Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Misogyny NYC hate the strange ways it comes out
hate - fine line between love and hate -- zero respect -- look at the treatment -- not the treatment of love for women....
hate - fine line between love and hate -- zero respect -- look at the treatment -- not the treatment of love for women....
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tiger Woods won't say he loves his ex?
Tiger Woods will not answer questions if the question is "Do you love your ex-wife?" which he was asked quite a bit by Andrea Peyser of The New York Post until she was escorted out of The Barclay Tournament. Lucky for her, she was not stoned but sports bloggers came very close to doing so.
In theory it is none of our business but when Tiger Woods made himself over in to a multi-billion dollar brand and he used photos of his wife and children to express a wholesome family man image than he opens the door to these questions. Acting like a bachelor porn king and not a devoted family man, giving mistresses millions of dollars pay-outs and a very large undisclosed amount to his now ex-wife does leave some people, not me wondering.
As an adult child of divorced parents here is unsolicited advice to Tiger Woods or whom ever his handlers are. Tiger, when reporters or anyone ask you, "Do you love Elin Nordegren?" The answer is a no-brainer.
The answer is "Yes!" She is the mother of our children." That simple. Why would I say that. Not for your world wide audience of fans Tigers but for your kids.
As they grow up their peers may taunt them like throwing DVDs of porn parodies at them or taunt them saying your father did not love your mother.
Tiger tainted his reputation, his career and hurt his family That was all Tiger's doing with the help of his enablers -- alleged friends. My gut feeling is he has still not taken full responsibility and his silence when asked about if he loves Elin is just another clue. Any fan that comes to his defense is not helping him. He put himself in the global media's head lights and that helped fuel his fortune and now he has to take responsibility or not. He could buy Hugh Hefner out and take-over his crown and scepter. It is his call and his choices but Woods can't escape the glare of the media spotlight; I believe it is his cocaine. He could walk away and live a quiet life and he doesn't. If he wants to play golf and be a brand he has to stand up and take responsibility and smarten up.
Tiger, it is a simple answer to a simple question and you answer it for your two children. Yes, I love my ex-wife.
By the way Tiger if you want to pay me for my words of wisdom you would have to pay a lot more than you paid women to be silent. Good luck and err on the side of love for children's sake.
A note of praise for Elin Nordegren. In my blog piece posted here asking if the "old Tiger was back sexually?" I had written I hope she does something good to help others. I read some where she is going to do something wonderful with some of that money and it may be centers to help people that have gone through the trauma of emotional issues from family breaks up, etc. I wish I had a link for you but the center and I hope there will be more than one will be in Florida. Bravo Elin.
If Tiger wants to move the healing process forward share the love and gratitude for the mother of his two children to the world who has looked in from their very birth on.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mike Bloomberg and Dave Paterson's economic racism against American Indians by Suzannah B. Troy

Watch my YouTube and hear my outrage. Also I ask you why are no leaders including President Obama speaking out on behalf of The American Indians and this racist behavior and economic oppression.
Here is some basic economics: The economic opportunities are so limited because the American Indians live on a reservation. Unlike king Mike who makes a fortune on going global in every way possible from information services, tech and I am guessing real estate most American Indians do not have the opportunities that Americans have because they mostly live on reservations.
Please do not talk to me about casinos as end all be alls for American Indians because that is another new form of prejudice and stupidity folks which lets people ignorant people right American Indians economic injustices and far worse off.
The American Indians have suffered enough and king Mike and an embattled accidental governor that in my opinion is guilty of ever so gentle intimidation of an alleged victim of spousal abuse are getting away with economic racism. Paterson objected to Bloomberg's racism comment but joins him in economic racism against the Seneca Tribe and American Indians!
Listen to my YouTube to hear more.
Just a reminder if you do not have time to watch my YouTube -- my jacket with patches in the Sept. 11 Museum has a patch from the Seneca American Indians and why? Because they ran down immediately after Sept. 11 to help us. The American Indians helped build the WTC and NYC. They were there front line for us right after Sept. 11.
The fact this racism is being tolerated right now in New York City is intolerable and I am shocked President Obama is silent as well.
FYI: King Mike Bloomberg's city planner socialite mega-millionaire Amanda the People's Burden is responsible along with Mike Bloomberg for the mass displacement of New Yorkers; one example, aiding and abetting eminent domain abuse to make the entire community of Manhattanville move for Columbia University's expansion. I have seen Bloomberg-Burden aid NYU in the tear down of St. Ann's and the push through of the illegal air sale over St. Ann Church from 1847 by the USPS to NYU.
If the Seneca tribe could have only gotten Mike to do massive real estate dealings and financial dealing for his pals on their reservation than he would be their champion.
Right now Bloomberg needs to apologize and back off.
President Obama where are you in the face of this ugly economic racism?
p.s. In Mike Bloomberg's private empire heroin is cheaper to buy and sell than cigarettes!
Welcome to Mike's hideous "new" New York!
Tiger Woods, old tiger back sexually too? by Suzannah B. Troy
Golf news outlets and fans are joyfully alerting us "the old Tiger is back? All of Tiger's supporters must be celebrating I am sure. One bit of news I have never heard reported is what of his good friends slash enablers. Where are they today? Are they still in place and still considered his best friends but no more dirty work needed because there is no wife in play to deceive. So will his best buddies be helping him to play hard off the field as much as he does on the field?
Tiger Woods is a brand. As much as I am sympathetic to Elin Nordegren and even more so the children she was wearing Nike from head to toe as if to say I am considering staying in the marriage and I understand how many mega bucks Nike makes for my husband aka Tiger Woods brand.
Have you noticed Elin has stopped being a walking Nike billboard? I have.
Elin is no weak victim here. She has suffered. I have never been married but I had a series of traumatic events (not a lover) so disturbing I too lost weight, lost hair and could not sleep and believe many other women identify with being victimized and having to find someone way to heal so I will be tuning in for that reason but Elin is unusal.
Elin Nordegren walks away with way more than the top pay-out for a Tiger mistress. All of Tiger Woods pay-outs came with a provision that the women shut up except for one....his wife.
Tiger Woods gave pay-outs to mistresses not because he cared but only to shut them up. The mistresses that were not paid to be quiet all made it clear he played with them like barbie dolls and threw them away when done without an apology or a nod.
Elin Nordegren's interview in People will possible break People Magazine records because the global audience wants to hear what she has to say. As I mentioned in my previous post, it is hard to believe she was clueless but either way Nordegren is a compelling young woman and she comes out landing on her feet and appearing quite strong.
Golf news outlets tout the old Tiger is back. My question is sexually speaking is the old Tiger back? If so he many guys will envy him and he should consider becoming a porn mogul in his spare time but if the old Tiger is back it won't be good for Tiger Woods the brand.
accidental Gov. Paterson a liar? By the way is Albany going to balance the budget anytime soon?
Welcome to misogynist NYC; Paterson every so gently intimidates an alleged victim of spousal abuse in to silence and he gets to walk away. How many of his staff members quit over his intimidation and his best friend aid's involvement? Too many and Kaye clearly a female member of the misogynist club lets him walk. Oh gee, same best friend and aid involved here as well. Rumor is Paterson is a chronic liar. He needed to resign before his staff members. By the way is the budget balanced yet? It was due April 1, 2010. Not balancing it along with corrupt dealings here in NYC mean budgetary hell here in NYC next year. Thanks to all that aid corrupt politicos to stay in office.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Gov. Paterson criminal charges for Yankee tickets? How about intimidation of spousal abuse victim?
True News http://truenewsfromchangenyc.blogspot.com/

The Coverup is Always Worse Than the Crime, Ask Nixon
Breaking News Gov. faces possible criminal charges over Yank tix testimony: report (NYP) * Paterson Misled Inquiry Over Tickets, Report Says (NYT) * Gov. Paterson facing possible criminal charges for 'misleading' statements over Yankees tickets (DN)
New Health Center Will Not Be at St. Vincent's (NYT)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Elin Nordegren speaks Tiger Woods still does not get it
The new issue of People Magazine due out this Friday will leave the Sandra Bullock cover in the dust in terms of sales.
Speaking of this Tuesday, Sandra Bullock will be on Matt Lauer's tv show but she won't talk about baby Louis or Jesse James; she will only talk about Hurricane Katrina.
Back to Elin and People....apparently she had a lot to say. Sad thing is is Tiger Woods still doesn't get it and when asked about her thoughts he said "I feel the same way." Wake up Tiger. You are not capable of feeling the same way. Here is the video of Tiger posted on TMZ.
She does talk about insomnia, weight loss and any one going through trauma or mourning a death whether of a person or a marriage can relate. About half of Americans will get divorced and there are plenty more that want out so this caught people's attention but also because Tiger Woods was such a liar and lead such a dark double life so it will be interesting what happens now that he is free to do what he pleases as long as he doesn't jeopardize his relationship any further. As these kids get older they will need parenting tips about how to deal with kids taunting them about Woods shocking behavior while married to their Mom.
The People Magazine due out this Friday will see like the Iphone4. Well not as hot as that but it will be a hot item. People want to hear what she has to say and what she will do. How about becoming a model for Adidas?
I would not want to endure what Elin Nordegren did and I feel sorry for the kids. It is hard to believe she did not lay a hand or a golf club on him. She has lived the American Dream starting as an au pere and ending up a mega-millionairess. Good luck and Elin, I just got my nails done. My nail polish "I am PeaceKeeper" and all the money for Peacekeeper products go to helping abused women....Please do something to help people that are not as lucky as you that can't walk away and take the kids when they need to.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Female Lt. in 9th Precinct NYPD East Village called c//t by subordinate
East Village Misogynist anti-women and the Misogynist club even has some female club members...
I knew certain police officers were hanging out with a blogger - an old grossly obese male that does not want to be photographed but photographs an African American homeless woman, 56 years old topless and drunk out of her mind -- I made the term "misogynist club" up for Lincoln Anderson who let me know in crazy emails that I turned in to the NYPD that this blogger's exploitation of the poverty level woman who appears to be mentally ill as well as other disturbing issues -- was just okay.
Well the commander being sued seemed like a nice guy to me and he is well repsected.
Any police officer and this was a subordinate and his name is not given - should be fired on the spot but the union of course protects this behavior....?
She is sueing the commander, D.I. DeQuattro for allegedly undermining her authority as well as the NYPD for sexual discrimination. Again I have to say many people thought highly of DeQuattro and he seemed very dedicated to helping the community.
The 9th was called the //// house. Than the new 9th Precinct and now the rape precinct because of the two police officers -- one that had sex with a woman that was so drunk she had vomited in a cab and the younger officer stood there and watched. The story is even worse than that as they are alleged to have made a fake 911 call and there was heroin in they NYPD officer's locker. You have to google to find out all the information.
The 9th also has 2 female officers that are lower than awful in my opinion but they do have some good officers.
I just can't believe a man can call his boss a C/// and still be employed.
East Village Misogynist anti-women and the Misogynist club even has some female club members...
I knew certain police officers were hanging out with a blogger - an old grossly obese male that does not want to be photographed but photographs an African American homeless woman, 56 years old topless and drunk out of her mind -- I made the term "misogynist club" up for Lincoln Anderson who let me know in crazy emails that I turned in to the NYPD that this blogger's exploitation of the poverty level woman who appears to be mentally ill as well as other disturbing issues -- was just okay.
Well the commander being sued seemed like a nice guy to me and he is well repsected.
Any police officer and this was a subordinate and his name is not given - should be fired on the spot but the union of course protects this behavior....?
She is sueing the commander, D.I. DeQuattro for allegedly undermining her authority as well as the NYPD for sexual discrimination. Again I have to say many people thought highly of DeQuattro and he seemed very dedicated to helping the community.
The 9th was called the //// house. Than the new 9th Precinct and now the rape precinct because of the two police officers -- one that had sex with a woman that was so drunk she had vomited in a cab and the younger officer stood there and watched. The story is even worse than that as they are alleged to have made a fake 911 call and there was heroin in they NYPD officer's locker. You have to google to find out all the information.
The 9th also has 2 female officers that are lower than awful in my opinion but they do have some good officers.
I just can't believe a man can call his boss a C/// and still be employed.
Monday, August 23, 2010
TMZ exclusive on Tiger Woods divorce by Suzannah B. Troy
Harvey Levin says there was a chill in the air at the legal preceding between Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren where they both showed up but did not say a word to each other. The rest was standard including both being assigned parenting classes!
Tune in to night for more dish from TMZ. Here is my post on the divorce from early today.
I suggested Tiger Woods consider breaking out officially into the porn industry in my earlier post and on that note TMZ has more on the possible sex tape deal with Heidi Montag and Vivid and it is really interesting.... It involves Heidi and her soon to be ex- Spencer Pratt who wants to make this sex tape deal happen staying at the same hotel....hmmm. Is it a possible sex tape conspiracy? Spencer Pratt is not a millionaire and apparently he and perhaps Heidi have decided to take the express track via Vivid. Watch the Steve Hirsch interview by Harvey Levin. Sounds like Steve could be talking to Tiger as well.... Check it out....
Remember the Tiger Woods porno spoof tapes..... Does it seem some days like all roads leads read to the porn world....? Certainly plenty of Tiger Woods mistresses hailed from there.
Tune in to night for more dish from TMZ. Here is my post on the divorce from early today.
I suggested Tiger Woods consider breaking out officially into the porn industry in my earlier post and on that note TMZ has more on the possible sex tape deal with Heidi Montag and Vivid and it is really interesting.... It involves Heidi and her soon to be ex- Spencer Pratt who wants to make this sex tape deal happen staying at the same hotel....hmmm. Is it a possible sex tape conspiracy? Spencer Pratt is not a millionaire and apparently he and perhaps Heidi have decided to take the express track via Vivid. Watch the Steve Hirsch interview by Harvey Levin. Sounds like Steve could be talking to Tiger as well.... Check it out....
Remember the Tiger Woods porno spoof tapes..... Does it seem some days like all roads leads read to the porn world....? Certainly plenty of Tiger Woods mistresses hailed from there.
Donald Trump on the Mosque, say what? By Suzannah B. Troy
The New York Post has a big photo that perhaps has been air brushed just a little of Donald Trump chiming in on the Mosque at Ground Zero saying it is wrong.
I wrote this comment and posted on The New York Post website.
Here is my previous post on this blog site on The Mosque....
I wrote this comment and posted on The New York Post website.
Suzannah B. Troy
08/23/2010 6:28 PM
Donald Trump is describing how every community feels about his buildings and at Spring and Varrick a construction worker died. No one wanted that hideous building and Christine Quinn would not even show up to the city council task force meeting on DOB where I did show up and speak about way too many construction deaths. It is believed she did not show up because she did not want to face a massive turn out protesting the Trump build at Spring and Varrick. I am for religious freedom but I do think the mosque build at the WTC is not appropriate and instead of building bridges and healing they are creating far more pain and why would they do that. Also they need to be open about where they intend to get money to build their Mosque.
Here is my previous post on this blog site on The Mosque....
Tiger Woods divorce final
NBC reports the divorce between Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren is now officially complete, the marriage over and out. Fox Sports reports more details as well as dismisses rumors about the financial wind fall Nordegren is too receiving saying it will be much lower some where between 100 to 150 million dollars but maybe in time more info will come out. For now hush, hush accept they will share custody.
He may now be officially one of the most eligible bachelors around with longs lines of women eager to date him because apparently if you are saavy and hire Gloria Allred it may pay off for you big time but plenty of women are hugely turned off by him.
Woods and Nordegren released this statement:
“We are sad that our marriage is over and we wish each other the very best for the future,” Woods and Nordegren said in a joint statement released by their respective lawyers.
“While we are no longer married, we are the parents of two wonderful children and their happiness has been, and will always be, of paramount importance to both of us.
My final thoughts are Tiger Woods might think about a new career in the porn industry perhaps becoming a media mogul... He has plenty of fans that will tune in no matter what. I am not one of them. Here is an early post of mine on Jesse James and Tiger Woods and sex addiction.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Calling all women who want to drink in NYC do it with caution -- here is why....
Before I tell you why --- I have to tell you before you read the article above which quotes Capt. Winski. He and I have never actually spoke although in the short time he has taken over the command of the 1st Precinct I have written one commendation and numerous complaints against him re: vendors and The Mercer Hotel.
That being said I do praise him for this work. Why? Jennifer Moore -- rest in peace.
Jennifer Moore was underage and she was brutally raped and murdered and this was easily accomplished because she had been out drinking although not legally old enough to do so at a Chelsea bar in a night club.
Imette St. Guillen also brutally raped and murdered. She was old enough to be legally drinking but she drank too much. Her friend left her. Big mistake. If one of your friends is drinking hard do not, I repeat do not leave them. Imette St. Guillen drank to much and pay a price no human being should.
Laura Garza http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local&id=7406554 Laura Garza's remains have finally been found but no witnesses has come forward to tie evidence to the alleged murderer. Please think back if you can and if there is any information to put her murderer or any murder behind bars speak up.
NYPD - Official New York City Police Department Web Site
Call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477); Text "TIP577" (plus your message) to "CRIMES" ( 274637); Submit Internet Tips · rss Subscribe to NYPD Most Wanted RSS ...
www.nyc.gov/nypd - Cached - Similar
Way back when....I went to how many community board meetings in the East Village to talk over and over about night life concerns, too many bars and too many mega dorms. I went to the 9th Precinct's community meetings to talk about night life concerns and at the time protest both the community board chair who owned at least 10 bars in the E. Village and cronies...this is ancient history. I could not get the mayor's office, the pathetic excuse of a Manhattan Borough president Stringer to do squat, the SLA but the chair no longer is no longer the community board bar czar of the East Village. Community boards are the most undemocratic part of city gov. We did not vote for these people to represent us. We also don't have enough good talented citizens to represent us and that includes top spots in city and state positions....meaning the people are screwed.
Back to underage drinking and drinking and drugging -- both legal and illegal drugs and a combination there of..... Don't do it.
NYU wants to make the entire area one big dorm and party central. The drug dealers are thrilled. Any young person they hook is a slave and a meal ticket but the bottom line is as much as NYC is a wonderful city it is filled with predators.
Do not drink if you are under age. Anyone drinking more than a glass of wine or a beer please be careful. Bring a buddy....a sober buddy to make sure you get home safe.
Do not leave your drink unattended and make sure the drink if poured in front of you. If you have doubts buy a bottle of beer and keep an eye on it. Why? I don't care if they are wearing a $5,000 business suit, a cop uniform, a fireman, a priest or rabbi - anyone could slip the date rape drug in your drink so do not leave your drink unattended.
Do not mix prescription drugs with booze -- it is too dangerous.
In my opinion stay away from Ambien (perscription sleeping pill) or any aggressive male taking ambien --- ambien could make someone abusing the substance even more aggressive. I do not think anyone popping ambien should be allowed to carry a gun.
Do make sure you get a safe ride home and one good option is to call Right Rides...
Do not get behind a wheel of car. I use to hear people screaming in the middle of the street at 3:30, 4am asking where did I park my car? They were so drunk and besides waking me up they frightened me -- are they getting in to a car with a drunk screaming person driving? Scary....Welcome to nightlife NYC.
Be alert out there. There are predators just hoping you will get drunk to rob you or worse...
Woman parks Dept. raped in park bathroom Brooklyn
This posting will go on my Misogynist NYC Blog
How many rapes go unreported..how much violence never makes it to the stats --- why so much violence towards women....?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Eat, Pray and Love --Pass by Suzannah B. Troy
Why am I posting this here? Because I talk about "The Men Who Hate Women" book series also know as The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo book series....
I love Julia Robert's smile but I have to pass on this chick flick -- at least for now. My mom, I lovingly refer to her as "Attila the Mum" gave the film a thumbs up and said I must go see this movie. Just the travel visuals are sumptuous.
I asked Mom is there any Prozac in the film? I don't know if you are aware that movies get bucks for product placement? Sounds like no Prozac but the reason I ask is I tried reading the book and I thought it was awful. I recall before I threw the book in the garbage I remembered she was popping Prozac.
Please explain to me how people get book deals and movie deals because I would like them and I have more interesting stories to tell.
Anyway, after gobbling up "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy I did walk in to Barnes and Nobles and request they set up a table to console readers and give them a book list of books but so far B&N has not cashed in on my great idea.
I did find a great book on my own with the most awful title possible and you have no idea when it first starts that it is actually a good book.
"Enlightment for Idiots", yes, I did warn you an awful title. I am half way through and loving it. I am in India now -- in the book that is...rather visit vicariously via the author Anne Cushman. I am only half way through because my brain is so tired I just can't read anything except The New York Post and The New York Daily News and I am looking for corruption in NY politics and the horoscope. I am also looking at what they don't report... for the quirky fans of my YouTube on Mike Bloomberg series - including the one where I yell at him on the steps of City Hall and king Mike gives me the thumbs up -- here is yet another YouTube of me complaining the press won't cover any opposition to king Mike pre-the election as I re-work my portrait of king Mike Bloomberg. Unlike Diane Sawyer, I get bored talking about the same old thing so I have to resort to outrageous actions like "Mike Bloomberg no third term undies", etc. Okay my point being...I don't need to travel.
If you want to see an unusual strange flick about yoga, spirituality and India than rent "Enlighten Up". It is the un-Hollywoowood Yoga spiritual film with no Julia Roberts.... a bit strange but I liked it.
And I am ending with a local East Villager's photographs, Adam Bernstein...check out his photos of India if you want to say 12 dollars + another 10 for popcorn & water. I don't think I have the energy to sit through 15 minutes of coming attractions that I feel they should pay me to watch and a long Hollywoo-wwod movie right now.
I can't wait for the American Hollywoo-wood version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo though. I am waiting for the 3rd Swedish film in the series, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" to open here in NYC and I will sprint to the movie theatre and get back to you. Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Swedish YouTuber translates The Girl who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest for me!!!!!!
I was so bummed the book publishers changed the title from "The Men Who Hate Women" to "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo".
This really cool sweet Swedish YouTuber translated the other two titles for me!
The English title of book 2 is close to the Swedish (in original it's "Flickan som lekte med elden". Book 3 ("Luftslottet som sprängdes") would literary be translated as "The castle in the sky which got blown up".
This really cool sweet Swedish YouTuber translated the other two titles for me!
The English title of book 2 is close to the Swedish (in original it's "Flickan som lekte med elden". Book 3 ("Luftslottet som sprängdes") would literary be translated as "The castle in the sky which got blown up".
Scarlett Johansson David Fincher please no Dragon by Suzannah B. Troy
Gate Crasher of The New York Daily News reports Scarlett Johansson may be a shoe in for the American version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Please say it isn't so. Why? Scarlett Johansson is a talented beautiful woman but she is not equipped or perhaps too equipped to play the role.
She would have to lost about 50 pounds to play Lisbeth Sanders and her male fan base which is very large would not approve. Noomi Rapace, the Swedish actress who plays Lisbeth is so superb truly she is Lisbeth.
If David Fincher wanted to get this film just right he needs to fly to Sweden and court Rapace. Noomi Rapace is the female Johnny Depp. She lost weight for the role so she had "no curves". There is a reason Lisbeth Sanders has no curves and Scarlett Johansson has too many curves for the role.
Michael Nyqvist who plays Mikael Blomkvist is Mikael Blomkvist. David Fincher cannot find any actors better than these two Swedish actors to play the role. Truly the way to go is to make the 2nd version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo in to an HBO series....a very long series starring the original 2 actors with the high quality of a BBC production.
Whom ever Fincher casts as Lisbeth Sanders must be small, very slender to the point of almost anorexic but in great athletic shape. Scarlett Johansson could never pull off the Lisbeth Sanders role and she is very talented. I remember her first film Manny and Lo.
Lisbeth Sanders is a spectacular woman character so I was disappointed the title "Men Who Hate Women" was translated as "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" bcause Lisbeth is all woman. The series of books deal with misogyny 101 exposing the usual ways hateful men and their gal counterparts attempt to neutralize powerful women by saying they are crazy, lying about them and of course there is always violence. In telling you this I have not given any of the story lines away but an important theme that better not get lost in the "Americanization" of the film.
The film is very important because it does address misogyny, prejudice and much more. Lisbeth Sanders is a techno-savvy hero from the 21st century with a touch of Charles Bronson - Death Wish.
Here are three YouTubes I have made about Stieg Larsson's books and films. I show you me talking about "The Girl Who Plays with Fire" so you can see right away how I feel about Lisbeth".
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Craiglist Killer Phillip Markoff kills himself
Phillip Markoff killed himself in prison today and his victim Julissa Brisman's family is reeling from the news. Markoff's "self-murdered" on what would have been his one year anniversary to finance Megan McAllister if he had married her.
Markoff committed suicide and it was gruesome. I read some where a prison guard thought his higher education in medicine and understanding of anatomy gave him an edge over other prisoners but he sliced himself up -- I heard two different reports -- one he slit his wrists and the other there were wounds to his legs but the bottom line was his suffocated himself with a bag over his head and there was also a lot of blood.
As a woman that has a blog called "Misogynist NYC" I have a different take on this gruesome "self murder" than other reports you read.
I can't imagine how the family of his victims felt when they were given the new but today perhaps they felt some relief or justice that he actually murdered himself.
On my Misogynist blog I talk about the hostility and violence is directed at girls and women.
We are warned to be careful of strangers as children and getting together with men has it's risks but his fiance, Megan McAllister thought she knew him and she was clearly wrong so do you really know people? How are murderous people able to hide their dark sides or are there red flags that people are missing.
By the way I read The New York Post every day and the reporting on corruption in NYC politics and State and City government is tops but the newspaper has to be the most misogynist paper in New York.
The header for the report on Markoff, "Masseuse murder dead in jail". If there is a way The New York Post can demean and degrade a woman dead or alive the paper will do it.
Julissa Brisman was a beautiful young woman and she did not deserve to die this way. I have license in massage therapy and I worked very hard to get it. I have massage babies to people with AIDS and even given gentle massage therapy to people dying so. In NYC we insist on the title "massage therapist". Of course The New York Post want to sexualize and sleaze it up and maybe even subtle put the blame of her own death on her.
The New York Daily News reports Markoff robbed escorts believing they would not report him to the police but Brisman fought back so he killed her. Even now this story seems unbelievable. I am sure some screen writer is busily writing a script right now to pitch. I would not want to watch a movie on this horror story but it is a cautionary tale.
If he had not been caught and kudos to the police and investigative work that got him behind bars than perhaps he would have continued his successful facade as finance and married McAllister only to murder her down the road. He successfully hid his true nature from her so although we are warned to be careful of strangers -- you have to be judicious of people you know -- or should I say people you think you know.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Governor Paterson's ex-aide Dave Johnson turns himself in to police by Suzannah B. Troy
Governor Paterson's best friend and aide, oops, now ex-aide was forced or should I say voluntarily turned himself in today. David Johnson has been accused of spousal abuse by his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend Sherr-una Booker but that was quiet a while ago. She called 911 when he allegedly got physical and he fled the scene. Of course he denies everything but just for good measure Dave Paterson got involved, got his aides involved who did not know they were being used and manipulated by the accidental governor to in a quiet and gentle way encourage her to shut up and make like it never happened. How I see it is Dave Paterson being part of the "rich or connected, politicos, party -- above the law crowd" was able to remain in office even though many of his aides resigned disgusted with his inappropriate behavior and abuse of power.
In my opinion, Dave Patterson is guiltier than sin for ever so gently and politely intimidating Sherr-una, the victim of his long time friend in to silence. Judge Judy Kayne, sell-out, is part of Misogynist NYC which has too many female club members. I am stunned that Dave's good friend was even arrested and he and Dave have other scandals they have to wiggle out of including Yankee tickets and an alleged forged check by Johnson signing Dave Paterson's name. Dave Paterson is rumored have a problem with telling the truth and is alleged to have perjured himself over baseball tickets. The accidental governor is still in office and he does not belong there. New Yorkers have just set a very low bar for him and understand he is a screw up and talks the talk but his actions including his intimidation of Booker are proof he does not belong in office. It is New York so he has lots of company. Dave Paterson is truly handicapped "ethically" and he can't rise above it because he would have to get honest and take responsibility. Please see "Paterson Report by The New York Commission on Public Integrity".
Paterson really needs to spend the majority of his time with defense attorneys and he has good ones. He is embattled and Albany has still not balanced it's 9.2 billion dollar deficit due April 1 and it is almost Sept. which could mean an economic crisis something a kin to a terror attack in terms of hurting NY not that the polticos seem to care. It is like the State and City of NY are one collosal victim of spousal abuse by politicians ineffectual and unable to serve the public's best interest but excellent at serving their own.
Judge Kayne speaks double talk which could be simply translated she did not have the courage and brains and integrity to do her job and hold Patterson accountable. Please read this link for more on the story and at the bottom is another link for handling or mishandling of spousal abuse cases Dave is destined for disaster. Actually the two Daves are both destined for disaster.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Isiah Thomas does not belong in the NBA but on my blog Misogynist NYC
Isiah Thomas does not belong in the NBA but on my blog misogynistNYC. Too many women in NYC know what it is to endure a hostile environment and also be lied and trashed about.
Been there, endured that and my loyal blog readers on my main blog Suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com read my line "New Yorkers threshold for corruption is higher than our tallest sky scrapers." Well the same for misogynist, hateful, hostile, down right creepy unwanted sexual behavior towards women and way too young girls.
The USA has a long way too go with regard to acceptable treatment of it's women. Sadly compared to other countries we are light years ahead. I have nine letters published in The New York Times and they are hard to find. You have to go The New York Times website, put my name in the search engine and than hit since 1851, I know I look great for my age and than hit advance search.
Here is my letter on Women and Porn. Many years ago I made up the term "geo-sexual politics" and it means we women have come a long way but we still ain't equal. For Mae West lovers check out the double entendre I snuck into that letter!
Could the NBA be called the Misogynist Club? Yes. I am blocking out the name of the Knick player that coerced a young intern to give him oral sex and she did not want to do it. I really can't remember his name and I thought he should be punished and censured. What a disgusting guy. His behavior was exposed in the entire scandal that broke up with the Isiah Thomas scandal broke. I do not go to basketball games anymore. I would never buy a Knick anything. I don't want to support a club that is so abusive and exploitive of women.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Naomi Campbell Blood Diamonds from Charles Taylor monster
The global world owes Naomi Campbell a great thank you for bringing awareness to the Charles Taylor, an ex-Dictator, oops I meant to say ex-President of Liberia , and alleged war criminal. It takes a super model to do this even if it is for the wrong reasons and that is an understatement!
Click link below to see video footage...
If it was not for Charles Taylor sending her a bag of "blood diamonds" most people would not know his name or even be aware of his monstrous acts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_diamond. I recommend you take a look at his Wikipedia page but it won't give you enough information on the "blood" aspect of these diamonds but informs you of the Hague taking the amorous Charles Taylor to court for crimes against humanity. Naomi Campbell never imagined she would be a player in the actual trials and resisted testifying but unlike NYC, USA she couldn't wiggle her way out of this trial.
Click link below to see video footage...
Leave it to NPR to get right to the heart of the war crimes where almost every article and Wiki page sounds light. If you have gotten this far and not read the brilliant interview by NPR than you need to stop and read. Besides the horrifying crimes against humanity one ray of light Liberia and Africa now have their 1st African Woman President.
Below click on super model and explain what Nelson Mandela is doing next to Taylor to me.
Below click on super model and explain what Nelson Mandela is doing next to Taylor to me.
Not that a super model would let crimes against humanity get between her and diamonds and by the way after bragging to anyone who would listen, Naomi was very disappointed at the lack of size and beauty of these baubles but that is not her biggest problem.
Naomi Campbell's biggest problem is that she may have allegedly lied under oath about the diamonds and there may be testimony by her former agent as well as Mia Farrow, a very talented actress and humanitarian.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1301455/Mia-Farrow-Naomi-Campbell-knew-blood-diamonds-Charles-Taylor.html This link pretty much states Campbell perjured herself....don't you think?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1301455/Mia-Farrow-Naomi-Campbell-knew-blood-diamonds-Charles-Taylor.html This link pretty much states Campbell perjured herself....don't you think?
If it is proven Campbell perjured herself she is in BIG, BIG trouble, bigger than the Hope Diamond. She is not in NYC anymore where the rich and connected can get away with almost everything and walk away...
Even driven by vanity and stupidity, Naomi Campbell has done good because if you were not aware of the monstrous Charles Taylor you are now and hopefully the Naomi Campbell name will make more people around the world aware of what his actual crimes against humanity are.
Campbell was not motivated to bring attention to the horrific abuses to African people by the ex-warlord Charles Taylor who is also said to have help fund Al Qaeda but she did so she is owed a thank you in a way but she may find herself in the first really deep hole she might not be able to climb out of.
There are better ways to bring attention to the crimes against humanity in Africa and also help make a difference.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt flying to Nimba for Angelina to give birth to the beautiful Shiloh was a front line act. Angelina Jolie said to People Magazine.... "We want to tell the world how magnificent this country and the people are." Angelina Jolie also said, "We love this part of the world."
Sounds like Naomi Campbell if she gets lucky will have a long term community service position to help Africa or she may be heading to jail for perjury. Are super models allowed to go to jail?
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