The Academy Misogyny Hailee & Jennifer didn't win! YouTubers Make... you can go to the comment section where I give you more insight in to misogyny and also explain I am referring to David Fincher and why I said Peter!!!!
Peter Finch is famous for what quote from the film "Network"?
I am exhausted. So tired and I always feel like I am rushing.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Jeffrey Epstein Predator prefers to be called Sex Offender Semantically Challenged Predator
02/25/2011 8:16 AM
Jeffrey Epstein plays the semantic game trying to be like Bill Clinton also in my opinion a sexual predator but at least Bill is smart enough to own up to it. Epstein is a predator including financially. Proof: type in his zip code in the free sex offender app for your iphone and ipad and he comes up as sex offender but his ny address doesn't show up although the data base recognizes it. Is that because Epstein does not want to pay the steep taxes that New Yorker pay so he uses the Virgin islands as a tax shelter? He made his fortune here in NYC, USA yet he robs the tax payers of this Country? Some of the free sex offender apps show St. Thomas, New Mexico, Florida and the NY address is recognized. How did Epstein come to buy one of the biggest mansions in NYC? As anyone taken a look in to the purchase of the house. Wealthy people can fly to the poorest countries and the poor turn their kids over to them. What did Andrew and Jeff do in Thailand. Any reports on their visit? It is amazing to me that Ghislaine Maxwell was served a subpoena and walked away. I would love to know what lawyers asked her. What does Leslie Wexner have to say about all this. It was reported in forbes he dropped Epstein as his trustee.
Folks: I am Jewish and Epstein doesn't represent the Jews like Woody Allen he is a bad Apple with no chance of redemption or any motivation to take responsibility because here in NYC they are above the law as are the rich, connected, celebrities, politicians.
See the posting before this which shows you thousands of nyc gov. workers and politicians protesting. Wisconsin may come to NYC and Greece for that matter.
Read more:
02/25/2011 8:16 AM
Jeffrey Epstein plays the semantic game trying to be like Bill Clinton also in my opinion a sexual predator but at least Bill is smart enough to own up to it. Epstein is a predator including financially. Proof: type in his zip code in the free sex offender app for your iphone and ipad and he comes up as sex offender but his ny address doesn't show up although the data base recognizes it. Is that because Epstein does not want to pay the steep taxes that New Yorker pay so he uses the Virgin islands as a tax shelter? He made his fortune here in NYC, USA yet he robs the tax payers of this Country? Some of the free sex offender apps show St. Thomas, New Mexico, Florida and the NY address is recognized. How did Epstein come to buy one of the biggest mansions in NYC? As anyone taken a look in to the purchase of the house. Wealthy people can fly to the poorest countries and the poor turn their kids over to them. What did Andrew and Jeff do in Thailand. Any reports on their visit? It is amazing to me that Ghislaine Maxwell was served a subpoena and walked away. I would love to know what lawyers asked her. What does Leslie Wexner have to say about all this. It was reported in forbes he dropped Epstein as his trustee.
Folks: I am Jewish and Epstein doesn't represent the Jews like Woody Allen he is a bad Apple with no chance of redemption or any motivation to take responsibility because here in NYC they are above the law as are the rich, connected, celebrities, politicians.
See the posting before this which shows you thousands of nyc gov. workers and politicians protesting. Wisconsin may come to NYC and Greece for that matter.
Read more:
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Violent Fragile NYC teenage girl slash victim - I bet monster blamed her!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew excoriated in cartoon The NY Post way too old guys preying on young girls
Jeffrey Epstein Prince Andrew's BF is listed on Sex Offender App download for free from Apple for you Iphone
Before you take your family to the Frick Museum, any of the tony museums on the upper East Side or the Central Park kid's playgrounds, you may want to type the zip code 10021 in to the free Sex Offender Apps you can download from Apple to your Iphone or Ipad. Hey isn't that Mike Bloomberg's zip code?
If you want to type in Epstein's exact address right behind The Frick you can find it listed here and I want to warn you the legal document is shocking and disturbing as well as a gender bender and bizarrely enough 2 of the 3 free sex offender apps list Jeffrey Epstein as "female" which is ironic when you look at the legal brief above. The NY Post covered the transgender (?) underage victim that alleged Epstein lured to this house.
If you don't want to read the tawdry legal filing that lists Victoria Secrets and Leslie Wexner as well as Epstein then here is an article from The NY Times. or rather this article
From NYTimes article: "Or maybe the footman of the private money manager Jeffrey Epstein, out doing reconnaissance in front of No. 9, one of the largest houses in Manhattan. Across the street from the soaring (and heavily surveilled) arched door of No. 9 is the back of the Frick, a solid holding wall."
Leslie Wexner has a yacht called The Limitless but apparently Jeffrey Epstein has forced Wexner to realize he has limits after all as well at one point small children that Epstein was the trustee to?
In the Forbes article below apparently Wexner had enough and replaced Epstein as trustee. Could it be in the words of Donald Trump, Epstein's good friend, "you're fired."?
The free apps allow you to locate Epstein here in NYC by typing in his NYC address and zip code but remember they are free so perhaps if you pay for the Offender Apps ranging from $1.99 - $3.99 you will get even more information. For the free Apps you will find Jeffrey Epstein's photo and various locations of his homes including St. Thomas, New Mexico and Florida very much like what is listed here except this page includes France as well. Didn't France have a problem with one of our major stars messing with an underage woman but he threatened to never return and the problem went away?
Why isn't Epstein's NYC address officially listed although the free data base for sex offender in the app store recognizes it? Perhaps because Epstein is an "offshore billionaire" although Forbes has an article claiming he might not be one at all. Epstein is one of many rags to riches New Yorkers that doesn't want to declare NYC as his home so he uses the Virgin Islands as a tax shelter. He enjoys the word "Virgin" and perhaps for other sheltering reasons?
Woody Allen and even Prince Andrew are not listed as "offenders" on these free Apps just yet but maybe one day down the road? Why is Andrew so tight with Epstein a registered sex offender? Poor Queen Elizabeth.... She is preparing to celebrate her Grandson's marriage and she has to hear about her troubled son Andrew making front cover news with a shady off-shore billionaire sexual predator.
Some even wondered if Ghislaine Maxwell, famous for her "introductions" aka a special services girl friday would end up serving time and listed as an offender as well because she was known to make arrangements Epstein's "entertainment" such as massages. In NYC and LA the rich and connected are mostly above the law as most recently illustrated by Charlie Sheen.
There is a rumor that the Feds gave Epstein special treatment and it wasn't just for helping them with the Bear Stearns debacle....what could Epstein possible have that the feds might also be interested in....hmmm
Names of some free sex offender apps :"Find Sex Offenders Free", "Sex Offenders Lite" and"Watch Out" which has a picture of a red devil and all carry Jeffrey Epstein's photo, his height, weight, eye color and list some of the many addresses he calls home.
Epstein wins an elite place among registered sex offenders as one with addresses in the most expensive postal codes in the world but he might have some elite company down the road, you never know.
If Woody Allen did what he did in middle America he would still be in jail, not married to his victim able to adopt children. Jeffrey Epstein would never ever have been busted in NYC, let's face facts. He got busted in Florida but managed to slither out of a prison sentence that would mean 20 years for a regular Joe.
Yesterday The New York Post ran Epstein and Randy Prince Andy going for a walk together near Epstein's home here in NYC with photos on the front cover. Prince Andrew is not looking very attractive these days and Epstein looks agitated both guys look old but these guys have no problem getting female company and it certainly isn't for their reputations. If Andrew continues on this route he may find himself uninvited to the upcoming Royal Wedding. Ghislane Maxwell won't be getting invitation, that is for sure but she avoided joining Epstein on the offender app. There are a few women listed on the free sex offender app as well an alleged off shore billionaire.
I would like to ask Donald Trump if he will be spending quality time with Epstein. Trump likes to be surrounded by young beautiful women as well and Epstein and he were friends. I guess it is okay with Trump as long as it is not his daughter or in Trump's case, I should say granddaughter. I would be interested in what Trump has to say about Epstein.
Note: I have met Epstein and his special services gal friday Ghislaine Maxwell and when I think of these two a four letter word comes to mind, "jail". Can Epstein and Company buy a get out of jail free card? He did once already.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Misogynist NYC nauseated by Egyptian creatures posing as men who attacked Lara Logan
Here in NYC we women live all kinds of assaults by cowardly men who have clearly big time problems and even some gal pal supporters but this Lora Logan attack was nauseating!
I do have praise for the women and Egyptian soldiers that came to her rescue!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Huffington runs a phony public relations piece for Christine Quinn to be mayor --anyone having Mike Bloomberg for a 3rd term flash backs? My comment was not approved! Only male comments approved. Author only supports women that sell-out to rich developers!
Christin Quinn has a phony puff piece written on Huffington!
I posted this.
This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Christine Quinn aka Mike's mini-me and also Ms. Slush and Intimidation will have a harder time being elected than Mike Bloomberg did his 3rd term and that was with spending 109 million dollars "on the books". Check this out because some interesting tid bits will be added. You might also enjoy this YouTube I made to express how New Yorkers feel about Christine Quinn and Mike Bloomberg It is 20 seconds long.
Folks: He did not approve my comment! Do you think he discriminated against me for some reason? I won't post a link to the article because it is so pathetic!
Christine Quinn aka Mike's mini-me and also Ms. Slush and Intimidati
Folks: He did not approve my comment! Do you think he discriminated against me for some reason? I won't post a link to the article because it is so pathetic!
For more laughter on Christine Quinn who sold us out to real estate developers and sold Mike's great lie we needed him for a 3rd term to help us with the economy check out this YouTube. Mike and Christine only helped their rich pals who are donating to Quinn's campaign.
and I made this for the NYPD: Dear NYPD Christine Quinn wants to be your mayor!
1 of your friends Commented on this article
Donny Moss Commented 7 minutes ago
"Here's what else Christine Quinn has done: overturned
term-limits against the will of the people; allocated millions
of dollars in slush funds to fake charities and doled them out
in exchange for political favors; made a back room deal with
the NYPD to curb NYers freedom of assembly; used (and continues
to use) millions of dollars of discretionary funds to control
votes; killed several bills that have a veto-proof majority in
the Council because they don't suit her political agenda; used
over 30 city employees to collect signatures to put her on the
ballot in 2009; accepted millions of dollars from real estate
developers after promising on the record not to accept any
money from them; scored the lowest on human rights issues of
all Manhattan Council members on the Center for Urban Justice's
annual report card; blocked every meaningful animal protection
bill at City Hall."
term-limits against the will of the people; allocated millions
of dollars in slush funds to fake charities and doled them out
in exchange for political favors; made a back room deal with
the NYPD to curb NYers freedom of assembly; used (and continues
to use) millions of dollars of discretionary funds to control
votes; killed several bills that have a veto-proof majority in
the Council because they don't suit her political agenda; used
over 30 city employees to collect signatures to put her on the
ballot in 2009; accepted millions of dollars from real estate
developers after promising on the record not to accept any
money from them; scored the lowest on human rights issues of
all Manhattan Council members on the Center for Urban Justice's
annual report card; blocked every meaningful animal protection
bill at City Hall."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Misogynists deliver from the murders on down...
Murder home delivered....
Women deal with hate on the street from verbal attacks to the worst kind, on the internet and why...?
Gee did he
a) blame her
b) say she was crazy
c) is one of many men that dumps their own self hate (their crazy) and anger at being rejected on to women and girls?
Misogynists have way too much self hate so hating others is a vacation and they are always blaming women. They can't handle rejection and based on their behavior they get a lot of it.
Murder home delivered....
Women deal with hate on the street from verbal attacks to the worst kind, on the internet and why...?
Gee did he
a) blame her
b) say she was crazy
c) is one of many men that dumps their own self hate (their crazy) and anger at being rejected on to women and girls?
Misogynists have way too much self hate so hating others is a vacation and they are always blaming women. They can't handle rejection and based on their behavior they get a lot of it.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Christine Quinn for Mayor if YOU want Mike Bloomberg for a 4th term!
Joanna Molloy on Lara Logan being violated by Nir Rosen and Debbie Schlussel as well as sexual assault and beating by a gang of Egyptian men
Women are always blamed for being assaulted verbally and or physically or worse case murdered and often women are even harsher judges on fellow women than men. Welcome to Misogyny 101.
Suzannah B. Troy
Women are always blamed for being assaulted verbally and or physically or worse case murdered and often women are even harsher judges on fellow women than men. Welcome to Misogyny 101.
Suzannah B. Troy
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
CBS News Reporter gang sexually assaulted and savagely beaten, a group of Egyptian women and 20 soldiers saved her life
She was flown here in the USA where she is safe and recovering in a hospital.
9th Precinct telephone not working to well but I did get through
I had to call the 9th Precinct this morning and it rang a lot before the answering machine picked up--- not good .
I did get through and I had a chat with an NYPD detective. By the end of today it will be 3 precincts and the officer that handled the aggravated harassment complaint I filed against Lincoln Anderson, middle aged white male that involves emails (after I demanded Anderson stop contacting me) where Anderson defends an ex-employee of his a grossly obese much older white blogger (who doesn't want to be photographed especially without his shirt) that posted a photo of an African American woman topless, mid-50's, blind in one eye, mostly homeless or in jail, wrestling with mental illness and alcoholism -- high and topless.
Well after discussing new information with friends and lawyers it was decided to contact the NYPD.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Statue in Manhattan of a monstrous doctor that operated on Women who were slaves without anesthesia -- the statue must go!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Dave Paterson gets on NYU, the evil empire's payroll, why am I not surprised?
NYU is the evil empire crushing our communities so how appropriate they hire a liar and a guy that I believe ever so politely intimidated a victim of spousal abuse by his friend he put on payroll courtesy of the NY tax payers.
After I wrote this blog posting it was revealed that Paterson called her directly as well as having his staff contact her.
No surprise NYU would rush to hire him. He has been accused of lying, zero integrity, etc. Perfect. John Sexton is the Darth Varder of NYU minus any redemeening quality. I would say he sold out but Sexton sold his soul and bought up our neighbors. The only thing Sexton, Bloomberg and Amanda the people's Burden have not done besides tear down our historic buildings is provide buses trains and NYU trolleys to move long term community members out. Dave Paterson is perfect for the evil empire.
NY, NY gives her flowers and than a bullet in her brain...leaving 2 kids without a Mom
The Loop 21 has exclusive on the woman that brought down Chris Lee and the gist men outnumber women and....
The gist of her thinking is guys out number gals...she posted a listing on Craig's list for fun...
Read the link above....
A long time ago I posted an ad and I said "no married men" and guess how many married men still wrote me? A lot!!!!!!!!! Ick. The only way to be sure married men do not cheat is to brand M on their forehead. He could photo shop it out of the photo but even make-up could cover-up a brand.
Highly recommended if you want to make sure you are in a non-cheating relationship.
This was the quickest resignation EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. I did my ad and did not use my name -- I never met one guy although I got thousands of responses proving this woman's points -- straight guys way out number straight women. One guy tracked me down even though I did not use my name and actually thought I would want to date him. Not a rocket scientist. Duh. She is right -- the response was huge. I did not get any recognizable politicians or responses that interested me. Now I associate Craiglist with serial killers and would not recommend any woman ever hook up with a guy from Craiglist -- it is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
NYC where a pregnant Mom gets mugged by a group of teens including one female and there parents are MUM...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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